Friday, April 11, 2014

Republican chair of the House Armed Services Committee says he is satisfied with how the Obama administration handled Benghazi.

Courtesy of Americablog:  

GOP Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon, the Republican chair of the House Armed Services Committee, says he’s satisfied with how the US military – and ergo the Obama administration – responded to the deadly attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya that killed four Americans, including the US ambassador to Libya. 

The news also exonerates expected Democratic presidential nominee, and then-Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. More on that in a moment. 

“I think I’ve pretty well been satisfied that given where the troops were, how quickly the thing all happened and how quickly it dissipated, we probably couldn’t have done more than we did,” McKeon said to reporters today, as quoted by AP. 

McKeon then went on to plant a not-so-subtle dig at fellow Republicans who keep harping on “Benghazi” as if there were a real scandal there. 

“We have been working on this for a long time. We issued a preliminary report,” McKeon said. “At some point, when we run out of people to talk to, or we run out of people to talk to two or three times, at some point, we think we’ll have as much of this story as we’re going to get and move on.”

Essentially this is the same conclusion that Charles Krauthammer came to the other day as well.

Neither of these two want to admit that there was nothing to investigate in the first place, but both realize that since they have not found the smoking gun at this point, that the Republicans are wasting their time looking. 

So we have Obamacare meeting its goals, the Benghazi "scandal" fizzling out, and nobody really giving a rat's ass about the IRS non-scandal, and the Fast and Furious non-scandal.

Gee one has to wonder what new scandal the Right Wing will pull out of its pasty white morbidly obese ass next?


  1. Anonymous1:02 PM

    GOP Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon must be overwhelmed with requests from Fox News anchors clamoring to get him on their show.

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    The common denominator in all of these "Gates" is Darrell Freakin' Issa. He is a disgrace to the institution of the House of Representatives and should be censured and made to repay the Treasury for the tax dollars he has wasted on these ego-driven witch hunts. Too bad Boehner is such a spineless wuss. I don't know where the President gets his patience.

    A Fan From Chicago

  3. Beldar!!!! J!!! Conehead!!!1:37 PM

    Nice try, Gryphen, if that's even your real name, which if you think you're fooling anyone, you probably aren't!

    This is NOT the end of the investigation into Benghazi, the worst diplomatic catastrophe in the history of the world!


    Why is Obama refusing to release the video that clearly shows him in regulation jihadi terrorist combat gear - including full face scarf - leading the attack against the Libyan compound?

    Why is Hillary Clinton not releasing the audio tape in which she is heard revealing the security code for the compound's front gate keypad?

    Why won't Joe Biden release the results of the gunpowder residue test performed on his hands after the attack?

    Why did Michelle Obama CLAIM her daughters, Malia & Sasha, were sleeping during the Benghazi attack when anonymous blog comments posted on The Drudge Report PROVE they were both seen drinking with sailors on leave from a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, the USS Off Da Hook?

    Why William Ayers, Monocle Lewinsky, Rev. Wright, Jennifer Flowers, The Whitewater Land deal???

    No matter how long it takes, this investigation will continue until EVERY possible question is answered and accepted by the Tea Party and when it does, I guarantee you, buddy boy, the whole Obama administration is THIS close (holding index finger and thumb almost touching) to collapsing like a cheap deck of New Orleans whorehouse playing cards! (no offense intended toward the Hon. Senator David Vitter, R-LA)

    Hear our battlecry!!!

    Never Remember And Don't Not Never Forget!!! BENGHAZI!!! BENGHAZI!!! BENGHAZI!!!

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Splendid! Thanks for asking the right questions, holding the criminals accountable, and bringing truth to this defunct blog.

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Next they'll admit that the President won in '08 and '12 fair and square, with a solid majority vote, even after the vote on Obamacare, after Benghazi, after all their multi-million-dollar attacks.
    That millions and millions of their dirty campaign loot was wasted.

  5. I know a sure sign of the apocalypse when i see it.


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