Sunday, March 17, 2013

Steubenville high school football players convicted for sexual assault of intoxicated teen. A verdict that would probably have not been possible without the involvement of Anonymous. Update!

Courtesy of ABC News:  

Two Steubenville, Ohio, high school football players accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl have been found delinquent by a judge -- the juvenile court equivalent of guilty. 

The teens could serve prison time until they turn 21. 

The verdict comes after a four-day trial that included tearful testimony from the accuser who said she was "embarrassed and scared" after hearing about the night she was allegedly sexually assualted while intoxicated. 

"I honestly did not know what to think because I didn't remember anything," she testified. The teen pieced together the night's events from Twitter, Instagram photos, a YouTube video, text messages and witnesses.

This is an absolutely horrendous case, as any of you have been following it already know, but the thing about it that is so disturbing, and ultimately amazing, is the part that social media played in the humiliation of this young girl and then ensured that justice was done on her behalf.

The troubling fact is that THIS kind of scenario plays out all over the country, in towns and cities both rural and  urban. It happens to young women, at the hands of young men, almost daily.

Most of the time we live in blissful ignorance of that fact.

But THIS time the perpetrators traded pictures of their deeds, and video of them bragging about it, with others, and that led to one lone blogger taking it upon herself to try and bring some justice.

That attracted the attention of the hacker group Anonymous, who hacked into the phones and social networks of the town and the teens involved and spread what they found all over the internet.

If that had NOT happened it is very unlikely that these teens would have seen any jail time.

However don't believe that this has really resulted in justice, according to what Anonymous uncovered this may in fact simply be the tip of a very disgusting iceberg:

Anonymous also claimed to have uncovered additional information suggesting a coverup. While the county prosecutor and the judge in the case recused themselves because of their ties to the football team, the hackers say there are more attackers, as well as more victims. Moreover, they claim the alleged rape occured at prosecutor Jane Hanlin’s home, and that her son may have been involved. They also point to ties between Steubenville law enforcement and the football team.

Like I said not necessarily complete justice, but still a hell of a lot more than would have happened without the "interference" of a group that has made a name for themselves by sticking their noses in places they are not welcome, but where often their attention may be desperately needed.

However it really falls the parents of these, and other, teenagers to educate their children that "No, means no!" and drinking until you are unable to make good judgement does NOT indicate that you are more grown up.

It indicates that you need more grown up supervision.

Update: If you can stomach it, you can read for yourself some of the horrific tweets blaming the victim of this incident here. And here.

And people wonder why victims of this kind of attack don't come forward more often.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I've been following this story on several sites, including Yahoo and Jezebel. The hatred aimed at the victim for "ruining the lives of good boys who made a MISTAKE" would make you throw up to read it.The girls friends all turned on her and the town hates her because of their worship of a bunch of coddled, deified boys who play with balls.

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    And yet, when a Congresswoman tries to get men to teach boys not to rape, she is demonized. Because it is clear to GOP men that God put women on Earth to victimize. It says so right there in their fundie Bible. Somewhere.

  3. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I was so glad to see the big bad football players sobbing as the verdict was read. I'm sure their tears were for themselves and not for the victim.

    1. That's what I thought too.
      They were crying for themselves.

  4. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Beyond my comprehension:

    “Bob Fitzsimmons, lawyer for the victim and her family, said the girl has forgiven the boys for their actions.

    “She never really did want these boys to get in trouble, he said. But she knew what they did was wrong. It was her parents' decision to pursue charges.”

    Our culture is a mess. I hope the victim's parents get counseling for her.

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      I think her parents need counseling. She thought it was fine to get drunk at a party? She thinks it's fine to let these rapists walk away with their lives while she suffers? When did her parents find out what happened? Were they even home when she got home that night? How did she get home? it's really a wonder that she didn't die after all the alcohol. I would hope her parents feel guilty for not raising her better. This is not her fault; it's theirs and the boys.' And heaven forbid we 'teach boys and men not to rape.' No...just let the women be attacked and suffer the consequences...God put women here for mens' entertainment. It's what the GOP believes. And sicne they are the Bible party, it must be in there right along with 'bomb your neighbor,' and 'lie early and often.'

  5. Irishgirl4:56 PM

    Prinnie is a she, not a he. No need to post, just want to correct.

  6. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Ohio attorney general to continue investigation in Steubenville

    Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said on Sunday he would seek a grand jury investigation to look deeper into the events surrounding the rape of a 16-year-old girl while she was in a drunken stupor last summer at a party in Steubenville, Ohio.

    A juvenile judge on Sunday found high school football players Trent Mays, 17, and Ma'lik Richmond, 16, delinquent in the sex assault of the girl in the early morning of August 12 when witnesses said she was too drunk to move or speak.

    DeWine said that while they had conducted an extensive investigation, 16 people, mostly juveniles, had refused to cooperate and they could not bring a finality to it without convening a grand jury.

  7. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Rape Survivor Zerlina Maxwell Defies Racist Death Threats After Speaking Out on Fox News: Maxwell discusses her ordeal and her refusal to be silent in the face of the threats against her

  8. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Nice to see those cretins spending even less time than they deserve behind bars.

  9. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Trough the unfair privileging of jocks, I have come to despise ANY athletics besides a basic gym class in schools.
    And this gladiatorial attitude of an entire town is worse.

  10. This is a terrible crime and therefore I thank Anonymous for sticking their nose into this. Some things need to be revealed, no matter what.

    I appreciate Anonymous and cheer them on. There are a lot more revelations to come...look out, you stupid Republicans.

  11. and CNN has nothing but sympathy for the rapists:

    and not one word for the victim

    1. Lots of kickback against Crowley - no tweets that I have seen supporting CNN - none.

      I watched some of the court room antics - one of the young men apologized for taking the pictures! and his family and friends think he apologized.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

    I couldn't bring myself to read the tweets. Somehow I seem to know what they say from other rape trials.
    I followed this from the beginning, and I felt that this was going to be a long drawn out trial, but was surprised they worked all weekend long and reached the best verdict they could under the circumlstances.
    The hackers and lone blogger deserve kudos for the pressure they put on them for justice, and for supplying evidence.
    My husband called me into the family room when it broke on CNN and I almost threw a shoe at the screen. Candy bought into the boys tears at getting caught and convicted. I later found the victim's side of the story covered and was floored that she forgave them. That's one courageous young lady!

  13. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I've wondered if ,as incapacitated as that poor young lady was, if there was more going on than being drunk.I wonder if she wasn't given ruffies?

  14. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Fuck Candy Crowley.

    1. Anonymous9:24 PM


    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      CNN: Apologize on air for sympathizing with the Steubenville rapists.

  15. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Hey Gryph, I know you don't have control over the ads, but really, "Meet Thai Girls" with a photo that looks to be of a girl @ 14, an you do ANYTHING about it?

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      That's your search history causing that ad to be displayed to you. Or maybe someone else who uses your computer...

  16. Anonymous7:37 PM

    I saw this on CNN and I was ENRAGED! WTF Candy? WFT CNN? The pro-rapist angle on CNN this morning was REPREHENSIBLE and DISGUSTING! The played it for all it was worth including the sobbing families of the RAPISTS begging for mercy from the court. NOTHING about how that poor young lady has been scarred for life, and they laughed about it, shared pictures of it, boasted about their conquest. They need to think long and hard about their choices while they are in juvi. Letting them off easy is the worst thing that the judge should do, they are already so fucking arrogant, like they can't be touched. Just look at the body language, the smirks that were going on BEFORE the guilt ruling, they thought they were hot shots and they'd skate. Not so. But to have CNN practically bend over backwards to elicit SYMPATHY for these animals was like that poor girl's character being raped again.

    Candy Crowley Oozes Sympathy for Steubenville Rapists

    Shortly after the guilty verdict in the Steubenville rape case was announced, Candy Crowley took to the airwaves to report it and connect with their reporter on the ground for more details. Her lead-in to the remote shot was shameful.

    Crowley was filled with sadness for two young men who took advantage of a drunk and possibly drugged young girl because the judge actually held them accountable for what they did. Instead of wondering aloud why they weren't tried as adults, she was instead very concerned that now they would have to register for the rest of their lives as sex offenders.

    They are sex offenders. And now they're convicted sex offenders. If Crowley doubts the lightness of their sentence in the overall larger picture, consider the statement this morning from Attorney General Mike DeWine, via The Atlantic Wire:

  17. Anonymous7:38 PM

    CNN Reports Steubenville Verdict With Disgusting Pro-Rapist Bias

    Who knew that CNN was pro-rape? The former cable news leader could not contain their sorrow over the fact that the two Steubenville football players who raped a teenage girl have had their lives ruined.

    CROWLEY: Again, this case was played out in juvenile court, that is why there was a judge, no jury. He decided on the verdict, as well as, you heard there, talking about the sentence.

    We want to go now to CNN’s Poppy Harlow. She is in Steubenville, and has been covering this trial.

    I cannot imagine having just watched this on the feed coming in. How emotional that must have been sitting in the courtroom.

    POPPY HARLOW, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I’ve never experienced anything like it, Candy. It was incredibly emotional — incredibly difficult even for an outsider like me to watch what happened as these two young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very good students, literally watched as they believe their life fell apart.

    One of — one of the young men, Ma’lik Richmond, when that sentence came down, he collapsed. He collapsed in the arms of his attorney, Walter Madison. He said to me, “My life is over. No one is going to want me now.”

    Very serious crime here. Both found guilty of raping this 16- year-old girl at a series of parties back in August, alcohol-fueled parties. Alcohol is a huge part in this.

    But Trent Mays was also found guilty on a second count and that is of felony illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material because he took a photograph of the victim laying naked on the floor that night. Trent Mays will serve two years in a juvenile detention facility. Ma’lik Richmond will serve one year on that one count that he was found guilty for.

    I want to let our viewers listen because for the first time in this entire trial we have now heard from the two young men. Trent Mays stood up, apologizing to the victim’s family in court. After him, Ma’lik Richmond.



    TRENT MAYS, FOUND GUILTY OF RAPINGIN JUVENILE COURT: I would really like to apologize to (INAUDIBLE), her family, my family and community. No pictures should have been sent out or should be taken. That’s all. Thank you.

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Anything you’d like to say, Ma’lik?

    MA’LIK RICHMOND, FOUND GUILTY OF RAPE IN JUVENILE COURT: I would like to apologize. I had no intention to do anything like that and I’m sorry to put you guys through this. (INAUDIBLE) I’m sorry.


    HARLOW: I was sitting about three feet from Ma’lik when he gave that statement. It was very difficult to watch.

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      That CNN decided to paint the tears of the convicted Steubenville rapists in a sympathetic light and say how their lives were ruined — while completely ignoring the fact that the rape victim's life is the one whose life was ruined by these rapists' actions — is disgusting and helps perpetuate a shameful culture in which young people never understand the concept of consent and in which rape victims are blamed and ostracized. Changing that culture must be done brick by brick, and it can start by heaping public shame on this major cable news network and forcing them to admit that they are wrong. Publicly.

    2. Anonymous4:44 AM

      I watched one of the rapists being interviewed...certainly thought he was the victim no doubt about it.

      It's way past time that those participating in football across the nation not be put up as stars! They are not! Steubenville needs to look at how they are raising their teenagers.

      My best wishes and thoughts go out to the young girl that was raped.

    3. Anonymous4:45 AM

      CNN needs to be contacted as to their take on this matter. I stopped watching their channel a long time ago.

  18. Anonymous7:43 PM

    They are whining that victim was a whore.
    What a town! Prob Palin's "IDIL" good ole amerika!
    disgusting people they are.

  19. Dinty7:57 PM

    Get ready boys, what comes around goes around...

  20. They are rapists. End of story.

  21. The CNN Facebook page is filled with outraged comments (coming in fast and furious), you couldn't get them all read if you were up half the night. They are getting just what they deserve for their disgusting Steubenville rapist sympathizing.

  22. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Steubenville Prosecutors Say 16 More Minors Face Charges In Rape Case | …

  23. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Steubenville Rape Case: What You Haven't Heard

  24. BabyRaptor1:05 AM

    Hopefully all the kids whose refused to work with the court will spend some time in a cell. At the least, they're guilty of aiding and abetting.

  25. The Attorney General warned them yesterday after the verdict it was investigating anyone associated with the coverup, knowledge, destroying evidence and would present it to the Grand Jury. The AG said that means anyone, no one will be protected if found involved.

  26. KevinNYC4:55 PM

    Actually Anonymous got most of the stuff they alleged flat out wrong. They were relying on a lot of secondhand gossip. The prosecutor and the cops had this case pretty much solved in August. They arrested the suspects August 22. Anonymous got involved when? November? December? The cops already had done an investigation and confiscated phones that showed the texts.

    Anonymous publicized a video that was supposed to be one of the rapists bragging and joking about the event. The idiot in the video was even there when the attack took place

    What specifically did Anonymous uncover that the cops didn't know?


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