Monday, February 23, 2015

John Oliver on the fact that having judges run for office puts justice up for sale.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

“Look, if we are going to keep electing judges, we may have to alter our idea of what justice is, ” Oliver concluded.”In fact, at the very least to be a bit more representative, we should tweak the blindfolded lady holding scales, to put a tip jar in her hand and a give her a f*cking winking emoji for a face.” 

With Colbert gone, and Stewart with one foot out of the door, John Oliver has now risen to the top of my list of not to be missed political satirists.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Don't you get an even worse scenario by appointing Judges ? You know what kind of Judge we will get then. Elections are OK. What we need to do is limit the money allowed and set term limits. No more lifetime appointments or elections.

  2. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Read The Price of Justice about exactly that. Very discouraging.
    I don't think term limits is a good idea. You lose experience. Perhaps retirement age, maybe. Limiting money won't matter either. The judges will still need a lot of money, and it's the judges who appear before them, or clients with enough money to make a different who have an incentive to give to judge's campaigns. It's a very bad system.

  3. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Take the corporate money out of the campaign coffers and you'll see a huge difference. Shorten the terms and require Judges to have Law Degrees,... not Corporate sponsorship.

    1. Anonymous7:00 PM

      It's not corporate money. Most corporations don't donate to judge's campaigns (unless they have somethign big before the court - see The Price of Justice) It's the money contributed by the attorneys that appear before them (and big firms are more equal than small offices) that at the very least is an appearance of problem.. Most judges I know are fair and ethical anyway. but not always.

    2. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Baloney ! What are you ? A troll for Judges or the author of that book ? Corporate money is big in elections for Judges. Take a look at any State where environmental or labor concerns come before State Courts. In fact,... that's all states.

  4. Anonymous6:17 PM

    O/T - checking iron dog tracking and it appears Todd and his partner are stopped next to an airfield off the course... hmmmm.... they wouldn't be illegally picking up parts would they?

  5. Whether you elect them or appoint them, there's always going to be someone's thumb on the scales of justice. One can only trust to the ethical backbone of whichever judge is on the bench. That said, there are ways that judges who get out of line with the dignity of their position (power trips) can and have been removed from the bench.

  6. 6:07 - don't judges require law degrees? If not, how can they be a judge?

  7. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Off topic.
    Via Boing Boing!

    Moar GOP war on women.

    Hey does anyone else see the problem here?

    "Idaho lawmaker asks if women could swallow cameras for gynecological exams before abortion"

    1. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon9:14 PM

      I guess that this Idaho lawmaker thinks that babies are formed in and expelled from the digestive system.
      Next thing we know, taking a dump will be a criminal offense.

    2. Boy, Mrs. Barbieri is sure one lucky lady. {rolls eyes}

  8. Anonymous8:44 PM

    John Oliver is doing a super job!

  9. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Stewart To Giuliani: You Know You're Not The Mayor Of 9-11, Right?

  10. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Stewart Mocks Conservatives For Wanting 'Military Porn Talk' From Obama On ISIS

  11. Anonymous9:20 PM


    President Obama Plans To Quickly Veto Keystone XL Bill

  12. Sharon11:27 PM

    I agree with Oliver, his British slant make topics even funnier. If you caught Stewart tonight....omg we can't let him leave. We need a national movement saying he can't leave!!!!

  13. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Stewart, Colbert, Oliver and FOX, giving you all the one-sided news you'll ever need.

    1. Stewart, Colbert, Oliver = comedy shows that do not pretend to be news sources.

      Fox = comedy show that pretends to be a source of actual "fair and balanced" news.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.