Friday, April 04, 2014

Quinnipiac releases new survey telling which political figures are the hottest right now. Two prominent female Democrats sizzle above the rest.

Courtesy of All Voices:  

She’s a first-term senator from Massachusetts who would have to beat a woman who served as first lady, US senator and secretary of state if she were to win the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016. Nonetheless, among those who know enough about her to form an opinion, Elizabeth Warren is currently the hottest name in US politics. 

The Quinnipiac University National Thermometer, updated Thursday, measures voter attitudes toward national political leaders. Warren, who rated a score of 48.6, replaced embattled New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2016, as the hottest US politician. 

In ratings released Jan. 9, before the infamous “Bridgegate” scandal damaged Christie’s reputation, he topped the hot ratings with a score of 55.5. 

But Christie’s possible role in punishing a political opponent by causing traffic jams at the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee, N.J., along with probes into allegations that Christie misappropriated federal Hurricane Sandy relief funds, have put the brakes on Christie’s once-rising star. 

“One of the worst winters in memory leaves New Jersey Gov. Christopher Christie shivering as he drops from hot to chilly in the minds of America's voters," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a news release accompanying the poll results. 

Hillary Clinton, considered the Democratic front-runner at this early stage of the 2016 presidential sweepstakes, came in second with a score of 47.8. 

"Secretary Hillary Clinton holds her own as some of the Republicans who topped the National Thermometer in January also cool in the frozen winds of winter,” Malloy said.

I know many are salivating at the idea of Elizabeth Warren running against Hillary and taking the nomination. But since she has already ruled that out people will just have to settle for the second most popular politician holding onto the White House for the Democrats.

Of course then there is the tantalizing question of what would happen if the top of the ticket and the running mate were both women?

Oooh, now wouldn't THAT turn the status quo on its head?


  1. Caroll Thompson4:37 PM

    I didn't see Sarah's name on that list and that is a good thing. Yes, it would be wonderful if Elizabeth Warren was the VP nominee with Hillary of course at the top of the ticket. Dare I hope for such a dream ticket? I think they would be unbeatable.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    There is a name missing from the list.. Now let me think.. Oh gosh I can see her face as clear as a post office FBI wanted poster. She once had a promising political career and was a private sector business leader. Her name escapes me.. oh yeah, Carly Fiorina.. LOL

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      LOL. Such a tease.

  3. London Bridges4:42 PM

    I also noticed that 2 unconvicted criminals/murderers named George have both taken up artistic painting as a means to cover up their crimes and redeem themselves. George W. Bush and George Zimmerman. Even look similar,

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Finger painting is encouraged in the asylums as therapy....

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Anon @ 6:58 PM
      The cooperative bots are evident by the paint in their nostrils. They'll be the same ones eating their paste when not nibbling on paint chips. It's okay to watch them, but try not to make eye contact.

  4. Elizabeth and Hillary, two world-class brains, I hope they can work together.

    Shut up Sarah and your stumbling relatives.

  5. AKinPA5:20 PM

    OMG! Ryan, Jindal, Walker, Rubio, and Huckabee came in 3rd through 7th! Time to think very seriously about emigrating!
    McCain is single-handedly responsible for the number of brain cells available in that brain trust (<5) by selecting the Wasilla imbecile as his running mate. Almost makes me long for the days of Dan Quayle (at least he had the grace to disappear after he and Bush I lost).

  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I have always felt that Hillary and Elizabeth should run in that order TOGETHER. What a team that would be and then Elizabeth could go for the top spot eight years later! Dems in all the way!

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      The foolishness on these boards cracks me up. How to lose an election, badly.

      It is every bit as ridiculous as the Cruz Palin chanters.

      Bottom line, neither political party is as dumb as their far left and right wingers and their extreme stupidity.

  7. Anonymous5:55 PM

    4:37 Sarah Palin would not even be considered within the categories of these two women. They are smart, experienced, educated, classy and professional in thought, word and deed.

    Sarah Palin is nothing more than white trash from Wasilla, AK and that doesn't hold any clout!

  8. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Hillary Clinton has the domestic and foreign political experience while Elizabeth Warren has the business and economic experience.

    They would be an amazing team that would do wonderful things for this country, continuing the recovery that President Obama began.

    Of course, it would take a major effort by FEMA to clean up the mess left by all those right wing heads exploding!

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Fan'd & Fav'd!!!

  9. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Reality is, it won't make much of a difference if the Rethugs/Teabaggers take the Senate and House during midterm elections. They are the ones writing the laws.
    They will continue to block everything and hold the country hostage.

    1. Anonymous8:41 PM

      And the President will veto their idiocy. Truly, they are slitting their own throats with such conduct.

    2. Anonymous3:54 AM

      Anonymous 7:19 PM
      Surely, after witnessing their dismal record and performance and their obstructionist nonsense, the American voter is smarter than to give them a Senate majority.

    3. Anonymous6:21 AM

      3:54 -
      You give far too much credit to the American voter, I'm afraid.

      We've seen way too much evidence that a great number of people will blindly vote for whichever candidate has the (R) next to their name, regardless of how self-destructive that vote may be to themselves. When many of them get their 'news' only from sources like Faux, Limbaugh and Beck, you can't expect them to understand how dangerous the GOP is to their lives and to our country. How many times have we seen Republicans reelected after scandals that would destroy a Democrat's career? (Think David Vitter and Mark Sanford vs Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer.)

      Combine that with the election tampering, voter suppression, and outright lies being told by the GOP, and the Democrats retention of Senate control is far from certain.

      The Democratic turnout for this midterm election is more critical than it's been in a very long time.

  10. Ratfish7:25 PM

    Where's the half-term governor? Didn't even make the list?

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Were it a partial list, she might have.

  11. Do you think the Dems would risk a ticket with two women?

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Not certain, but Jesus, these two fine women would make a formidable team on that basis alone. That is, no candidate on the right would dare speak out against them based on sex, lest they dare take the country even further back in the eyes of the world (as if that were possible). If I were an American, I sure as hell would vote for them!

    2. I used to think a two female ticket was a long shot.

      Now I consider that if it happened, with these two women, it would be a lock.

    3. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Clinton/Warren is my dream ticket. Wouldn't THAT just frost Esther's nethers!

    4. Anonymous2:55 PM

      A lock? I question your sanity. Don't let your dreamy desires get ahead of reality.

      It would be a definite lock-out.

  12. Anonymous7:52 PM

    This is random. But HOLY SNIKEESSS. One of the pics of Sarah from a campaign event, she looks identical to Tripp. IDENTICAL. If he had brown eyes, twins.

  13. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Exactly - Clinton/Warren with Bill appt to SCOTUS.

  14. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Risk? It's the 21st century in my world - what century is it in yours?

  15. If you thought a black President had the Republicans peeing their pants, imagine what would happen if we elected President H. Clinton and Vice President Warren.

    Their heads would explode. And we'd be safe for another 8 years. Maybe 16.

  16. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Did anyone else notice that the 'we love women' party has NO female on this list. Not Haley. Not Martinez, not any of the other female Republicans they are so anxious to trot out now that their anti-female policies are so obvious?

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      That's the difference between token females, who are figureheads, and women who are actually empowered and responsible. The GOP hasn't yet grasped that just trotting out someone in a skirt who will mouth the party line isn't the same as actually respecting women and granting them a place at the table.

  17. Anonymous4:29 AM

    If Hillary doesn't run I fear the dems will be in trouble . who else do they have with credit and name recognition?

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Looking at the clowns the GOP keeps putting forward, I believe the Democrats only have to produce a reasonable, sane person--something they have in much greater supply than their opposition.

  18. Sorry if this is already mentioned (I am not caught up on the comments) - but unfortunately, this is not as great as it appears for Elizabeth Warren. Something like 46% rated her a "DK" - which is don't know. Then the 'mean' score is calculated excluding those who "dont' know" she scores well, -out of people who recognize her name enough to give a rating. However, HR Clinton totally rules - as being known by almost all (ie. just 1% "dont know"). xoxo V


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