Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Nancy French channels Sarah Palin's anger at Tina Fey's impression of her, by accusing SNL of being desperate. All while posing as her daughter Bristol Palin of course.

Courtesy of Brancy's blog: 

I’m sure many of you saw Tina Fey, who sounds nothing like my mom, do a skit based on my Mom’s endorsement of Donald Trump. 

I don’t know about you, but hearing her fake accent is like nails on a chalkboard for me!

You know you can decide for yourself whether or not Fey sounds like Palin by watching the Vine embedded below.

Oh yeah, they sound NOTHING alike. You know, except exactly.

Well at least she's right about that nails on a chalkboard thing.

Wait you're going to love this part:

I may be biased, but I think my mom trumps her in the looks department. (Especially for having three more kids and seven more years on Tina!)

Is anybody else visualizing the e-mail exchange that instigated THAT defensive remark?

But of course Nancy/Sarah/Bristol is not done yet:

Saturday Night Live and Fey have been clinging to this impersonation a little too long. It’s getting pathetic. Its been 7 years! Are they desperate for content? Or just desperate for viewers?

French then mocks the fact that SNL does not have a fancy PAC to help them buy super expensive porcupine wear, and had to make Fey's version in their costume department.

There's a "who wore it better poll" offered as well for click bait, but seriously is that even a contest?

In the other news it looks like Bristol is returning to that fake job of hers and abandoning yet another child to a nanny, or poorly qualified sibling to watch.

Oddly enough the People magazine article that featured this photo also said the following:On Dec. 23, Palin welcomed daughter Sailor Grace, whose father is former fiancé Dakota Meyer.

Uh, isn't that sort of an unsettled matter thus far?  Or does People magazine know something we don't know?


  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Tina Fey sounds and looks exactly like Palin. And the writers don't have to do much to portray Sarah as an idiot. Basically, all Tina has to do is put on her Sarah Palin hat and repeat word for word everything Sarah said.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM


    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Tina Fey has to ugly herself up to portray the grifter queen and methinks the only reason Tina does it is cuz the public DEMANDS to see it again and again haha!

    3. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Tina Fey does Palin BETTER THEN Sarah does Palin.
      Tina won a EMMY for it!

    4. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Clearly it bothers Sarah or she wouldn't comment on it and especially in such an immature manner. Keep dancing Sarah!

    5. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Tina does not have wide, manly shoulders like $carah. Very feminine looking, unlike the grifting PsyMe.

    6. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Tina is so much prettier! But most of all, she's 100 times smarter!!

    7. Crystal Sage9:52 AM

      After Palin's endorsement speech, everyone I talked with was hoping that Tina Fey would show up on SNL this week. Our prayers were answered by my hero who I think was one person who helped the world see what a dolt Sarah is in 2008.

      Thank you, Tina Fey.

    8. Pathetic has no bounds with that grifter...everybody gets parodied and only the rightwingnutz complain...That was dead on, the local Fox-affiliate her in Austin was running in, they were doing side by side comparisons and callers were asked to tell the difference, nobody could...this election cycle, what a gift...we all knew it was going to be crazy, but who knew? Keep talking Palin, you are your worst PR

    9. Anonymous10:23 AM

      barstools new job is reality show hunting

    10. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Bristol is on her way to submit Sailor for DNA testing.

    11. Anonymous10:52 AM

      I believe Brancy is trolling us. Who thinks like that? It's that or she is seriously mentally ill.

    12. Bill and Hillary have been parodied for so long on SNL, that three actors (one being Darrell Hammond for seven years) have played Bill and five actresses have played Hillary.

    13. You don't hear Bill and Hillary bitching and saying "It's been seven years, Darrell!" Or "I look better than you, Amy Poehler!"

  2. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Other then the obvious, pathetic deflecting attempt by the severely retired Palin circus ensemble.
    Is Sarah Palin wearing a fat suit? Is she simply gaining weight or has she always been a pieface?
    I gots to know?

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      I suspect that AIP Palin had work done recently to prepare for her (briref) book tour. She was looking gaunt and suddenly plumped up in the face.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      And also I meant retarded! Not retired.
      What is with the hole's in her Turkey neck?

  3. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Guess what Bristol? Tina wore it better.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      What Bristol fails to mention is that she considers shopping as getting back to

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM


  4. Always nice to see such a dignified display of maturity.

  5. Anonymous8:40 AM

    That "top" palin wore blows her cred sky high.Any one that can wear shit like that has neither common sense or is a conservative.Choke on it bitch!

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Bristol's right. Her mom wears that porcupine roadkill better than annnyyone else! Do you fill better now, Bristol?

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      The top detracted from her 'message' ~ so, it's a good thing $he has the fashion sense of a garage door.

  6. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Is that an expensive purse? I don't recognize it

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Very expensive...

    2. amazed one9:29 AM

      just think of the clothing allowance the Palins will get when trump picks her for VP

    3. Will she need to leave it in the "belly of the plane"?

  7. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I read this comment and wanted to share:

    Gilbert Cantlin
    Sarah Palin, like Donald Trump, is a complete phony. She ran for governor of Alaska because, at the time, it was her best opportunity to start becoming wealthy. John McCain, who is too stupid not to admit what a horrid mistake he made in making her famous, is a laughing stock as much as comedian Palin. McCain is the sad clown type. 

    Palin quit the Alaska governorship half-way through because she saw her vice-presidential notoriety, the very worst mistake McCain ever made, gave her more lucrative opportunity being a Republican clown than being governor where she could keep an eye on Russia and the melting polar cap.

    Fox "Noise" dumped Palin when it finally realized she was only taking advantage of it to get rich. Palin's kids can't even stay out of trouble because she has never been a mother, you know, multiple out-of-wedlock pregmamcoes. law-breaking... And now Palin is taking her sideshow to Trump's presidential campaign--just as phony as Trump waving the Bible!

  8. 66gardeners8:46 AM

    So much to digest here. For shits and giggles, I went to People to read the comments. Not a favorable coment in sight. Should be comedy gold reading later tonight.

    As for $arah's vanity, I actually saw one of her personas at the C4P site comment about the photos of her at the Trump rally, "I swear to God she looks like she is 29".

    1. amazed one9:04 AM

      speaking of the pee pond, they are in a panic over Rush seeming to endorse Cruz.

      myfairlady • 27 minutes ago
      Wow Rush just encouraged people to vote for Cruz to stop Trump in Iowa. He played Cruz' comments and said, he's right. That any of those who are upset about Trump could all vote for Cruz, and that's the only way to stop him.

      I don't know how the other candidates are going to feel about that. Sounds like he's trying to get them o do what Huckabee did for McCain in 2008.

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      That's hilarious because Granny Griffen posted a ton of Limp balls quotes on her FB supporting her Trump endorsement to prove to her rapidly dwindling supporters that she didn't completely go against everything she was supposed to stand for. Dumba$$ is getting it from all sides.

    3. Anonymous9:57 AM

      In their dreams. Wow Alaska is really cold, not.

    4. amazed one10:06 AM

      Hence, the panic

    5. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Bristol never says where she works. Where are the details about how she balances two children as a single mom?

    6. Anonymous11:29 AM

      Sarah and Bristol have mentioned Bristol works in Anchorage at Alaska Dermatology and Laser Cancer Center for 'old alcohol breath' Dr. Michael L.Cusack, they call him:
      (Bristol Palin Works for) Dr. “Jack Me-off”

      Sarah has described Bristol as diagnosing her cancer. Palin said: "Anyway, a surgeon dug it out and everything was okay."

      You can read more about Bristol's BFF and co-worker, who has been known to assist the doctor.

      Although Marina Lupas was not licensed at the time she was assisting.
      Meet Bristol Palin’s BFF


      Why there are concerns and question about this undetermined death and all the Palin and pal cover ups.


      Alaska Dermatology and Laser Cancer Center: Autumn Browning, 39, tragically passed away on Monday, Sept. 29, 2014, in Anchorage, Alaska.



    7. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Yeah Autumn didn't pass away, she shot herself, in Dr. Cusack's home, that dirty old man. Disgusting he still practices, if not for his geriatric old school ways, but for his being a filthy pig.

    8. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Must be nice to have a 'job' where you can take off anytime, for as long as you want, eh? I guess that's one of the 'perks' of being a phony PayMe.

  9. I didn't buy into the conspiracy theories about Bristols delivery date until now. Why is she returning to work after only 4 weeks? Most women take 6-12, and her boss is known to let her take months off at a time. This is very strange. I dare an IMer to ask her on Instragram and see if she tells them to go F*ck themselves.

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Curious that she didn't address why she is returning to work earlier than the standard time usually taken for bonding with a child.

      Nobody in the comments at People believe Dakota is the father. All the more reason for him to set the record straight through legal channels after the DNA is complete

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      I think part of the reason her Instagram account is being handled by her rep, is to eliminate any attacks and make sure Brissy doesn't respond with her typical fu's. Gotta shine up the image of the Palin family, in case Donnie offers her a job. Can't let the public see the warts anymore.

    3. Anonymous9:08 AM

      You'll only get 1 comment in so make it good! I commented on her IG picture of the alleged "7 day old" that she must have been 10+ lbs when she was born, because my 7lbs baby was scrawny at a week old. Within minutes I was blocked. No joke.

    4. Anonymous9:14 AM

      TMZ has a report that Dakota and Bristol split up 3 months after conception.


      Bristol has never publicly revealed the identity of the father. She and Dakota broke up 3 months after conception.

    5. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Some of the photos of people holding Sailor showed that they didn't bother to support her head and neck-- because she is already 3 months old and able to hold her head up like a regular 3 month old baby was born at the beginning of November.

    6. Crystal Sage10:06 AM

      Too bad Bristol doesn't live in one of those "socialist" countries where she could get up to a year of paid maternity leave.

      Is this her attempt to show how hard-working she is? Sorry, Bristol. Your whole family is an example of poor parenting and dysfunction. So predictable; so pathetic.

    7. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Because she wants to look like a hard ass-worker who needs to make minimum wage at a doctor's office to feed her children?

      Because she wants people to feel sorry for her and treat her like some kind of working single mom?

      Because she's tired of staying home with the baby and needs a public excuse to dump the baby with a caregiver and go hang out with her degenerate friends?

    8. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Bristol's already tired of 24-7 Sailor time; shitty diapers and squalling baby. She's already tired of taking cute selfies with her and just wants to get the hell away for 10 hours a day. She's mothering exactly the way her absent mother mothered her.

    9. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Well it ain't working cause most people in the situation you describe do not have designer handbags and oodles of cosmetic surgery lol.

    10. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Why is she returning to work after only 4 weeks?

      AGREE with you.

      The Wasilla police incident form 1-18-16 with Track Palin and Jordan Loewe, also, had sister with drunks at her house with children. It was a Monday night when people that work are not entertaining drunks. It is not a good image for the family value and Christian image that Sarah Palin is making up for her children.

      Track can be said to have PTSD. Not so for Bristol or Jordan, they have no excuse for Sarah to label them.

      It is better to go back to the fake working mother image for Bristol.

  10. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The Palins are obsessed with looks, shallow, callow bottom feeder and thinkers that equate money, looks and infamy as quality. Even when Willow was making fun of an overweight classmate, she said Bristol was still way hotter as a teen mom than any loser critics.

    Rill mature and not desperate at all.

  11. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I prefer to listen to and look at Tina Fey than Sarah Palin. Sarah looks like,she's on drugs.

  12. Anonymous8:52 AM

    why not take the full 6 week maternity leave, if one can afford it?

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Perhaps Bristol actually has to go make some money. I mean look at the new tiny house she had to downsize into. She's also carrying that same old Louis Vuitton purse we saw from last year. Looks like money might be tight.

    2. Anonymous10:13 AM

      She's returning to work as a fulltime social media blogger

    3. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Why not? Because her whole life is "leave" and she comes and goes from her so-called job whenever she wants.

  13. Oh Yeah. Isn't in the 20s-30s in Alaska? Neither Bristol or Trip are wearing coats in this picture--although they might have taken the picture before they put them on. Bristol isn't wearing socks in this picture. Would people do this in Alaska in January?

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      And yet the baby is bundled and hidden, like always.

      We have never once seen an actual full body pic of the baby without it being curled up in a ball. It's always so bundled up. She never let people see what the baby actually looks like from head to toe. And of course never let people in on the weight and length when born.

      And a recent pic with the baby yawning looks closer to three months old and I bet teething starts in the next couple months.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      We've had an unseasonably warm winter and no snow on the ground, at least in Wasilla/Palmer area. I see kids at the bus stop, some wearing longer shorts, girls in capris and kids wearing no jackets or their light fall jackets. I ran to the grocery store the other day in my chaco sandals, just because I could. There's been a lot of "spring fever" this winter because we're used to colder.

    3. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Gotta hide the webbed feet and the tail.

    4. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Not true 9:23. We saw pretty much all of that baby in some "newborn" poses indicating she was a good 12 pounds at birth.

  14. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Actually, I didn't know Tina was older than Sarah? It appears to be the other way around. Also, Tina has softer features, compared to the hard-look of Scarah and all the VERY visible botox & fillers.
    Poor Poor scarah & family must feel they have to respond hoping people would confuse the REAL OLDER Scarah with Tina?

    1. Tina is 45 yo...Scarah 51 or 52...

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Tina is 45, Sarah is 51. Tina is slimmer, prettier and richer.

    3. Anonymous9:58 AM

      And smarter.

    4. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Tina's neck looks WAAAAAY better than $arah's

    5. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Tina doesn't beg for money from Depends wearing, scooter driving, Fox watching droolers.

    6. Anonymous12:22 PM

      I believe $creech is 52 1/2.

  15. Anonymous8:58 AM

    All I could watch from Sarah were the crazy eyes and the way she "humped" her body a-la-Rush Limbaugh, when he had that speech in 2008 while wearing all black.

  16. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Sour grapes Sarah, the Truth must really hurt, you are the laughing stock of the world.

    She really should be flattered that SNL even bothers with her.

    It’s getting pathetic. Its been 7 years! Is she desperate for relevance? Or just desperate for money?

  17. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Oh Brancy, Tina Fey nailed it. Your mom sounds like she is on meth and helium. Nails on a chalkboard. As for looks, Tina is naturally pretty. She doesn't have a silicone face and hard, cold heart. As for, "It's been seven years...." For fuck sake, tell mommy dearest to get over her bitterness about Obama. That schtick is old.

  18. Anonymous9:01 AM

    But here’s the thing: Palin incites violence, but she is also incredibly dumb.  So dumb, in fact, that she doesn’t seem to be able to speak in complete sentences.

  19. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Hey....Sarah was "taking one for the team," right Sarah?

  20. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Nancy French is a real dummy.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      She's no real Christian..

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Being a ghostwriter is one of the least christian careers a person could choose. Basically your job is to lie and say you are someone else. Then again the entire bible was ghostwritten, so she's just carrying on the long traditions of her faith.

    3. Anonymous10:52 AM

      If Nancy wrote the post, she should be fired for not knowing the difference between its and it's. "Its been 7 years."

  21. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Tina was doing scarah a favor by trying to look LESS CRAZY! What's with the crazy eyes, barstool.

  22. Anonymous9:07 AM

    For once, I agree with Bristol. I think the whole schtick has gotten old. Now, if she could only convince her mom. Because, I seriously doubt Fey will be pulling out the Palin persona, once there is no Palin to imitate.
    For the record, I love Tina Fey, think she has Palin down pat and thoroughly enjoy her imitation of Palin.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Exactly. Fey's dead-on impression of the shrieking, orange-blushed crazy lady ends the second the crazy lady goes away. Your move, psycho.

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      There was a time when some of us here would comment on what it was like to look in the mirror whilst trying to grimace in imitation of Ms Palin's hateful expressions, caught by the cameras. It was hard to do and look at.

      Of course Tina Fey is a professional actress and has trained her whole self as the instrument of her art; yet, I sometimes feel a whiff of concern and empathy for her when she 'dons the mantle' of the SP persona for our entertainment.

    3. Anonymous10:54 AM

      "The whole schtick has gotten old."

      I guess that's why SNL just started their 41st season. The show premiered in October 1975 and has been on non-stop.

    4. Anonymous11:34 AM

      You missed my point, Old Redneck. I was saying Palin's schtick has gotten old and once she stops, Fey won't bother to imitate her.
      I watched the very first SNL as a teen and still hand around for 'Weekend Update'.
      I watched SNL with my now grown kids, too!

    5. Anonymous12:28 PM

      I love Tina Fey as Scarah. As long as Scarah is around it helps to have Tina get us through.

      I would love, love, love if we could hear from Joan Rivers. She would have such a hoot with the Bristol and Dakota mess and all the baby shit.


      Joan Rivers hailed as 'legendary' by Donald Trump in her final ever TV appearance on Celebrity Apprentice

      Why Melissa Rivers Won't Vote for Apprentice Boss Donald Trump: 'I'm All About Hillary'

      After all when it comes to Valley Trash there is nobody more representative.

      Cerebral hypoxia is a form of hypoxia (reduced supply of oxygen) specifically involving the brain; when the brain is completely deprived of oxygen it is called cerebral anoxia.

      Autumn McDonald-Browning's life story and undetermined cause of death.

      Sept 2015

      Curiouser and curiouser... Bristol Palin deleted Dr. Michael Cusack's Sept birthday party picture from her Instagram. From Patheos Blog? Bristol was so happy to honor him and spent the day decorating. Very curious she would delete the pictures.


  23. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Sarah will now perform wedding ceremonies for a small fee, apparently she must have gotten her minister degree online. You gotta pay to pray.

    Check out Kristen Sapp Cole on facebook. and as usual Todd and Sarah are dressed like a couple of hicks at a "fancy" wedding.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      And guess who is wearing white and who is wearing black.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Kristen is on her fourth husband and poor Bristol can't get any husband .. life is good.

    3. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Actually anyone in AK can get a certificate to marry someone.

    4. Anonymous11:29 AM

      OMGosh, What the heck is Sarah wearing? Looks like an old, dirty, white stretched out t-shirt under a way too big wrinkly sweater. If I were Kristan I'd be pissed she dressed so friday casual! But then check out the pics of Kristan's sons!! lol


    5. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Good God in Heaven, what the hell is $creech wearing? $he is swimming in that white jacket and it looks like she has a ribbed tshirt underneath. Doesn't $he have any of the duds she bought from the nearly $300,000 shopping spree the Republicants popped for in '08?

      It's no wonder people turn out to see this lying hag -- they can't resist what absurd, inappropriate outfit $he might be wearing, what spew will come from her mouth and her herky-jerky behaviors. (Count me in! lol)

  24. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Sarah will just say Tina is making a ton of money off her. I say Sarah makes a ton of money off her Pac.

  25. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Nicely staged photo of Bristol going back to work. Is Bristol holding the baby carrier or is the baby carrier levitating?

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Back to work WHERE?

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Probably Dr. Handjob's Skin Emporium again. No respectable employer would have her.

    3. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Good catch, 9:12. Bristol's hand is not holding the baby carrier.

  26. Anonymous9:12 AM

    A hit dog barks.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Pit bull with lipstick.

  27. Anonymous9:16 AM

    So is Bristol getting medical insurance from her employer too. She works part time, so how can she get maternity leave?

  28. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Uh, no Brancy, SNL is not desperate for content. Your mom has been providing that for seven years in a steady flow of whack dialogue. Criminitly, they don't even have to work at it. And yes, thank you, it does provide quite a nice viewership because we all love to laugh and mock your nasty, vindictive, grifting, slob of a mother. Don't ever stop talkin' Sarah.

    This latest Brancy diatribe is so poorly done, I don't think Nancy French actually wrote it. It sounds more like Sarah's style. Jealous, vindictive, shallow and lacking any intelligent thought. Could it be that Nancy is off the payroll too?

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      That is what I think. Sarah wrote it. Airhead, dummy is so jealous and mad. Effer.

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      does it burn $$$$$ ,Sarah??

  29. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Why is it necessary for Beefalo to leave her newborn just so she can go take selfies and goof around in an office

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Because being a mom is so damn hard, you know. she just needs to get away from it all for awhile.

  30. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Why does this 25 year old always dress in black? Even her hair is dyed black.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Wanna be kartrash.

    2. Anonymous10:09 AM

      ANSWER> Jealous of/or just wants to be KKKim KKK. the IRONY of it ALL- wink wink!

  31. Anonymous9:20 AM

    No one would ever think Tina Fey was a guy in drag. On the other hand, so many people have commented on how manly Sarah looks.

    If Sarah didn't act like a goon and dress like a goon, there'd be no need for any SNL skits. Bristol just doesn't get that.

    The very first thought that came to me when I saw Sarah endorsing Trump--this was the day of and not after seeing Tina in the outfit--was that she has such weak slumpy shoulders. That slumpiness has always bugged the hell out of me. She has such horrible shoulders made worse by her posture.

    All these complaints about SNL overdoing it with the impersonation and it going on for too long mean nothing. Characters last as long as there is reason for them to. Look at Dana Carvey's George Bush. He was around for a long time and every now and then is brought back. Oh, and the real Bush had a great sense of humor about it. As have many political people, like Christ Matthews, Clinton, and GW Bush. Bristol and Nancy and Sarah understand nothing about comedy.

    Hey, isn't Bristol supposed to be busy mourning at her grandmother's funeral services today?

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      I didn't hear Trump complain that he's been skewered by SNL.

  32. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Still fuming over those Emmys, are you Palins/French? Those are some mighty thin skins you got there!

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Tina got the Emmys for her comic satire. Sarah got laughed at.

    2. Anonymous9:54 AM

      They can't let one blasted thing go.

    3. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Revenge is her engine. I bet she still calls Wooten and hangs up on him.

    4. Anonymous11:19 AM

      I'll bet she's still got it in for Julianne Moore, too.

  33. Anonymous9:21 AM

    1. Tina is 45 years old and Sarah is 51.
    2. Tina is a highly successful comedy writer, producer, and performer. Sarah posts on Facebook and begs for money.
    3. Sarah Palin gave a speech that she thought would appeal to Trump's low-level bottom-of-the-barrel followers in Iowa. Tina repeated Sarah's slogans and made them sound funnier.
    4. The ugly, silly needle jacket cost SarahPAC $700. Sarah has worn it several times. The costume that Tina wore on SNL was especially made for the sketch by professional costumers.
    5. Sarah was serious in trying to drum up votes for Trump. TIna was making fun of Sarah. It was comedy.
    6. SarahPAC had to pay for Sarah's expenses. SNL pays Tina.
    7. As long as Sarah tries to stay relevant, Tina will make fun of her. The act never gets old, not even after 7 years. That's because just when you thought that Sarah couldn't get any worse, she gets worse.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      ... don't think $arah could have promised Track a 'property' if $he hadn't squeezed Trump for something...

  34. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I used to think Tina Fey did a favorable impression of Palin but watching the latest one, she became Palin. Pure genius on the part of Tina Fey.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      She gets to the absurd core of Palin and to the drug addled behavior. Damn good thing, because without the release of laughing at Palin she is much too terrifying.

  35. Anonymous9:26 AM

    It's getting pathetic, Brancy? Says who?

    Why don't you just admit that it was soooo good, it was repeated on countless shows worldwide so people could laugh?

    Grow a pair.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      And the great thing is, when I googled "Palin" the next day and next day, the series of links that showed up was about the Fey skit, and below those links were ones about what a horror Palin was at the endorsement. Everyone was talking about it. And yesterday, the first workday of the week, everyone was showing excerpts from the Saturday skit.

      The only things that got more attention, and rightly so, were the snow storm and Trump's using of his hand to pretend shoot someone dead.

  36. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Nicole Wallace Op-Ed at the NYT:

    Sarah Palin, Rage Whisperer
    'Her legacy lies in her innate ability to wrap herself in the anger that those voters felt.'


    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Nicolle (silly spelling) is another one who needs to STFU. She and Steve Schmidt did everything possible to sell Palin to America and now are making a living in telling us (correctly) how awful she is. Yeah, and she was just as awful when you and Schmidt whored yourselves out for McCain to inflict this trainwreck on us. Man up and admit your part in unleashing this monster onto our political discourse.

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      I totally agree 9:45
      Just the fact that she is on Scarborough's show is enough to disqualify her. There is so very much more, however.

    3. Anonymous10:35 AM

      9:45, all you said about NW.

    4. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I believe you are mistaken. Steve Schmidt was one of three people to weigh in on having Skank as VP. Nicolle Wallace was her handler. One thing I like about Nicolle and Steve is they have been more than willing to throw Stupid Sarah under the bus and to talk about their mistake in supporting her as the VP pick.

  37. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Bristol is so desperate for any reason to post something, and to once again connect herself to someone legitimately famous, that she actually tweeted about Kristen Cavallari having been in a minor traffic accident that dislocated her shoulder and so KC is bummed that it's hard to pic up her baby Saylor.

    It's like Bristol still thinks there is some deep connection between herself and Kristen because Kristen named her baby Saylor.

    Sorry, Bristol, but if something were to happen to you, Kristen Cavallari would not take notice, and even if she happened to see something about it in the news, she'd not post about it.

    1. Now that is patheic. She really thinks she's a celebrity.

  38. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Selling pictures of her kids to tabloids is her job.

  39. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Uh, it's been 7 years because Palin doesn't know how to sit down and shut up. That's not Tina Fey's fault. Sarah never met a grudge she couldn't keep up forever.

  40. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I saw a comment in the comments section over at someplace like People and the person noted the make of the shoes Bristol is wearing. If that is the brand the person mentioned, the ballet flats sell for $225-250. If that is a real Louis Vuitton bag and not a ripoff, it cost at least just under $2000 and was likely between $2000 and 3000. That's ridic.

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Bristol only has the one large LV bag and the little wallet sized makeup bag/wallet. It appears that she has a few nice pairs of shoes, but certainly not a closet full.

      She tries to "walk the walk" but bless her heart she's just a medical receptionist and not the Hollywood celebrity she is in her head.

      Real celebrities carry Birkin bags, and they have more than just one. They also don't wear the same few pairs of shoes. Step up your game Barstool, ask that Dr. for a raise!

    2. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Bristol has several Louis Vuittons... check out her photos. I would say more than 5.

    3. Anonymous11:50 AM

      From Bristol's book:

      Cindy McCain, the senator’s wife, also rubbed the eldest Palin daughter the wrong way.

      “I’d never seen people with so much Louis Vuitton luggage, so many cell phones, and so many constant helpers to do hair and makeup,” Palin writes, adding that the would-be first lady looked “like a queen” and held “herself like royalty.”


      Jealousy is an ugly emotion, Bristol.

  41. Anonymous9:33 AM

    'We on the left like to think that ignorance and stupidity result from the lack of education. It is then the absence of something. Sarah Palin proves that to be untrue. Ignorance and stupidity can be learned just as knowledge and wisdom can be learned. Ignorance and stupidity can often be the addition of something. Sarah Palin is an expert at teaching them and inserting them to politics.

    She doesn't use reason and logic. She uses hate and fear. She has been well trained. All a person has to do is follow right wing hate radio and Fox News for a few years to get a degree in fear mongering.

    The poison that created Sarah Palin has infected millions of republicans. It has escaped from the lab and turned on its creators. The establishment GOP was all too happy to use their weapon to gain votes. Now the infection has turned on its creators and thrown them out of power. Those that oppose Trump in the National Review must be the biggest hypocrites in the world. They were the original infectors of hate and fear.

    Speaking out in the public square entails tremendous responsibility. That's why we have laws against yelling "fire" in a theater. Look at the damage and pain just caused the lies about Planned Parenthood. The right to speak out must be tempered by the effects lies will cause. If not, you get Sarah Palin and all the damage she will continue to inflect upon the GOP and all of us. They poisoned the water and now exclaim that they don't like how it tastes.'

    comment at the NYT op-ed by Nicole Wallace

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Sarah stirs the "brew" of poison. + THIS on the GOP>

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Nicole Wallace is part of the problem although I'm entertained that she throws $cratch under the bus.

    3. Anonymous12:02 PM

      'It is time to take seriously the role that stupidity is playing in shaping GOP politics. We have followed the rampant lying of candidates, and we have followed the rhetoric of anger and hostility. Maybe it is time to look more closely at the role of stupidity. And there is no better figure to help us think about that problem than Sarah Palin.'


  42. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Why does the babies head need to be covered inside a house? Doesn't look like a full baby, too small.... looks like a newborn, is this an old picture. I think she is holding the carrier by her wrists, why? And, ugly floors.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      The last two steps on the staircase are not child-proof. I can imagine a toddler's head hitting one of the sharp corners when she slips on the wooden floor. Ouch. Which "designer" furniture store did Bristol buy out to furnish her house?

  43. Anonymous9:44 AM

    So many publications and news channels and well-respected reporters and analysts and experienced politicians have spoken up about what an embarrassing horror Sarah Palin was last week. Bristol can't say anything in argument against what they say--they have nailed it where her mom's concerned. All Bristol can do is attack a comedy show.

    It's always sweet to see a kid stick up for her parent, but either Bristol is completely clueless here or she's lying about seeing why her mother is such a joke. If Sarah Palin were not her mom and Bristol saw SNL do a skit about Sarah, surely Bristol would "get" it.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Bristol does NOT write the blog with her name on it. The author is Nancy French. The opinions are French's and the opinions of whoever pays French.

      Bristol does not "stick up for her parent" in that blog entry because Bristol has nothing to do with the blog.

  44. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I think Nancy French is as much of a sociopath as Palin. Good thing she's small time! If she was content with herself and her career she wouldn't be sucking of the Palin's hind tit.

  45. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Bristol has the contact information for her "rep" David Martin on her Instagram, just waiting for the offers of a new reality show to come pouring in. She has taken all of those posed studio portraits of herself, her sisters (but not Track) and her kids.

    We should help Bristol write the premise for a new reality show since the last one was such a rousing success,LOL. Three sisters decide to live with each other in a white-and-beige designer house, and they will help the sister (who is the most beautiful and who is the star) raise her three kids, Tripp, Trig and Thud (the huge disappointment) while professing solid Christian values like having unprotected sex with multiple partners, insulting the fathers or likely fathers of some of the children, choosing to let God deal with Trig's DS instead of that gotcha-science-thearpy-crap. Laugh along as Tripp learns some new words that start with the letter F. Laugh along as Tripp teaches the new words to his non-verbal brother. Watch as we try to guess the real age of Thud, whose growth curve seems to be months ahead of the date that her mother claimed as her birth date. Guest appearances by Sarah Palin who offers her homespun advice, recipes and political updates. Another guest, Todd, teaches the kids to ride snow mobiles in the dark on a partially frozen lake. (Stay on the ice, kids, or you'll have to learn how to swim). This isn't confirmed, but if there is a second season in 2017, they will all be the wedding attendants at the "spirited" and "ecstatic" wedding of an older sibling and his pharmaceutical sweetheart. We'll call it a shot-gun wedding because everyone will come armed, thanks to open carry. It will be a blast!

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM


    2. Anonymous10:13 AM


      Nicely done! I see a future for you in reality television.

    3. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Don't forget the episode where Drunk Uncle Track shows up with his wasted girlfriend and they make things very uncomfortable for everyone as their anger escalates throughout dinner until they drive drunkenly into the night.

      Hilarity ensues when Trig, Tripp and Thud have fun repeating all the new words they learned from Drunk Uncle Track and his woman. "Look Mom I can flip people off with both hands".

    4. Anonymous10:32 AM

      10:19, Tripp and Trig also learn how to throw themselves onto the windshield of a car.

    5. Anonymous10:33 AM

      And,and uh and and they will give everyone the"middle finger " at the end of each episode.
      Cool! I like your style.

    6. trackmark skidmark Palamino eight track whatever the fuck my name is10:41 AM

      Libel slander and all that shit!

      Gonna be rich!

      Murrican as Fuck yall!

    7. Anonymous10:41 AM

      It's called: "Brawlin' with Bristol: Life with 'The Pistol.'" Come on, dontcha know they've pitched it already?

      Or: "Wasilla Mafia Blues"?

      Help them out with better names for the show! (wink)

    8. Anonymous11:12 AM

      ...and of course the cameo shot of Puddles wrapped in her thong wearing her $300 sunglasses at night.

    9. Anonymous12:07 PM

      I know I shouldn't be laughing at these "cruel remarks"- but I just can't help myself. Nice job, IMers.

  46. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Nancy French sounds like a person with serious mental problems. Her husband is veteran/lawyer, and she sounds like a juvenile, posting like some celebrity groupie. Her own blog shows she has little rattling around in her brain, posting nonsense, complaining about culture, and fluff. She offers no solutions, just uses her blog as a sounding board.

    And she follows an emotional-stunted immature Bristol Palin around like a puppy dog, bragging about her mom is prettier than everyone else's moms and how her mom is richer and famous.

    These people are truly insane.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Nancy is in love with Sarah and will do anything she asks.

  47. Anonymous10:13 AM

    The Palins are famous for condemning the world about things that they do. They use and exploit their own kids for fame and ratings and money all the time.

    They must be so unhappy and depressed. They can't even live their own lives. They need the attention so bad that they are slaves to it. Their master is the spirit of publicity and prominence and immense jealousy. They have to dance to that tune, those whispers in their ears, and they can't control themselves. The live every hour of every day demanding attention. If they don't get it, they probably self-medicate. What a horrible existence.

  48. Anonymous10:15 AM

    It should really be, "I have been clinging to this impersonation a little too long. It’s getting pathetic. Its been 7 years! Am I desperate for content? Or just desperate for viewers?"

  49. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Tina Fey is an intellectual Sarah Palin.

  50. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I am 100% sure that Willow and Bristol played that skit over and over again and laughed and laughed and laughed. They love to see their mother humiliated.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Do say more about that 100% thingy.

    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      The whole world loves seeing Sarah humiliated!

  51. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Sarah Palin = the comedic gift that keeps on giving. Eat your heart out Brancy. Your mother is insane and a drug addict.

  52. Anonymous10:25 AM

    This Palin-French connection is so emotionally stunted it's astounding. It is nothing more than nyana nyana nyana, we're much better than you-oo, nayan nyana nyana. They show their insanity by denying what the whole world can see, which is that Tina Fey DOES sound just like Sarah. EXACTLY LIKE HER! But they are so fucked up they insist it isn't so. Get off of the planet you imbeciles!

  53. Anonymous10:27 AM

    No barstool,Tina's not desperate for attention but you sure are! Sarah provides the rich material and we tune in and laugh our asses off. That's how its always been and you're filling her shoes as well,Bristol. I wonder who they'll find to play you.

  54. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Bristol's bragging that the sweater sold out. I have no doubt that if the people who bought it posted pics of themselves in it online, it'd be quite a hilarious sight. The company is, we know, distancing itself from Palin. They want no connection via that sweater. And they didn't hesitate to let it be known that the design is a couple years old--so much for Sarah being a trendsetter who's right on top of things.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Here's what they're not saying: It sold out in 2014.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      And no one would be caught dead wearing it now. I predict they'll be showing up at Goodwill.

  55. Tundra Twunt has been dealing the same load of horseshit for the past seven years--desperate for content, or just desperate for donations?

  56. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Here's what Bristol actually sent to Nancy French before French cleaned it up.

    "My Mom is prettier than Tina Fey and talks good and has a sweet voice and Tina is ugly and mean and SNL is just stupid and Mom looked pretty in her jacket and people are just jelus haters and no one watches that dumb show anyway."

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      I love it, but you forgot what happened before that.

      Sarah: Bristol! Did you see what Tina Fey did on SNL? Bristol!! Answer your god-damned phone!

      Bristol: [giggle, giggle] (calls her mom back). Yeah, mom, it was [snicker] horrible. She doesn't look or sound like you at all [giggle, giggle].

      Sarah: Bristol!!! You better do something about this or no more money for you and Sinbad or Soldier or whatever the hell you called that little mistake of yours!!

      Bristol: Whatever, mom.

      Sarah: BRISTOL!!! I MEAN IT!!!!

      Bristol: All right, all right, stop freaking out.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      "The Dumb Show: Wasilla Blues" starring Bristol "The Pistol" Palin.

  57. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Bristol's house looks way too old for her and much of what she accessorizes with does too--that necklace is ick.

  58. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Tina Fey's one failure was that she didn't write all over her left palm like Sarah did and let that be shown when she held her hands up. I'm still dying to know what Sarah thought she might need to remind herself to say.

    Well, too, Sarah's jewelry on her wrists always looks dirty, like it's sweaty and caked with gunk.

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      It does, especially those leather cuffs or whatever the fuck they're made of. They must be truly rancid by now.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      I know. Her arms and hands always look smelly.

  59. Dan Lather10:49 AM

    Although Nancy French has banned me from commenting because I've repeatedly criticized her and her husbands journalism ethics, The poll still let me vote, Tiny is beating Sarah 52% to 48% Bahahahahahahaha

  60. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Screechie so often makes an ass of herself with those insane world salads, all the while twitching like a recently-died frog....and everyone just groans in facepalms. Her utter lack of eloquence and class is painful to witness.
    Like the GOP these days.

  61. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Whine, whine, whine.

    Bristol/Nancy said: "Saturday Night Live and Fey have been clinging to this impersonation a little too long. It’s getting pathetic. Its been 7 years! Are they desperate for content? Or just desperate for viewers?"

    Do I sense jealousy? Desperation? Or, is it just more Palin bullshit?

    Saturday Night Live has been on TV for 40 years straight -- since October 1975 -- SNL just started their 41st season. The list of comics, actors, actresses, and tv hosts who got their start on SNL includes just about everyone who is anyone.

    Here's a comment from the Wikipedia article about SNL:

    -- quote

    Throughout four decades on air, Saturday Night Live has received a number of awards, including 36 Primetime Emmy Awards, two Peabody Awards, and three Writers Guild of America Awards. In 2000, it was inducted into the National Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame. It was ranked tenth in TV Guide's "50 Greatest TV Shows of All Time" list, and in 2007 it was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Best TV Shows of All-TIME". As of 2012, it has received 156 Emmy nominations, the most received by any TV show. The live aspect of the show has resulted in several controversies and acts of censorship, with mistakes and intentional acts of sabotage by performers as well as guests.

    -- end quote

    Now, would someone answer these questions:
    1. When will "Sarah Palin's Alaska" or "Sarah Palin's Amazing America" or "The Sarah Palin Channel" start their 41st season?
    2. How long did the shows in #1 last? And where are they now?
    3. How many Emmys and other awards were won by the shows listed in #1?
    4. Is Nancy trying to make Bristol look stupid and petty -- or is that just the way they all are?

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Sarah Palin continues to supply the material, so why is brancy confused?
      7 years later,still dumb as a post.7 more years she will be a vegetable. Eh?

  62. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Hmmmm, "nails on a chalkboard". Further proof of $P's constant trolling of 'librul' websites as this description of her voice has been used about a million times to describe the screechy voice of mama grizzled. Funny that palin would criticize the material as being 7 years old when old Baldy girl has been ranting the SAME old shit about the President for the exact SAME length of time.

  63. Anonymous11:01 AM

    'Cause it's completely normal for single moms to be able to go back to work after 1 month, wearing expensive designer shoes and handbag, while earning a minimum wage. We are not stupid, Bristol.

  64. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Who wore it better?
    Well, for Tina Fey it was a costume for comedic purposes, much like a clown suit.
    For Scarah, it was actual clothing she chose for herself (and it still seemed rather clownish).

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Excellent 11:02. Also Palin looks like a short stout old lady. Fey is tall slender and in healthy shape.
      She is also missing that chicken neck of sarah's.

  65. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Tundra Turd looks like a ferret on speed when she gives a gibberish speech, while Tina Fey looks like an intelligent, pretty comedienne mocking a maniacal fool. Not easily done.

  66. Anonymous11:07 AM

    What I find hilarious is that the entire family has to spend hours each day keeping up this facade of "All-American-Clean-Living-Just-Folks" when they are anything but, all in an attempt to keep the money flowing, because frankly, they don't know what to do if the money stops.

    There is no way that the meager Palin fortune can continue to support two adult children, two homes in AK, the AZ home, the two "cabins", their fleet of cars, the plane, frequent family vacations to Vegas, $700 sweaters and Bristol's bags and shoes. Oh, and someone is buying Track's booze, that can't be cheap.

  67. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Poor little Tripp has that tense washed-out look he seems to have so often when photographed with his mother. When with Levi, he just beams!

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Blow up the pic and Tripp looks extremely tired, like he hasn't been out of bed long, like someone got him out of bed for a photo op- you know, that familiar Trig look, but minus the bed hair (Tripp's hair is short).

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      I thought the same thing! He beams when he is with dad/mom Sunny/and sisters.

    3. Anonymous11:57 AM

      It's hard to tell sometimes if Tripp is a boy or girl.

  68. Anonymous11:24 AM


    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Oh that is too funny! Definitely worth a read.

  69. Anonymous11:27 AM

    And...yeah but, Tina Fey isn't nuts or stupid like "dumber than a box of rocks" is.

  70. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Sarah, it probably wasn't a good idea to whine about Tina Fey again, you already know that side by side you're going to look like a very roly poly grandma.

    And what you sound like, well you already know what you sound like, so there again it's a dumb idea to invite people to make a comparison.

    Another stupid move, Governor Roly Poly. Also too it will remind everyone of your laughable endorsement speech and your laughable 'combat vet' fairytale, a lie that will embarrass him for the rest of his life. How he must hate you.

  71. Anonymous11:33 AM

    All America watched Saturday Night Live (plus a good percentage of the rest of the world). Hardly anyone watched Sarah.

  72. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Sarah, it wasn't so long ago that you were impersonating a Tina Fey character. And very, very badly. Nobody liked it, you're a terrible actor, even worse than Bristol.

    Perhaps you should get that short-term memory problem looked at.

  73. "Nancy French channels Sarah Palin's anger at Tina Fey's impression of her, by accusing SNL of being desperate. All while posing as her daughter Bristol Palin of course."
    The difference between Tina Fey and Nancy French?

    1) Tina is an excellent comedy writer. French is only accidentally a comedy writer.

    2) Tina does an excellent impersonation of Tundradunce. French does an awful impersonation of Bristles.

  74. SNL had to make the tacky top because it was out of season, and seen on screech before. The company who manufactured it wouldn't even reply to questions regarding it.

    Now on to Bristol, ~ahem~ going to work... WHO is in her house first thing in the morning (presumably) to take pictures of her before she toddles off to Jack MeOffs office??? Yeah I always pose for photo ops first thing in the am for someone who does not live with me in my house, before I tumble out the door for work. As IF.

  75. Barstool is correct. Tina Fey is MUCH easier on the eyes than her mom, even when Tina is portraying a caricature of her mom.

    Maybe the voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard because it's not exact, but Ohhh sooo close.

    Barstool needs to keep her mouth shut and raise her children, whom she claims to be desperate to protect from the limelight.

  76. Anonymous12:02 PM

    From the Pond, still a few laughs left in them

    Carmtom13 • 17 minutes ago
    I wonder if Gov. Palin is going to comment on the SNL skit, when they put up the picture of Fey next to Sarah, the only resemblance was the sweater. Feys face looked very long and drawn.

    January8 • 14 minutes ago
    Someone mentioned Feyk looked like she'd had cosmetic surgery. She looked different to me, but it was subtle.

    Carmtom13 • 7 minutes ago
    Her face is very thin, if she had surgery done on her face they did a terrible job.

    pete4palin• 2 minutes ago
    Tina has been around the block a few times and has a lot of miles on her. But it's her attitude of seeing Sarah as a income opportunity which I don't like.

  77. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Someone is suffering postpartum delusion.

  78. Anonymous12:08 PM

    So, we are to believe that Bristol takes the kids out to a babysitter these days? What happened to the nanny? Funds drying up? Why aren't you anxious to get child support from the new baby daddy, Bristol?

  79. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I'm surprised Bristol hasn't had more work done on her chin to get rid of the noticeable pock-marked looking dimpling. Dimpling while making her fish faces is one thing, but it's there during normal smiling, like in today's pic, and anytime she slightly moves her mouth.


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