Friday, April 04, 2014

The reviews of the Sportsman Channel's "Amazing America with Sarah Palin" are trickling in, and so far the opinion seems to be "Meh."

At risk of losing my designation as "Palin reality show watcher-in-chief" let me admit that I did NOT watch Palin last night on the debut of her latest soon to be cancelled return to television.

As it turns out, though my cable package is fairly comprehensive, it does NOT feature the Sportsman Channel. I know, bummer right?

Since I have no intention of purchasing new channels just so I can watch something that I should only have to watch at gun point, I will continue to get all of my information about this series second hand.

You know, until it crashes and burns or Palin remembers that she does not want to have an actual job and quits.

Anyhow I looked around on the internets and found two reviews thus far.

One from a reporter at the Guardian, who kind of admits that he did not find it eye gougingly bad.

I found this part interesting: 

But as interventions in the culture wars go, Amazing America with Sarah Palin is more a water pistol than one of the high-powered rifles being sold to its watchers. The amazing Americans profiled during this hour of TV don't address the merits of Obamacare or the government shutdown. Instead, they discuss their recipes, show off their homes and drink beer straight out of pitchers at the local tavern. 

And Palin isn't even a big presence in the first episode of the very show that bears her name. She introduces segments. She adds sporadic commentary while wearing a GIRLS WITH GUNS t-shirt in front of an American flag backdrop.

Essentially the heavy lifting is done by Palin's various co-stars who go out on location and conduct the actual interviews, while she stays warm and dry inside the studio standing in front of the green screen.

The next review came from the Alaska Dispatch, from a reporter who is an old hand at watching Palin family reality train wrecks shows.

Here is how she summed it up:

Here’s what I learned watching the first two episodes of “Amazing America with Sarah Palin”: 

• We get The Sportsman Channel at my house. I literally had no idea. 
• Sarah Palin talks baby talk when she talks to dogs. (Amazing.) 
• If the credits and titles are any indication, The Sportsman Channel thinks Sarah Palin is still the governor of something. 
• Being a “modern-day cowboy” has nothing to do with wrangling cattle and much to do with liking guns. 
• Technically, under the “Amazing America” definition, I qualify as a modern-day cowboy. 
• Horses do not have airbags. 

With 10 more episodes left to go, here’s the bottom line: If you are remotely interested in guns, horses, trucks and/or dogs (no, seriously, those things are specifically mentioned in the truly awful theme song); if you like sassy girl-power messages; if you can get on board with things like stock car racing and pro wrestling; and most importantly, if you can reach deep inside of you and forget Sarah Palin is anything but an engaging television presenter with a strange accent; you can love “Amazing America.”

Now this reporter watched two entire episodes which included Palin's sole interview with musher Dee Jonrowe,  during which she learned that DeeDee named several of her dogs after members of Palin's family, and that Palin has no balance, which is made painfully clear when she tumbles from the moving dog sled.  (Palin also makes DeeDee apparently the only meal she knows how to make, moose chili.)
Sarah and DeeDee before Palin lost her grip.
The consensus seems to be that the show has found the right mix of tiny, carefully scripted, servings of Palin with a lot of harmless hillbilly shenanigans to keep things light and non-political.

If they keep that up the show could be Palin's most successful.

However the question is how long can Palin last before she feels the need to attack the liberals, spout off something hateful about the President, or say something mind numbingly stupid?

My guess is not long.

But we shall see.


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM

    It's a low rent show on a low rent channel with a beyond low rent host.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I saw her walkin' with Chuckles Sr. blk dog when he was a pup and she didn't even pay attention to him!!! He was a little squirt then jumpin' up on her and she TOTALLY ignored babytalk, nothin'!
      I didn't even think it was her b/c she hates all animals...but it was. BITCH!
      EPIC FAIL!
      Go to your local BAR see more amusing antics!

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM



    3. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Anonymous4:07 PM

      Too much coffee today?

    4. Anonymous5:00 PM

      She doesn't like dogs or any animals! Phony! WTF is your prob?
      Saw her walking Chuckles SR dog in 09? Do you comprehend?

    5. Anonymous6:01 PM


      i'm anon@ 4:07,

      it's hard to decipher whether you were bitching out the alaska dispatch reporter or the cross eyed skank

      so chill the fuk out .. comprehend ?

    6. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Why would Chuckles sr. dog be walking with AK dispatch reporter?

    7. Anonymous9:09 PM


      you just don't get it - your sentence structure and articulation sux

      goodbye ?

    8. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Sarah Palin makes Sean Hannity tumescent in his pants. You betcha'.

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "Our meals happen to be wrapped in fur, not cellophane," Palin said, noting she didn't realize people actually bought meat until she attended college out-of-state.
    -Sarah Palin


    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Oh Jesus Fucking Christ, most of Wasilla purchase our meat the the local meat market or grocery store. Give me a break. Where did she think the food for her school lunches came from? The Lunch ladies went out hunting before their shift started? There's been a McDonalds in Wasilla for over 30 years; where did she think that meat comes from? She apparently loves to lie simply for the sake of lying. She grew up in the fucking suburbs, NOT the bush, and even bush communities have grocery stores. She acts as if she was raised on an ice floe.

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      3:27 She acts as if she was raised on an ice floe.


      ha ha ha ha, good one!

    3. Anonymous3:46 PM

      It would be a kick in the ass to hear from high school classmates of sister Sarah telling us what she ate and what they saw her eat in her home during those years.

      But, I seriously question that she actually had girlfriends back then! And, I'm not sure the Heath home would have been that welcoming and inclusive.

    4. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Cellophane? Does she think people gift wrap meat or something? Todd never took her out to McDonalds or Taco Bell?

      She really is an stupid asshole.

    5. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Did they go out and shoot cows, chickens, and pigs, too? Or did they not eat any of those things? Sally never made ham or anything out of beef?

    6. Anonymous6:16 PM

      I've seen Wasilla, just passing through to greener places. Looked like a strip mall with no zoning.

    7. Anonymous7:38 PM

      "She acts as if she was raised on an ice floe."

      Too bad someone didn't push it out to sea, when there was the chance.

      She keeps yacking about "Our meals happen to be wrapped in fur, not cellophane,"

      I wonder how many parasites, they consumed? Wasn't it written that her kids grew up on mac and cheese-so their meals were wrapped in cardboard not fur.

    8. Anonymous7:47 PM

      I do believe you can thank former Mayor Sarah Palin for dismissing zoning laws and turning Wasilla into a hideous strip mall community.

      How many payoffs were involved, I wonder?

    9. Anonymous9:28 PM

      7:47 pm: "How many payoff were involved?" Enough for the Grifters to afford a private plane on a small-town mayor's salary...

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    "I tell my kids, 'Yes, we eat organic, we just have to go shoot it first,'" she told her first guest, DeeDee Jonrowe, a veteran Iditarod musher.
    -Sarah Palin

    I never heard the story that Levi went into Taco Bell shooting up the restaurant to feed Sarah Palin's kids. What is Sarah talking about? He fed them Taco Bell but not at gunpoint.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Since Sarah never took care of her children or cooked for them it could be true, they just never got fed by their own Mom.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      2:59 For those of us who didn't see it, what are you talking about with Levi and Taco Bell? Please fill us in a bit on what the show said so we understand the comment.

      Also, there was plenty of food in wrapping in Alaska in the 70s and 80s when Palin was growing up. Sheesh...

      I'm surprised she didn't say that it was only recently that her family moved out of an igloo and into a "real" house. She is so into cliches, stereotypes and phony Alaska touristy talk.

    3. Anonymous3:39 PM

      3:19 : I believe 2:59 meant that Levi was commenting in his book about how he went and bought Taco Bell stuff, and how $arah went and regularly got herself Taco Bell Crunch Wraps...

    4. Anonymous3:44 PM

      In one of Levi's (refudiated) interviews he said he got "crunchwrap supremes" at taco bell for Sarah and the kids...
      to 3:19

    5. Anonymous4:05 PM


      palin lies like the rest of us breath

    6. Anonymous8:09 PM

      3:19 here...well, duh! I think I finally get it. 2:59 was being facetious.

      If all of the Palin's food was shoot on the hoof, so to speak, why then Levi must have taken a gun to Taco Bell in order to shoot them tricky Crunch Wrap Supremes the Sarah and the family lived off of.

      Silly me, I thought that maybe she/he had watched the show and there was some reference to Levi going into a Taco Bell with a gun--which I thought was outrageous and offensive even for Sarah.

      I feel better now. I hate it when things don't make sense. Maybe that's why I dislike Sarah so much.

  4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:16 PM

    Haven't been around today to read the comments, but does anyone else think it's a coinky-dink that Dave Letterman chose yesterday to announce his retirement, seeing what a pain in the ass Poopsie was to him in the past? I'm sure he was aware that the greatest reality show ever produced in Amurika was premiering last night, and HE's the one who got the media was all over the news in NY. Not to say that what's her name's show would have made a huge splash, but it would have gotten more press if it hadn't been for Dave, I'm sure. Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Dave as less than one yr left on his contract and he announced it after he told them he was not renewing it. He is 67? ( I think) and wants to retire and I am sure the last person on earth who he considered about his timing was SP "green Screen " Hollywood.

    2. Anonymous4:15 PM

      I doubt that Sarah Palin is on his radar much these days. He is likely never off of hers though.

  5. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Hmmm? I have never heard of going out and shooting 'Mac 'n Cheese' ? ? Must be some new sort of hunting -- but what do I know? I am not an avid hunter nor shooter.

  6. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I seriously doubt that Letterman announcing his retirement had a damned thing to do w/Sarah Palin. I doubt she crosses his mind.....she's so far beneath him it isn't funny!

  7. TNBlueDot3:42 PM

    Read The Guardian review... the very best part was the comments! LOL! Funny how people really do have her number.

    LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn - Hadn't thought about it, but, yeah, great timing. Letterman's news did take over. Poopsie hahaha!

  8. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Maybe Gryphen or another Alaskan can answer this, when is Crunch Wrap Supreme hunting season in AK?

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      How much fur is on Alaska' s Crunch Wrap Supremes?

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Gryph do you guys remove the heads from your Crunch Wrap Supremes using that turkey head remover we seen behind that video of Sarah Palin?

    3. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Just thinking about a FURRY CRUNCH WRAP makes me queasy.

      Stainless steel buckshot makes it extra crunchy also, too. No wonder Stupid Sarah needed new dentures when she got her face overhauled back in 2009.

    4. It is ALWAYS Crunchwrap Supreme season in Alaska.

      Though I think burrito season is sometime in the fall.

  9. Anonymous3:43 PM

    "Our meals happen to be wrapped in fur, not cellophane," Palin said,

    I hope Todd didn't say that. That's nasty.

  10. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Notice photo number 15 of 15. I haven't seen a comment on IM about his photo yet.

    What makes her face look like this? Why would this photo be included for any reason other than to show how awful Sarah looks now? Definitely not flattering.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Sun damage.

    2. The neck mottling looks like Poikiloderma of Civette. It's a benign skin condition that is fairly common in middle aged women and there really is no treatment for it.
      It is thought to be caused by sun damage so her new AZ digs will probably just make it get worse.

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    4. Anonymous4:59 PM

      I thought it was a picture Sally, Sarah's mother. WOW!

  11. Anonymous3:58 PM

    "I tell my kids, 'Yes, we eat organic, we just have to go shoot it first,'" she told her first guest, DeeDee Jonrowe, a veteran Iditarod musher.
    -Sarah Palin

    Too funny....

    Those Palin kids must not have killed and cooked their meals. Wasn't there an episode of Life's A Tripp where Sarah Palin's oldest daughter Bristol didn't know how to cook a chicken? What about Sarah Palin's last holiday meal when she tried to carve her raw turkey upside down trying to carve the breast bone where there's little meat?

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Well, that turkey had no feathers, so she wasn't sure which end was which. And Todd took away all the sharp knives the last time she danced around the kitchen throwing them at him. So she was left with an upside down bird and a cheese knife. If she weren't so evil, I might feel sorry for her ignorance.

  12. Well, I wonder how long it will be before Palin stops preening herself on how little work she has to do to be a real! live! Hollywood! star. Once people start saying complimentary things about the actual hosts, Miss Piddle will not be happy.

    If they haven't completed filming, I think they will find their tiny grubby starlet to be quite a handful. All it took was Fallon's show to give her the idea that she was a superstar.

    As far as ratings, their are two reasons viewership falls after the first episode of a new show. It's terrible. Or it's boring. Or both.

    "Well, it's not awful" is hardly going to bring in hordes of people demanding that their cable company pick up the Sportsman Channel so that they can watch a show that is not as bad as expected.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Nefer, I wait for you to post because you're so spot on with my view. Let's look at the life of Palin, and breaking that ceiling that Hillary originally quoted. By God, she had her calling and cured of demons by Muthee. God would pick the right person in '08, It wasn't HER! Imagine that.

      She can't accept that, God told her she was Queen Esther. All those open doors she was going to bust through, she ended up on a hick channel. That's God. "Answered your prayers, $arah, for everything you wanted. It was never about Me, it was all about you, don't fuck with me. Love, God."

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I think she is done, All of Sarah Hollywoods shots were done in Hollywood in front of a green screen.

  13. Anonymous4:18 PM

    ENOUGH WITH THE MOOSE CHILI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Our meals happen to be wrapped in fur, not cellophane," Palin said, noting she didn't realize people actually bought meat until she attended college out-of-state.

    The thing that gets me, is that she picks such stupid things to lie about. The only people who believe that are people who have such a stereotypical view of life in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Those furry turkeys that are wrapped in cellophane sure are messy when Sarah attacks the poor birds with a cheese knife to make her furry turkey chili.

    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      I know, if I hear about moose chili one more time, yuk!

      Now a nice beef tenderloin with glazed onion.....mmmmm

  14. Anonymous4:20 PM

    When is Palin going to feature a wife swapping couple with four kids from different fathers where the husband is a Pimp and the wife is a bi-polar drug addict?

    There has to be a family out there somewhere...

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Or the exciting Alaskan tradition of snorting coke/meth off a 50 gal drum in the snow?
      Or off the Mugshot saloon bar?

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      How about...."Adventures at Sheep Mtn Lodge?" Right $arah? All that spousal swapping was sure fun, eh?

  15. What a lying idiot!

    "Our meals happen to be wrapped in fur, not cellophane," Palin said, noting she didn't realize people actually bought meat until she attended college out-of-state."
    ~Sarah Palin

    Apparently, Stupid Sarah was too lazy to ever go to the grocery store. Plus, Sally Heath never bothered to show Sarah a cookbook that called for anything other than "MEAT"?

    Or did Sarah get up before school to hunt organic turkeys, chickens, pigs, and beef cattle?

    Remember that only a compulsive liar will continuously make up shit about herself to follow her self-created bullshit theme like "frontier woman Sarah" does for her fake reality entity she pretends to be.

    Sarah Heath Palin obviously has no clue just how obvious her lies are to everyone, including her family's neighbors and former friends, as well as anybody with a lick of common sense.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Amen. That Sarah Palin has issues.

    2. Anonymous5:05 AM

      When Sarah the basketball barracuda superstar was on the road playing basketball games, did they stop and hunt varmints....or did they stop at a fast food place??? Huh????

    3. Anonymous12:42 PM

      poor sarah - even more stupid than the lower 48 thought she was.

  16. Caroll Thompson4:51 PM

    I actually watched the first half hour and nine minutes of the second show. Of course, I had three drinks by the time I started to watch, so watch I did.

    Sarah explained her three co-hosts by stating "I have rounded up a posse". Actually, the three co-hosts are the ones who actually do the work by doing the stories. Sarah pops in way too often with comments about the story.

    My overall impression of the show was that it was pretty lame. The actual production was not the most professional job I have ever seen. Definitely, this show did not have a big budget and that is putting it kindly.

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      They certainly didn't have a big budget for a host, which is why they hired Silly Sarah.

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      "I have rounded up a posse".
      -Sarah Palin

      WTF? Are they going after the pimps in Wasilla?

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Carroll@ 4:51PM

      Thanks for doing the dirty deed of watching the latest soon-to-be-canceled Stupid Sarah Green Screen adventures so the rest of us can enjoy drinking adult beverages while ignoring her tripe. You're a true patriot and a real muricun.

  17. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Oh shit!

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: 132,010

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Damn that's a high number.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:42 PM

      Let's all take a moment of silence on the passing of one of the greatest books written by Sarah's Ghostwriter to date.

      Hey Sarah, turn out the lights, the party's over. Your book died, and your obscure tee vee venture is taking on water. Time to polish the poll or get new props to use.

  18. Anonymous5:18 PM

    "Girls with Guns": the pairing of vulnerability and infantilization with violence. No self-respecting woman would be caught dead in such ridiculous paraphernalia.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      It's offensive, and considering the mass shootings in the recent past, she should be ashamed. Like guns or not, it shouldn't be glamorized as a fashion bauble. Guns kill, pure and simple.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      One had to wonder who she thinks she is reaching in such a message. Nobody I know, and I live in Alaska in a community of hunters who find her beyond the pale.

  19. PalinsHoax5:25 PM

    Extra! Extra! Read all about it. Read Levi Johnson's story of "Me and Mrs. Palin".

    Read at Vanity Fair October 2009 about Crunchwrap Supremes, about Tawdry's and $caree's separate sleeping arrangements, about how she paid no attention to the kids when the cameras were not around.

    Extra ! Extra! Read all about it.

  20. Anita Winecooler5:38 PM

    Love the belt buckle! "Grannies With Gums" is right up Sarah's alley!

    She fell off a sled? Bwahhhhhaaaaa! And they kept the footage in? Someone got sold a bill of goods, she's the comic relief!

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Just the right message the week that there has been another horrific shooting.

  21. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I am not sure what kind of meat Sarah is eating that comes wrapped in fur. Perhaps rabbit? But beef, pork, lamb, bison, goat, caribou, moose etc all have hides and hair or wool Dogs have hair. Fish have scales and skin....and it would seem that most people don't eat animals that are fur bearing. I suppose that Sarah may have made lunch from what ever animals provided the furs for that little animal head snood and her parka ruffs. Fur seals??? Wolves. Coyoteeees.

    Here kitty, kitty.

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Things that Sarah eats for dinner (wrapped in fur): rats, mice, skunks, wolves, cats, seal, mink, rabbits, squirrels, beavers, hmmm, if only Sarah could cook.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Sarah: "I have rounded up a posse".

      Todd: "If you needed some, I could've taken care of that easily for you, Juicy. I thought it was spelled with a U."

      Sarah: "You can't read worth a shit, Limp Pimp!"

    3. Bears have fur. Maybe she's eating her own.

  22. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Gee, $arah, when are you going to admit you aren't married anymore to the "I'll wear my hat at the table" and say nothing pimp Tawd? Coward. His day is coming, isn't it.

    Moose chili is boring. Try grifting guacamole, manic margaritas, twat tacos. More your style, Arizona BABE.

  23. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I don't buy a word of Palin meat memory.. Certainly she had been to larger Alaskan cities during her younger years and saw fast food restaurants that served beef. She couldn't believe each patty was hunted. This is just another in a long list of Palin fantasies she crapped out her ass.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      I guess they didn't sell beef in stores in Canada either when the Palins use to hop across the border for cheaper health care. They must have just eaten vegetables when they traveled. Oh wait...they probably snow-sledded up there, killed and cooked the meat on the way?

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      I don't buy a word of Palin meat memory.

      Oh for a minute I thought you were talking about Sarah and Glenn Rice..

      What do you think about the story of Sarah and Glenn Rice?

    3. Anonymous7:33 PM

      Sarah's crap flies out of her mouth.

    4. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Individual quarter-pound beef patties are from the tiny cows that Sarah used to hunt, kill, and then field dress before school every morning before school. Those little beefies are hard to see in the dark by lesser marksmen, er, markswomen, than the Grisly Grizzled Gristle. See, Sarah's a real frontier woman and whatnot, sobe sure and vote for all of her Bagger candidates unless Sarah endorses an *Establishment* candidate that offered her more $$$ for her "endorsement".

  24. Anonymous7:07 PM

    If she doesn't serve up red meat politics (pun intended) and it's just namby pamby recipes and snowmachine rides, even her panting pervs aren't going to tune in. Hurrah.

  25. Just went on jimmy fallon twitter feed, he mentioned all of his guests, but I couldn't find anything on $arah nor the skit they did together..hmmmm

    1. Anonymous2:58 AM

      He probably didn't want any of Palin's followers tweeting him.

  26. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I am making Elk Stew for dinner tomorrow night and guess what Sarah the Elk meat is wrapped in cellophane and paper. Anyone who hunts wraps their meat before freezing it or it wouldn't last long, freezer burn.

  27. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I thought you had clip of Sarah falling off the sled. I hope you find one and can post it soon. We will not pay to add the Sportman's channel on our TV either. . Have a good weekend.

  28. Anonymous8:14 PM

    The Naples photo shoot sure didn't show a crowd at the BBQ. The Private and Exclusive folks didn't want their pictures in the paper or there wasn't a big turn out. And, it didn't appear there were very many tables set up to seat the $500 dollar a plate crowd to chow down on whatever furry creatures that they smoke and sauce in Florida.

  29. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Palin gets credit for being chosen to be the big name of the show. I will credit her for filming her intros in AZ and getting on the dog sled too.

    I thought she had potential for TV after I thought she might apply herself in the governorship and study to be a qualified candidate in the future. It seems Sarah is already extraordinary and it is other people to blame her party distanced from her and her shows were cancelled. A voice coach and stylist would have been prudent for her to choose. She evidently will continue to spew political venom she is known for .

  30. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Sarah Palin must of freaked out when she seen her first McDonald's?

    Fucking liar.

  31. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Sarah when you were at the recent barbecue, did you help remove the fur from the ribs before serving it?

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Pigs don't have fur. Cows don't have fur. Both of those aluminum trays came wrapped in cellophane, you betcha.

  32. Anonymous8:25 PM

    "I tell my kids, 'Yes, we eat organic, we just have to go shoot it first,'"

    What an IDIOT, just because you shoot it doesn't make it organic. Doesn't she live on a dead lake? The animals that drink that crappy water are not organic.

    Sarah, there is plenty of wildlife living around Chernobyl, why don't you go on a hunt with your newly divorced, best buddy Putin?

    1. Anonymous9:40 PM

      The fish off the coast of Fukashima, Japan are organic and radioactive. Watch your dinner glow in the dark. Ooops, Sarah doesn't eat it if it doesn't come wrapped in fur. With the mutations going on down there, there probably are fish with fur.

  33. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Taco Bell must have been a Game Changer for Sarah Palin? Instead of loading her gun, put on her camouflage, drive into the woods, shoot a bear, field dress it, lug it home, refrigerate it and then cook it, Sarah can now send Levi to Taco Bell to feed her family.

    Thank God for Taco Bell.

  34. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Sarah Palin is a dope through and through. It is all she is. They can't dress her up enough to hide that fact. But they keep trying.

  35. Betsy S4:58 AM

    What a great idea, Anon 8:25! SP and VP as a couple!! Where will the hilarity end?

  36. janice5:08 AM

    Well, Sarah makes us believe her freezer is full of moose, etc.
    Why did Levi and others have to go out and get food then?
    We have seen pictures of Sarah and Bristol is grocery stores shopping for food. What in the hell is that family eating in Arizona? Did they move all their freezer meat there? You can bet Todd is not cooking it in Alaska when he is alone.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      what makes you think Todd is "alone"? hahahahah

  37. Anonymous9:29 AM

    When did Taco Bell start selling Moose Meat Crunchwrap Supremes in Wasilla?

    This lady is a functioning bullshit machine operating at full capacity

  38. Anonymous5:41 AM

    “It’s cool, you know, out with the old, in with the new,” the former Alaska governor said on Fox News’s “Hannity” on Thursday night, after Letterman announced he would retire in 2015 that afternoon.

    Is Sarah Palin saying that Amazing America With Sarah Palin is replacing Late Night With David Letterman which has been on tv over 30 years?

    Is Sarah Palin announcing there is a new sheriff in town?

    Late Night With Sarah Palin

    Don't think so.

  39. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Sarah where can America get tickets to watch you on Amazing America? How many seats does your theatre hold?

    No tickets? Fuck you.

  40. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Ya know I believe that frontier woman cook. I don't recall the name on HGTV. But she seems authentic with her big family and it shows. But these paypyglian people, forget it. The whole lot liars. Same type lie as the baby. Not even pregnant. That is the saddest of all stories/lies.

  41. Anonymous12:47 PM

    SP is very strange. So into her cell phones. Always carrying one. But so stuck on "we don't eat celophane wrapped meat". So bogus. She is into her vehicles too, not her mushing. So into her stores, but not many hunting pics through her life. I mean I should have seen thousands of hunting pics by now. She is such a liar. All of Alaska see it and just laugh I bet, or just sigh and get on with their life in the cold trying to heat themselves.

  42. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Well, there was a close up pic a few days ago. What I saw was pimples or growths on her face. It was not clear and smooth. To me if she was so organic she would have a smooth clear skin on her face. LIar Liar. Come on walmart people, look, question, ...

  43. Anonymous12:53 PM

    5:07PM He didn't take her out. They just did it.

  44. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Grannies with Gout?

  45. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Grizzly Granny and Brisdull are at it again--getting attention for knowing all the facts about Soldier Boy Bowe Bergdahl and even offering their medical advise that he could re-entry every day life more easily if he called and ordered the Rosetta Stone. Not sure whether she had the First Dud call to see how much money they could make with such a stupid suggestion but this just shows that she is willing to offer her opinion about anything if it means she can link her name to a current news story. Seems like $arah must have been day dreaming in classes that taught the idea that in America, a person is presumed innocent until found guilty. Palin claims in her book that she was the head of all military operations in Alaska while Governor and that she kept Putin from rearing his ugly head because she could see him from her kitchen or porch. Seems she never heard that there was a definite protocol set up for how a prisoner of war is treated and reintroduced to the American way of life. Funny that even John McCain is not telling everyone what to do-yet Sarah Palin feels the need to offer her wisdom. Maybe Palin would be more interested in baptizing this fellow--or maybe she would like to take him to Alaska, turn him loose and then go hunting for him, shooting at him from a helicopter. Or just maybe this was a chance for the Palins to be able to talk in the low class gutter language of all Christians who live in Wasilla with her "ass" and "WTF" witticisms. Sarah Palin really really really should think a little before she starts running off at the mouth.

  46. Anonymous9:21 AM

    “When I do some kind of hit on national television, and people see the background, they think it’s fake — it’s not!”

    Yup, that's a real green screen behind her.


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