Tuesday, May 31, 2005

God I love it when they use the "I" word!

In my deepest darkest fantasies I imagine what would happen if George W. Bush was held accountable for all of his criminal activities. But then I wake up and realize that he has so completely stacked the deck in his favor that he is even more "Teflon" then Ronald Reagan was.

But then an article like this comes out and my world has color once again.

Impeached! Man I love that word. And not impeached like Clinton was, no no, impeached and then thrown the fuck in jail for war crimes. Now that might actually make me believe in justice.

Here is another article on what we need to do to make this dream a reality.


Just what are religious schools teachng our children?

I found this article on http://onegoodmove.org/1gm/ which I visit daily. It sums up my feelings about religious schools and religious beliefs being itroduced into secular schools quite nicely.


In troubles me that in our enlightened times we are still struggling with this pervasive need to raise children with a set of "values" that is derived from an ancient text, written by a primitive culture, and influenced by fear and ignorance. It is my belief that organized religions have survived well past their time of usefulness. In ancient times it was the method for binding a people ogether but now we have shared cultural experience to do that. Let's move past these superstitous contraints and live our lives with openess and freedom. I dare you.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

They have their radicals and we,unfortunately, have ours

Apparently Colorado Springs is the training ground for many of our Christ loving Muslim haters.

This from Pastor Ted founder of New Life Church.

So the Catholics are out, and the battle boils down to evangelicals versus Islam. “My fear,” he says, “is that my children will grow up in an Islamic state.”
And that is why he believes spiritual war requires a virile, worldly counterpart. “I teach a strong ideology of the use of power,” he says, “of military might, as a public service.” He is for preemptive war, because he believes the Bible’s exhortations against sin set for us a preemptive paradigm, and he is for ferocious war, because “the Bible’s bloody. There’s a lot about blood.”

Here is the url http://www.harpers.org/SoldiersOfChrist.html.

This lunatic is one of Bushes closest advisors. We are so fucked!

Friday, May 27, 2005

What we have here is a sinking ship.

I don't know if I should take this story seriously or just think that the subject is overreacting a little. But it definitely deserves to be be noticed.

This is from the folks at Freedom Press.

One of our neighbors is moving. I've been in this neighborhood for about six years now, but didn't really know them very well at all - just waves and nods, mostly.So I heard the moving van pull up this morning. When I got home this evening I happened to spy my neighbor (he's like 85 years old - I don't know exactly, but he's old, talks and moves very slowly) standing on the sidewalk next to the van. I walked over and shook his hand, and we started talking. I asked him where he was moving, and he said, "Back to Germany."I had been stationed in Germany for two years while in the military, so I lit up, and commented about how beautiful the country was, and inquired if he was going back because he missed it."No," he answered me. "I'm going back because I've seen this before." He then commenced to explain that when he was a kid, he watched with his family in fear as Hitler's government committed atrocity after atrocity, and no one was willing to say anything. He said the news refused to question the government, and the ones who did were not in the newspaper business much longer. He said good neighbors, people he had known all his life, turned against his family and other Jews, grabbing on to the hate and superiority "as if they were starved for it" (his words). He said he was too old to see it happen right in front of his eyes again, and too old to do anything about it, so he was taking his family back to Europe on Thursday where they would be safe from George W. Bush and his neocons. He seemed resolute, but troubled, nonetheless, as if being too young on one end and too old on the other to fight what he saw happening was wearing on him. I gotta tell you - it was chilling. I let him talk, and the whole time, my gut was churning, like I had mutated butterflies in my stomach. When he was finished, he shook my hand, gripping it really hard, until his knuckles turned white and he was shaking. He looked me in the eyes, hard, and said, "I will pray for your family and your country." He let go of my hand and hobbled away. I have related this event to you in the hopes it will serve as a cautionary anecdote about the state of our Union, and to illustrate the path we Americans are being led down by a group of fanatics bent on global economic and military dominion. When a man who survived the fruits of fascism decides its time to leave THIS country because he's seeing the same patterns that led to the Holocaust and other Nazi horrors beginning to form here, it is time for us to recognize the underlying evil inherent in the actions of those who claim they work for all Americans, and for all mankind. And it is incumbent upon all Americans, Red and Blue, Republican and Democrat, to stop them.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely

And the GOP continues to change the world to fit their warped sense of reality.


Thursday, May 26, 2005

Is that blood in the water I see?

I am becoming cautiously optimistic that the Republicans are beginning to crumble from within. I am very pleased that the Bolton confirmation has jumped the tracks but I still have my fingers crossed to see if this grostly unqualified man will be sent packing.

My new favorite Republican is Senator Voinovich from Ohio. Now usually I would say that there is no crying in politics but I really felt this poor mans struggle with his conscience as he testified before his fellow senators. I only hope that there are others on that side who secretly harbor those very same conflicted feelings. There must be.

Now the contest for my favorite Democrat is between Representative Conyers and Barbara Boxer. Conyers is aggressively chasing after those pesky allegations of voter fruad and trying to get to the bottom of the "Downey Street Memo". (see Brad's Blog for more at http://www.bradblog.com/) My darling Barbara Boxer continues to hold the republicans feet to the fire over the Bolton nomination, the war, torture at Abu Ghraib, and many other issues.

Now I have a message to any and all potential presidential hopefuls. You better get in the fight. We need to see real leadership. I do not want to vote for the candidate who played to all sides, liberal, moderate, and conservative. I want someone to have an honest postion and stick to it. Quit playing politics and make a damn difference! The republicans are falling apart, now is the time for strong leadership! Hillary, Biden, Edwards, Vilsack, and any other hopefuls (not Kerry you are damaged goods!) you need to break from the pack early and attack the build up to the war, and attack the Social Security lies, and attack Bush on how cavalier he has been in destroying our reputaion around the world, and attack the Republicans for using faith to drive a wedge between Americans, attack their bullying of other countries, and start making them sweat for a change.

I want to go to the polls in 2008 and cast my ballot with confidence and pride! I want to proudly proclaim that I am a Democrat and we are going to make a difference! Help me regain my patriotism because I have lost it recently. Help me no longer be ashamed to say I am an American. Really, is that too much to ask?

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Al qaeda nicknames Condoleezza

I don't often agree with anything Al-qaeda says, actually I never agree with them but I have to hand it to them for giving Ms. Rice a perfect nickname.

Follow the link to learn more about "The crusaders hag".


Hee hee hee that is just great.

Senate picks a fight with he wrong guy.

Damn this guy is pulling no punches! I hope that he is not guily of what he is being accused of cause I really want to root for him. Well, guilty or not, his points are valid.


Here is the audio.


Monday, May 16, 2005

This weeks whipping boy...Newsweek Magazine

Holy Shit the Bush administration is shameless!

Just when I was sure that the Downing street memo was going to break as a major story this week the Bushies find another red herring to distract the press and the American people.

Newsweek magazine reported that guards at Gutanamo bay flushed a copy of the Koran down a toilet in front of a muslim prisoner. Stories like this have been coming out of Gitmo for some time now and this story just cited a government source as confirming that this had indeed happened. Now, after riots have erupted in several muslim communities and the administration is pointing their finger at Newsweek as the cause, they are back pedaling and saying that their source was possibly mistaken. Bullshit!

The Bushies are just pounding these poor journalists and making them second guess everything that they print or broadcast to the point where important information is not reaching the American people.

Click on the link below to get the real story.


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Identifying the Moral

Okay let us get one thing out of the way. Going to church, being saved, giving your heart to Jesus, or just believing yourself a Christian does not mean that you are necessarily moral.

I know, I know, you find that statement patently rediculous. Yet it is the truth.

It does not take much digging to find numerous people of faith who have done terrible or immoral things. The "B.K. Killer" was a church deacon. Andrea yates, who drowned her five children, was under the tutelage of Michael Woroniecki, a traveling minister. Dr. David Hager, a devout christian, anally raped his wife. Representative Tom Delay, outspoken opponent of liberal judges and pro-choice advocates, has been accused of ethics violations. Jimmy Swaggert, fiery pentecostal televangelist, hired a prostitute for sex. Jim Baker, preacher and founder of the 700 club, cheated on his wife with his secretary.

Now what makes all of this seem so much worse is that many of these people portray themselves as better then people who do not share their belief. They claim that God is on their side and they are assured that they are on the fast track to salvation. And people trust them. Sometimes the people who share their religious faith are unable to accept that they have done these terrrible things. And that is the crux of the problem.

Gandhi said "I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill."

I am here to tell you that Gandhi is my moral superior. I am not so ready to die and under the right circumstances I could definitely take a life. I would not do so lightly and it would be an extreme situation, but I could imagine doing it. Yet he is not a Christian.

It seems that too many Christians go through the motions and surround themselves with people who reinforce their feeling of rightousness and are confident that they are being moral. Yet I keep seeing the spokespeople from their religion showing no tolerance toward other religions, advocating violence toward people who are Pro-choice, threatening judges who dare to show independence, and advocating watering down science so as to protect their beliefs from scrutiny.

Where is the Morality?

When I was a boy I met the man who exemplified morality to me. He was not white. He was not Christian. He was not American. He was the most powerful martial artist I have ever seen yet he walked away from every argument. He could crush cinder blocks into powder with his hands yet he refused to squash a bug feeding on his blood. He attracted much attention from the ladies yet he shyly avoided them and stayed chaste. He observed my hedonistic lifestyle and did not seem to pass judgement. He never told me what to think or who to be. He was just my friend. The lessons I learned from him have lasted a lifetime.

Morality is not found inside a building. It is not in a book. It is not worn around your neck. It is not on a bumper sticker attached to your car. It is not defined by how loudly you shout it to the world. It is not in the color of your skin or where you happen to have been born. It is in the heart of some Hindus. It is in the heart of some Buddhists. It is in the heart of some Christians. It is in the heart of some Muslims. And it is in the heart of anybody who thinks of others first, or sacrifices without considering a reward, or cries at the suffering of any of his fellow humans.

I strive to be a moral person and you will know it by my actions not by my words. So go ahead and judge me. I forgive you.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Hot Damn! Now we are talking!

Just visit this blog and take the time to let your voice be heard. It is only a matter of time until we get these bastards out of the White House and we can get our country back.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The word is getting out there.

Here is another story on the memo. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/05/11/britain.war.memo/index.html

And this is on CNN! Now maybe it will reach their broadcast. Come on you bastards!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Another memo story

I found another story on the memo on www.commondreams.org. This one is done by Mary Ivins. Here is the link http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0511-24.htm.

I have e-mailed this story to CNN and MSNBC in the hopes that they will grow a pair and start to go after this story. I will post every version that I find and send it to the MSM until somebody follows up and does their damn job!

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

What the Fuck?

Okay this has just reached a point where I am quite literally screaming at the newscasters on television. Where are their souls? Where is the balance? How can anybody call the media liberal when they cover this story http://www.nypost.com/postopinion/opedcolumnists/46214.htm

And do absolutely nothing concerning these stories.

This is quite literally driving me crazy! I believe this story is bigger then Watergate! How could the media not be all over this memo? Am I a sucker? Is this fake? Somebody find the fuck out!

If this is true then it means just what we feared that all of those soldiers died for a lie! That this president and the administration killed 16,000 Americans without batting an eye. And they did it for their own selfish purposes and not to protect America. It means that Congress and the Senate bought into the biggest ass rape in the history of the United States.

Bush should be impeached and then put on trial for war crimes, and we owe millions and millions of dollars in restitution to the Iraqi's who we killed and who homes we destroyed just because we could. I am once again ashamed to be an Anerican.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Sign of the Anti-christ is off by 50.

I don't know if any of you have read this article in the news but apparently the powers that be have discovered that the number 666 is not really the sign of the beast.

Apparently the real number identifying a child as the Anti-christ is 616. Hmmmm.

Now I don't know just what to make of this birthmark of mine. I mean before I was filled with a sense of purpose, now I just feel like a freak. Oh well, I guess I can still terrorize people who do not read the news.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Is this the smoking gun?

You can't even be a good conspiracy theorist anymore because the truth is waaaay crazier then anything you could imagine.


Can you believe that this guy got elected due to his stand on moral issues?

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Let's do the time warp again!

This is why America cannot seem to move forward. We keep revisiting older conflicts hoping for a different outcome.


I would hope that a couple of sientists could find the time to testify at this thing. I know it is rediculous but if somebody does not represent the side of intellectual discourse then this thing will just turn into a shouting match and nobody's mind will be changed. And I hate to say it but there is a real chance that Evolution could come out the loser this time. I mean it is Kansas for God's sake!

And who does not think that this is just the warm up to retrying Roe vs. Wade?

And on a personal note I have been dealing with the Religious right actually trying to introduce their beliefs into my home. My job is to work with at risk children. And for reasons that I cannot quite put my finger on a member of one child's team has taken it upon herself to take this child to church, a place that the child had never attended before. The church that she chose is extremely fundamentalist in its approach and believes in Creationism and in an apocalyptic view of the future. I am having a hell of a time convincing the team that this is not, in any way, in this childs best interests. I am royally pissed that these people believe that they are absolutely correct in foisting their religious belief onto these young malleable minds.

I have been able to put a stop to it for the near future and now I have to put together a set of arguments to prove that introduction to this belief places my client at risk. Wish me luck.