Well these last few weeks have been pretty exciting haven't they?
Since our last "Ask Uncle Gryphen" open forum we have seen the Supreme Court uphold Obamacare, scientists discover the Higgs boson particle, watched Bristol's reality show ratings plummet to earth faster than Sarah Palin's political credibility, and witnessed the return of the "ruffled ear" version of Trig Palin, just to name a few rather explosive events covered by this blog.
So it certainly seems like a good time to allow a little Q and A session.
However before we start I thought I would share with all of you the recent additions to Casa de Gryphen.
Though I tend to work out fairly regularly, the summers have typically been when I ratchet up my exercise regime. However this summer I have found that changes in my job have made getting to the gym almost impossible. (Plus they recently moved all the way downtown, which has proven to be VERY inconvenient.)
Since working out is part of how I let off steam, and manage my aggression, I have been a little extra asshole-y as of late. (I am sure none of you noticed.)
Finally recognizing that I was simply NOT going to be able to make it to the gym with any reliable frequency I caved in and bought this.
I have had it for a week now and I LOVE it!
Combining it with my free weights,
and the Elliptical already in my office,
is giving me workouts just as good as the ones I experienced at the gym, now relocated all the freaking way across town. So I cancelled my membership for the first time in twenty five years, and I will be doing all of my exercising here at home. Which has the added benefit of removing ANY excuses for missing a workout.
Already I have noticed an improvement in my temperament, my energy level, and my focus.
Plus as an added feature I am near my computer more often and can deal with breaking stories as they happen. More blogging, more bodybuilding, more better! (Okay so perhaps grammar might be slightly affected with increase in testosterone. Fair trade in my opinion.)
Anyhow go ahead, tell the newly re-energized Gryphen what's on your mind. I am all ears.
What criteria do you use in censoring posts? I've tried to post some things referencing other anti-Palin sites and you haven't allowed them through. What gives?
ReplyDeleteThere are a couple of blogs that do far more harm then good, in their attempts to attract visitors. Some that are working behind the scenes to sabotage any research that they are not in control of, and some who simply pick preschool fights with me in order to troll for hits to their blogs which apparently they cannot manage on their own.
DeleteThe internet is a wide open place, and they are free to do as they wish, but I have no responsibility to help those who engage in such tactics gain attention.
By the way ANYBODY who poses as a teenage girl to gain Levi Johnston's trust is a blogger whose motives his visitor's might do well to question.
I'm just saying.
Gryphen10:35 AM said...
Delete"By the way ANYBODY who poses as a teenage girl to gain Levi Johnston's trust is a blogger whose motives his visitor's might do well to question."
W T F!! I know Krazy Krusty stalks Sadie like a spurned lover...but who could this BE?? Spill...Gryphen...Spill!!!
I'm just guessing, but I'm supposing this "ANYBODY" is pictured here: http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/369448_100001574362000_472846496_n.jpg
DeleteKaJo -- I am in 100% agreement with your suggestion.
DeleteKaJo, nothing comes up when I open that link in my iPad.
DeleteHowever...I know who Gryphen is talking about and I agree it's messed up to do at all and even more messed up to brag about after the fact.
Ooppsie! somebody is BUSTED!
Deleteand we all know that " somebody" is not a Teenaged girl but more Palin's age...
KaJo12:58 PM
DeleteHEY!! Isn't that...um...nevermind!
Sorry KaJo, my mistake with the link- now it comes up just fine. And yes, it's exactly the photo I thought it was.
DeleteI guess Floyd Or is correct- to certain bloggers, having "a big scoop" will always be more important than solving babygate.
We are lucky to have Gryphen! He may be a lunkhead on occasion but I am 1000% sure he would never keep the truth of Trig's parentage hidden IF he had the information to share. And unfortunately, I can't say that about too many people.
I really hope newcomers to babygate are warned away from Brad's ridiculous "proof" (that Trig's and Ruffles' ears look the same therefore they are the same person. But hello, sometimes family members share physical traits. If the same ears mean "the same person", then guess what- I'm also my cousin Monte and my grandmother on my mother's side)
DeleteNow that you mention it, one of my kids did a biology project in high school on ears- tracking ear shapes of aunts, uncles, cousins- and made it into a family tree.
So yeah everyone knows who that "teenager" is.
DeleteRiddle me this, how is it fair for you to make up false Facebook IDs, pretend to be a teenager when your actually a grandmother, and be SOooo secretive about your identities you won't even share your first name, but at the same time you are posting pics of a little child for the world to see?
If P and K won't show their own faces why are they so casual about showing a childs face? Hypocrisy thy name is Gates.
Ok, I give up. Who is the girl in the picture?
DeleteThis is the only Palin-related blog I read. Will someone please enlighten me? What is the identify of the person in the photo and what is the story of her impersonation?
DeleteAnonymous4:20 PM
Delete"Riddle me this, how is it fair for you to make up false Facebook IDs, pretend to be a teenager
and be SOooo secretive about your identities you won't even share your first name, but at the same time you are posting pics of a little child for the world to see?"
Amazing. You can see hypocrisy from your bedroom if it isn't about the paylins...
Ok dear....You hide behind...How many different names?
Its EVerybody and anybody's RIGHT to be anon on the internet unless:
They say treasonous things,
They threaten someone,
Hate speech.
So You as usual are FOS.
And as far as anyone posting TriG's pic on the internet....
Hello? Where do ya think they get it?
from mama grisly herself.
Krusty I think ya better run out of your hole and get yourself a crunchwrap supreme. :)
I guess Floyd Or is correct- to certain bloggers, having "a big scoop" will always be more important than solving babygate.
DeleteWhile egotism is represented, I'm afraid the primary motive is both more banal and, perversely, Palin-esque. In short, the promised but ever elusive 'big scoop' is a powerfully exploitative fundraising incentive. Sadly, their own little anti-SarahPAC is as dodgy as its eponym .
No I am not Kristy and I was talking about the person pretending to be a hot teenager girl to gain Levi's trust. One half of the secretive blogging team I was referring to.
DeleteBut other than that everything you said about Krazy Kristy is right on the money, Lol
Whatever happened to the doctor who*supposedly* delivered Trig, (but didn't), who wrote the non-specific medical whatever (in lieu of SP producing his actual birth certificate) the night before the election? I seem to remember she relocated somewhere and hasn't been heard of or from since. Any info on her?
ReplyDeleteCBJ has refused to discuss Palin with anybody and remains tight lipped to this day.
DeleteFrom what I understand she still lives in Palmer, and still maintains a practice there.
She's yet another example of what happens to anyone getting involved with $P.
DeleteFrom what I've read, she had a stellar reputation until the Trig mess. Now she's probably waiting for the other shoe to drop, should there be any legal action against $P. Her lawyer undoubtedly has told her to say nothing. I think she's dangerously close to losing her license.
She should lose her license.
DeleteSP and Parnell have appointed people with a particular agenda to the board of licensing and the Dept. of Commerce which is over it. I don't need to explain why or how they are used as everyone already knows. They screwed me royally all the way to the Commish. Most likely they are holding something over CBJ's head.
DeleteLooks a bit like our gym at home. We also have a rowing machine, treadmill, incline bike and regular bike to add to your elliptical. We ditched our Bally's Fitness memberships after the 4th move (military family) and have never looked back.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, are you going to tell us when you hang your laundry on the exercise equipment for the first time? ;-)
DeleteI'm envious. I used to love to go to the gym (the local Y) 30 years ago when I was the only woman on the weight circuit. Now not so much, would much rather work out in the privacy of my basement where wrinkles and I can be at peace together.
DeleteTwo comments. Any idea why the Palin grifter family has been on the down low for the last week? I appreciate your local political connections. How bout some insight into Alaskan tea party machinations. They are starting to scare me with their talk of taking over State Government.
ReplyDeleteWe should all be concerned with what is happening in Alaska politics. Especially since the same kind of thing is happening all over the country.
DeleteAs for Palin, she is staying in the shadows which is making it hard to track her level of involvement.
Uncle Gryphen what's your take on this story?
Rocked by a new divorce scandal and a slew of personal problems, Republican cover girl Sarah Palin has suffered a jaw-dropping weight meltdown - to a twiggy 98 pounds. See the shocking picture of her now and read about her weight loss and the problems behind it - including her marital woes with hubby, Todd, star of a new reality show
DeleteThe story seems to be based on old information. She and Todd have essentially been apart since I first wrote about it back in 2009, and only pretend to be together to earn money.
DeleteWhich by the way has dried up significantly.
As for her weight, any of US could have written that same observation based simply on her recent TV appearances.
Do you need a workout buddy, Uncle Gryphen?
ReplyDeleteStars Earn Stripes Toddy Palin needs a work out partner.
DeleteThere aren't enough fat cells in the universe that would make a workout with Toad a pleasant experience! I'll pass, thanks.
I go through workout partners like some people go through tissues.
DeleteTodd would last mere minutes in my gym.
Have you seen this rant against Sunny on Ripoff Report? If yes, what do you make of it?
It's obviously BS in my opinion. Very word-salady with no facts or examples. Says it was created in Arizona time zone. Things that make you go hmmmm.
I saw that, but did not post about it because I did not want to give it anymore hits.
DeleteThat is not who Sunny really is, and everybody knows it.
I think based on the writing that either Bristol, one of her tragically ignorant friends, or her own personal stalker probably wrote it.
Best to just ignore it in my opinion.
Calling someone a racist without a single fact to back it up.
DeleteHope Sunny sues for slander ..
Why did Kathy Griffin stop seeing Levi?
DeleteLevi commented on it on his public FB. paraphrasing: He and Sunny laughed about it. He said she is not racist and that she has 2 close black friends and her brother is Mexican.
DeleteI like Levi and Sunny's view on all this. For the most part it looks like they are happy and enjoying life while Bristol is bitter and hating hers.
"The posting time indicated is Arizona local time. Arizona does not observe daylight "
DeleteUmmm I think THAT pretty much says it all...
and it was nothing but word salad prob crafted by Baldy herself!
Delete7:50 AM
Sunny Oglesby blah blah blah....
Author: Los Angeles California
Anyone know where Sarita is today? So transparant, I guess the have to stoop this low b/c money is tight...
Sunny Oglesby is said (in a Hollywood Gossip story) to come from my neck of the woods, the Oregon northwest coastal resort town of Seaside.
DeleteThe elementary and high school there are highly racially mixed, white/Latino/black/Asian, and I know from my own nephew's 4 years in the high school there that the only real "segregation" is between nerds, ne'er-do-wells (as he called them) and jocks. Same as in just about every high school.
I really doubt Sunny is a bigot of any kind; in fact, I suspect she brought up to Alaska an attitude of "let's all get along together", and is doing her best to sway Levi's Wasilla-learned bigotry.
Meanwhile, Willows (ex?) boyfriend, Andy, called another kid a "rag head" on FB.
DeleteA rip off entry I saw was 6/27. Where were Sarah or Bristol? No one writes like that... well one person I know of. No one else writes like that. Of course they could send it to a co-conspirator.
DeleteI think the way they work that sight is like a consumer complaint. If you don't agree, you can counter with your own version.
Uncle Gryph - Do you think Gino is still with Bristol?
ReplyDeleteI am not sure.
DeleteRumors are that they broke up, but then they have done that several times in the past so who knows?
Did Willow have a baby? She's very thin in the lastest pics on B's blog.
ReplyDeleteDo you know Willow's true birthdate? Some places it's July 5 and others July 7. WTF?
It is July 7th. The ADN listed the birth in the July 25th edition. Confirmed. Not sure why they feel they need to change it.
DeleteRumors about pregnancies have circulated about Willow for years. So far no confirmation.
DeleteHer birthday is July 7.
Willow has low self-esteem and poor, poor pitiful posture like her mother. She looks 10-20-30-40 pounds trimmer if can carry herself better.
DeleteThe BIG HEAD scrawny skeleton look Sarah has is most likely from whatever from of speed she takes now. She has obviously lost control and is going down. They should try not to show her head and body in the same photographs.
Bristol is looking like Sarah2 more and more. No surprise if they are all on the RedBull and sugar diet. If Willow is taking off fat it may be she is following Sarah and Bristol. It may be what they do after giving birth to get "in shape" again. Remember body dysmorphic disorder. What they think looks good will look freaky to healthy people.
Uncle Gryph, do you think Piper will be worse than Bristol and Willow combined?
ReplyDeleteI have not seen Life's A Tripp but it looked like there was a picture of Diva Piper Diaper with her hair dyed some ugly ass color. Isn't the little diva still in elementary school? Is Sarah already let the diva go out looking like that? Sarah's other juvenile delinquents didn't start that early!
Wasilla get ready for another Palin pregnancy in the near future.
Unless of course Sarah gets Piper Diaper started on her special cramp pills that Bristol neglected to take daily.
Whatever you do, do not stop your religion posts.
ReplyDeleteReligion is the opiate for the masses.
I won't.
DeleteI second 9:43's question...you've been silent about the Globe article. I was waiting for some juicy gossip from Uncle Gryphen . I need some entertainment while I sit out on my porch waiting for the AC repairman. I have power, Internet , and it's only supposed to be 85 degrees today...yay.
ReplyDeleteMalia Litman has a story today suggesting a new development in the possible divorce scenario you broke the news about way back when. Can you concur? http://malialitman.wordpress.com/2012/07/09/if-the-truth-hurts-sarah-palin-is-in-real-pain/
ReplyDelete9:41--I believe they are doing their couple weeks a year walking around with nets near the bank that they feel qualifies them to be "commercial fisherman".A term I always thought applied to a more strenuous occupation.
ReplyDeleteWe actually got a dog to take me for walks. Cuter than exercise equipment. And I swim. I had a major anxiety attack once and my husband said, the only thing I know is that exercise is a fabulous thing to do for yourself.
ReplyDeleteGryphen...do you know what the ratings were for last week's Beefy show that had Baldy the Junkie on it?
ReplyDeletePS...have you seen the post at HP that's been up for more than a week that says..."Palin Haunts GOP"? LOL!
I can just picture Baldy in the stolen RNC "cloths" (Hi Toad!) hovering and scaring the old RNC ladies...Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan with her crazy maniacal grin and whispering ghost like things..."You CAN see Russia from Alaska" and other such nonsense....LMAO!!
The only ratings list I saw for last week did NOT list Bristol's show at all.
DeleteIn other words it did not even cause a ripple of interest.
Only morbid curiosity should prompt ONE of us to tune in on tomorrow night at 11 PM, just to see if it's just dead air or a blank screen.
DeleteYou're elected, Gryphen! ;-)
Please, no one else dial up Lifetime at 11PM, we don't want to skew those negative ratings for BP:LAT.
HP wants the world to know she is a ghost. She must pay them for some of what they do for her, may be they are sick of it but won't be straight. Hence she is a ghost. She haunts. That is it? It cheapens what they do and it was already a cheap trick. Or they may know she croaked and Todd has her stuffed like Eva Peron. She and Breitbart are being updated with mechanical mechanisms. They will soon have a show on Fox.
DeleteUncle Gryph when will Sarah Palin throw that high society Alaskan wedding reception at a ski lodge for Track and Britta she said she was going to have?
ReplyDeleteOr did they already have it at that roadside makeshift wedding picture we seen?
Did Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan or Sarah Palin's little buddy Kim Jong-il show up?
Well the wedding planned to be held at Alyeska certainly never happened.
DeleteOther than that your guess is as good as mine.
I don't think Sarah Palin's little North Korea buddy Kim Jong-il has returned his RSVP yet?
DeleteAlyeska. What great memories. Among other things, we participated in a buffet dinner there one summer with an obscene amount of fresh salmon, halibut and luscious accompaniments. Burp!
DeleteGryphen, you need a tread-desk or at least - or at least a surf shelf.
I'm curious as to what you think Palin's role will be at the RNC convention in Tampa. Will she be warmly and lovingly embraced, or will the attendees keep her at arms length, not forgetting that she cost them the the election in 2008?
ReplyDeletePalin is not invited to the convention in Tampa as she is neither a delegate, invited speaker or candidate. That's why she's setting up a booth in the mall across the street.
I don't think she has actually been invited, I thought she just rented some space in a strip mall near the convention center??
DeleteMaybe Tawd is bringing in girls to work the convention.
That convention is going to be a free for all, and I think Palin will barely be noticed in the maelstrom that will surround the Mitt Romney and Ron Paul delegates.
DeleteI wonder if she'll ride into Tampa in her family vacation bus, with the constitution and her name written all over it?
DeleteAnonymous10:35 AM
DeleteThat's... pretentious or stupid or both or what?
What is it going to say... "Palin 2016?" That's really dumbassed of her.
Oh Wait....
A new reality show! She is testing out the divorce meme and if that doesn't pan out its Sarah at the RNC 4 yrs later, preparing to run (fake Donald trump type run) for 2016. They can even use pics of her stoopid ole bus tour b/c there wasn't dates on there?
Everything they do is FAKE and for a new/existing/Reality show. And she doesn't pay. The Ultimate grifting experience, that doesn't have to be paid back and the silly Alaskans pay for it!!!! All of the screeching about Taxed enough already and they are subsidizing screechs BS reality shows with a tax credit.
Uncle Gryphen is Willow still engaged? A mother? Going to hair school? Weighs like a 4H prize hog? Has a live in boyfriend?
ReplyDeleteShe has lost weight, if the pictures on Bristol's ghostwritten blog are to be believed.
DeleteAs for engaged, what time is it?
Willow was pretty hefty during the filming of BP:LAT, which would be from summer 2011 to March or so this year.
DeleteI wonder if Willow's brassy hair color was done to portray a timeline or falsely scotch a rumor -- if she was pregnant then and not just overweight, that's unusually a no-no for expectant mothers, isn't it? I wouldn't put it past any Palin to ignore guidelines for healthy intrauterine fetal growth.
The nearest fitness clubs are 15 miles from home and the parking lots are jammed full every time I go by them. This did not convince me that I should spend hundreds of dollars a year for a membership. I started my home collection with an indoor trainer which I attached to a surplus mountain bike then had to spend another 10 dollars for the cheapest smooth-treaded tire I could find because the knobly one made things irritating. Later, we added an elliptical and those two, combined with paying attention to food intake are helping me reduce my total body mass. There is also a Bowflex that my wife uses but I haven't forced myself to learn the various setups and what can be done with each one of them -- the user manual has everything grouped by muscle group and there are at least 2 and often 3 different exercises with different setups for each. So I need to figure out which ones go with each setup and work up a routine sometime before the weather begins to chill down and I can't do outside chores.
ReplyDeleteUncle Gryphen whatever happened to that statue of Bristol's vajayjay that was erected in front of Wasilla High School?
ReplyDeleteDid the "Warrior Within" statue catch mono and was sent away to Bristol's aunt's house for 9 months like Bristol was sent away? Should we expect a bastard statue any time soon?
Or was the "Warrior Within" statue kicked out and home schooled like Willow?
Will Bristol try to get the "Warrior Within" statue its own reality show on Lifetime?
I heard it got pregnant so it would fit in better around Wasilla.
DeleteOh that's bad.
Is Sarah leaving Todd because he is bi-curious or is Todd not curious anymore and is coming out?
ReplyDeleteI understand your sentiment, but I will be happy for the day when being bi-curious or gay/lesbian will no longer be insulting as your comment suggests.
DeleteWhat is keeping the Fred book from reaching us?
ReplyDeleteDo you agree that there is an MSM blackout on negative news re Palin? Or is it simply lack of interest?
Can you tell us which specific possibilities were entertained as reasons for SP quitting the governorship? I mean before the quitting? Can't you give us a general idea without compromising your sources at the time?
Re the ADN article on the hoax in the fall of 2008: Is there a bootleg copy of that article in existence?
Will the hoax and its cover-up be exposed in time to help the Obama reelection effort?
Still working on it. Nothing new to report.
DeleteHowever it is NOT the MSM that is the problem. See my first comment up above.
I don't understand your second paragraph OR your first comment up above. I do my reading, but I don't understand the accusations of behind-the-scenes stuff. Could you spell it out? I would love to understand it.
DeleteI'm curious, along with 10:09, about your predictions of what Palin's role could possibly be in Tampa. Is she a delegate? If not, what will she be doing -- much of the time she won't be allowed on the floor of the convention center. Outside in 100 degree heat, holding press conferences, or hoping that Fox will put her on at 10 a.m. to discuss the night before? I doubt the RNC will allow her on stage -- or do you think she has enough of a following to force an appearance (although she'd probably be scheduled for Monday afternoon at 2 p.m.)
ReplyDeleteHer role is that of gate crasher - as usual. Todd's role is to carry her purse just in case they sell any more of her books and Todd don't forget to pack the girls this time!
DeleteUncle Gryphen have you seen Willow lately?
ReplyDeleteI guess it is true you can put lipstick on a pig!
A while back, some people wondered about the Palin connection to Scientology (i.e, Greta & her hubby, the use of Scientology tactics with "haters", etc.). What with TomKat being so much in the news lately, it made me wonder once again if the Palin family is involved in this cult.
ReplyDeleteIt is said that sometimes the cult keeps it's membership details private so as not to cause problems.
What do you think? Are they involved with Scientology?
(We know they don't have time to go to church.)
She's too undisciplined to be in Scientology.
DeleteI am glad you brought that up about Scientology. A friend of mine is convinced and they are convincing me. Check out the California digs.
They could do wonders for the Palins film careers. Huge studio and great connections. Does anyone know for certain where Palin is these days? It is not that hard to hire a body double and pretend to be in one place while actually in another. For all we know Palin may be hooked up to an E-meter as we read.
My sense was that if she succeeded, Scientology would want her. But now, not so much.
DeleteThere's nothing in it for Sarah & Todd to join the scientology cult because they already have their own cult full of haters just like them. Besides as far as I know scientology doesn't perform exorcisms so what use would they be?
DeleteFunny how Sarah Palin never mentions anything about the Penn State scandel. It would seem to be right up her alley to comment about it.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think that is?
Considering all the flack she got for wanting to lynch Sandusky before a trial was even held, she's too chicken to talk about it now.
DeleteShe likes to accuse people of pedophilia. Not talk about it.
DeleteWhere on earth DO they live? Home in Alaska, home in Arizona????
ReplyDeleteThey are constantly shuttling back and forth.
DeleteThey are trying to keep people off balance and keep their activities under wraps until they are ready to publicize them.
Can we ask a follow-up question, G?
DeleteYour use of the word "publicize" has me curious...
What would be the point of keeping people off balance? Isn't any publicity good for them?
Would these activities be NEW grifting opportunities, or just trying to keep the lid on the OLDER scams?
What have the locals been saying about "Life's a Tripp?"
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure they haven't stopped laughing yet.
DeleteHuffPost has gone 2 weeks without a Bristol post on the front page ....
ReplyDeleteWill they go another two weeks without one?
How many french fries can Willow eat in ten minutes?
ReplyDeleteAll of hers and most of yours.
DeleteLOL Good one!
DeleteWill you give us an update on "Fred's" book and what the thorny issues are that are delaying its release?
ReplyDeletePLEASE....pretty...please with cherries on top!
Why did Todd Palin entice young women into interstate Prostitution Rings when his Daughters were having sex all over the place for free? That would be counter productive.
ReplyDeleteWho said the Palin daughters were having sex all over the place for free?
DeleteNothing is free from a Palin!
There is always something in it for them.... no pun intended!
No questions this fine monday :)
ReplyDeleteBut exercise equipment like that freaks me out!!! horseback riding, running, hiking, and dog walking have kept me fit for decades.
Sorry, can't do what on icy roads in Alaska during the winter.
DeleteThere are people who run on ice in Alaska and I walk all winter. I use traction, but lots of runners don't. There are even people who ride bicycles on snow and ice, especially kids, they'll ride a bike anywhere. I saw kids riding bikes on ice flows in Nome and had to yell really loud to tell them to get their butts back to shore. One good thing about Soldotna is they clear the sidewalks as fast as they can, but if they can't get it cleared because the snow fall is heavy I can always walk later in the day in the roads when the traffic is lighter.
DeleteNICE equipment Gryphen, I'm def a bit jealous, but I do have 2 really fine bicycles (decent mountain bike, really fine road bike) so that's my primary cardio)
ReplyDeleteThis is a pretty general question, but if you had to speculate on what ICEBERG will eventually sink Granny Grifter once and for all, what will it be?
Mat Maid?
AIP connections?
or the inevitable BABYgate?
thanks for the superb effort at keeping the grifters in focus and all the hard work blogging!
AJ Billings
She already sank beneath the waves of relevance quite a while ago.
DeleteShe gets mentioned occasionally kind of like people still once in awhile bring up Charles Manson or OJ Simpson. Just for the shock value.
I read a very interesting book last week, written by a very well-respected private investigator. The book reveals very compelling evidence of the possible involvement of an overlooked suspect in a high-profile double murder that happened eighteen years ago last month.
DeleteApparently, this evidence has been floating around the edges of main stream media coverage for several years, but has been somewhat suppressed because were this information to become widely known, several people in positions of power would be embarrassed by it's release.
I was struck by the parallels between the unreported information in this murder case, and the media's lack of reporting about the real Sarah Palin, quite likely for the same reason.
The name of the book...O J Simpson is Innocent, and I Can Prove It, written by William Dear. I found the evidence quite compelling, in light of the absolute lack of evidence of O J's involvement at the murder scene. The media and the district attorney's office tried to make everyone believe the case was air-tight, but it never seemed that way, to me. Mr. Dear's explanation makes much more sense.
Charlie you are so right. The Investigating Detectives, when asked why O.J.'s son Jason was not pursued, stated that he was "uncooperative". Even though Nicole Simpson had failed to show up at Jason's BIG Dinner Event. Jason always carried his Knives with him like all Chefs do. Plus Jason's History of Assaulting and Stalking Ex-girlfriends, even cutting off one's hair with a KNIFE. The Cops and Prosecutors wanted O.J. and no one else.
DeleteThe Natalie Wood death was 30 or 40 years ago.
DeleteIt recently went from "accident" to "undetermined." The investigation is now 'Open and Ongoing,' officials say.
Keep that fire extinguisher handy, Gryphen!! Pedal too fast on that eliptical and you might burst into flames!! Oh, since the Palin's have been associated with a few mysterious fires, make sure you have security cameras in order.
ReplyDeleteGryphen what's the feelings in Alaska and in Wasilla about Todd being a pimp and what do the people of Wasilla think about Shailey Tripp's book?
ReplyDeleteMost of them have not even heard about it.
DeleteThe new msnbc show called The Cycle had a segment on sex-trafficking. Talked about how pimps used online ad sites like backpage.com to get clients...just like Shailey said. It sounds like some big investigations are going on right now.
DeleteHere's the link:
Gryphen, I think a lot more Alaskans are, in fact, aware of Todd's being a pimp due to Shailey Tripp's book "Boys Will be Boys". I know of folks that mailed copies to various 'higher ups' in Alaska as well as to the media on the national level.
DeleteThe subject is being kept under wraps in Alaska as well as nationally. I think McCain has something to do w/it nationally and/or the Republican party (due to the embarrassment to them!) and certain people/organizations cover for Sarah in Alaska STILL as amazing as that is to say!
My state of Missouri, has been arresting and prosecuting lots of sex offenders, and sexual traffic operations for the better part of a year. There seems to be lots of attention being paid to these matters, maybe the seeming lack of reporting keeps the persons involved in these activities from knowing what the feds are up to.
DeleteDo the Palins go to church or is that a gimmick like Bristol's abstinence scam, Sarah Palin is running for president scam, Track is a combat vet, Todd built the two story red house that has similar materials like the Wasilla hockey rink?
ReplyDeleteThey are too busy to go the church.Bristol said so.
DeleteFrom people that attend that church in the Valley - the Palins were NEVER big participants EVEN prior to Sarah being on the national scene. Afterwards, Bristol declared that they were too busy to attend, when it was learned that they DID NOT attend church!
DeleteAs ususal - more lies from the Palin clan. They are the worst acting christians I've seen in my life!
What happened to Brancy's "second thoughts" weekly post? I don't give gratutious hits to anything Palin; however, I am wondering how the Palins are spinning Bristol's failed "show."
ReplyDeleteBristol has a new post up. Someone noticed that Tripp's hair isn't the same color from one shot to another. Never mind that some of the video comes from the Massey Brother's shoot and some came much later-- Bristol is responding to the comments because she has such thin skin. Her excuse is that Willow, the family hair expert, experimented with Tripp's hair. Yes, hair color for a three and a half year old-- good idea-- along with his discipline problems, now he has a head full of chemicals, too.
DeleteThe level of stupidity that's rampant in that family, I wouldn't be surprised if Bristol bought a binkie for Tripp that was made in China, where just about everything that's manufactured has to be tested for heavy metals before it's imported here.
DeleteWho would let someone die their child's hair??
Delete3:33 PM
DeletePeople who give kids drugs for a tv appearance with Matt Lauer. People who put kids on junk food diets and teach them how to use an aerosol can for fun. What is a little toxic chemical hair treatment?
Uncle Gryph, if Todd is suppose to be manly then why does he carry Sarah's purse around, has an alto voice and wears mom's jeans? Do they sell real Levi jeans in Wasilla?
ReplyDelete"...why does he carry Sarah's purse around...?
DeleteTodd would NEVER have any balls unless Sarah let him carry around her purse where she keeps HIS tiny testes.
And it makes Toddy feel all manly and shit.
How many Oscars and Emmy awards will "Life's a Tripp" win?
ReplyDeleteWill Willow win Best Supporting Actress?
Here's Bristol being interviewed about her show possibly winning an Emmy.
More like a Razzie, if they gave them out for tv shows.
DeleteM from MD
Like the end of a long-running soap opera, it will be a wrench to see the Palins fade away into obscurity.
ReplyDeleteBut that's what is happening. A few sightings, a few speeches, a few TV blasts, then fewer and fewer, then it will be the occasional local AP story about Mizz Palin giving a talk to the local podiatrist association, or a weekend with the midwest "christian" broadcasters. Then -- into the second Obama term, the press will be interested, if at all, in the views of the 2012 losing GOP vice presidential candidate, whose family will not be appearing on DWTS, a reality show featuring his home state, or interviews and cover stories on his hillbilly offspring.
By 2015, believe it or not, we will not be hearing about the Palin clan, their offspring, their offsprings' offspring, or their legal/illegal highjinks.
The world is a mighty, wide and wonderful place, and there isn't time for us to spend on the likes of the Palins. They just remain the remnants of one of the greatest threats our country has ever encountered in 223 years. We can never forget that, or let it happen again.
It's a travesty of justice that despite four years of hard work by blogs like IM, Sarah's faked pregnancy still hasn't been exposed.
ReplyDeleteIt now seems like even if solid proof turned up, the MSM would just ignore it.
I don't care if Sarah is trapped in the hell of drug addiction or if she weighs 95 pounds. She's still managed to avoid the public humiliation of having her lies exposed and having to answer for them in a court of law.
Do you think the Palins will EVER be publicly exposed and (if applicable) indicted for their crimes -- either for Babygate or for any of their many other misdeeds ?
Okay well just imagine the kind of terrible toll that keeping all of these secrets has had on her, her marriage, and her family.
DeleteDo you really think she won?
Yes it would be nice to see her prosecuted for what she has done to so many others, but I think karma is doing the job for us.
Who said "she won" ??? Not I !
DeleteI must also strongly disagree with your opinion that "karma is doing the job for us."
Seems like you've given up actively trying to expose her and only publish insulting articles about her now ...
Nope not giving up at all.
DeleteJust pointing out that she no longer presents the threat that she once did.
"Seems like you've given up actively trying to expose her and only publish insulting articles about her now"
DeleteI think this bother's Baldy the Junkie MORE than not being politically respected. Being laughed at is the greatest weapon for someone as stupid as Baldy! And she provides all the LAUGHS for our enjoyment! And karma is nothing to sneer at.
Gryphen----I look forward to the GOP convention....not words that I thought would ever come from my mouth, but I expect it to be a circus & entertaining in a bizarre way.
ReplyDeleteMy question for you: the Palins have made bundles of $$$ but other than a house in Arizona, what have you heard or seen that they've done with it?
I'm just waiting to see what Ron Paul is up to.
DeleteM from MD
Is that a sex machine? (credit to character Marie 'Everybody Loves Raymond).
ReplyDeleteI guess it could be.
DeleteNot my original intention for buying it however.
So, how the %$#@$^^*!! do I do a crunch, Uncle G? My trainer and I both despair. I've suggested a slighshot-type affair using stretchy ropes, a little momentum never hurts, but he's not too keen on the idea. [heads to basement to cuddle up with stability ball]
ReplyDeleteLay on your back, feet flat on the floor.
DeleteTuck your chin, and slowly roll your upper torso toward your knees, at the point where you can go no further hold it.
Now relax back into your prone position.
Repeat until failure.
Oh, and exhale as you contract, inhale as you relax.
I think you mean lay on the floor with the knees flexed...?
DeleteIf the legs are straight you are working other muscles...
Yes, knees bent.
DeleteWas that not implied? how could your feet be flat on the floor if your legs were straight?
Easy for you to say :)
Deletetee hee funny gryph...
DeleteI hear Alaska has a high suicide rate. I'am hoping you die this year you white liberal piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteAnd a happy Monday to you my friend.
Delete@12:22 PM What a JUVENILE you are, PUNK. Hiding in your MAMA'S Basement behind her keyboard doesn't make you tough.
DeleteWhat a horrible thing to say 12:22!!! We dislike Sarah Palin, but we'd never wish her dead!
DeleteYou are one piece of shit, that is for sure!
You can't be stupid and ugly anonymous, you must pick one grasshopper.
DeleteLet me guess, you're a born-again evangelical Christian Republican. The mean ones always are.
DeleteJeeze, Gryph! Do you get this type of sh!t comment often?
DeleteYes pol, I do.
DeleteAnd THIS is relatively mild.
Calm down you guys, its just one of the "patients" run amok.
DeleteKarma, MS. LADY KARMA is waiting for YOU...Anonymous12:22 PM... and your little dog sarah too!
So...Fuck off until then!
then you will go straight to ---->HELL! do not pass go! :)
Oh crap, its Wallow!
DeleteThe "Liberal" gives it away every time, you homophobic little cretin!
Also the "White".
Hey little bitch...Brietbart yourself w/speed car or the needle IDK :)
I mean that in the nicest, possible. way!
Anonymous12:22 PM
DeleteUh Baldy...it's time to put down the Meth pipe and get thee to the nearest REHAB! I heard you're stripping on Saturday for the Tbaggers! I hope you wash your ass before getting on that pole...but I don't think the old geezers will care if you stink or not!
Gina, they can't smell, that's why she still such a hit with the over 75 crowd!!!
DeleteSarah is speaking at some tea party rally (Americans for Prosperity) this coming Saturday. Are any Alaskans wondering if she will be endorsing any AK republicans this coming November, like Mrs. Linda Menard, a moderate Republican, or Mrs. Menard's competition, a teaparty candidate? Considering the Menard's a long-time family friends, Sarah will be put to the test: loyalty or committment to teaparty interests.
ReplyDeleteAs to Linda Menard - the supposed grandmother of Track (Sarah's oldest son) - she doesn't seem very sharp. Have watched her in action as to the Alaska Legilsature.
DeleteShe, too, dresses way too young for a woman her age and she is much older than Sarah! Not impressive at all!
I'm betting Linda will end up with tire tracks all over her.
DeleteAmericans for Prosperity is funded by the Koch Brothers, who are among the "creators" of Sarah Palin national politician.
DeleteI have to wonder if she will look even more like a Stepford wife at the Tea Party rally -- i.e. frozen faced, helmet-haired, and exaggerated in the bumps and curves that she doesn't have any more at 95 pounds.
DeleteThat's the first thing that came to mind in her last 2 appearances, the red satin blouse one at the CPAC, and that appearance in the pale pink ruffly top pictured in the Globe article: Stepford wife.
Kajo, Stepford wife with BOLT-ONs!!!
DeleteThose bolt on boobs like Posh spice! Those Horrid DD's stuck on a anorexics body!
Yikes do they have a pool there?
I hope Baldy the Junkie wears those teeter totter shoes...tight...tight...tight skirt and her latest big busted blouse for the old geezers! She's a joke and now she's an over-the-hill joke!
DeleteI'm sure everywhere she goes folks are laughing at her behind her back. Paranoia is a junkie's worst nightmare! LOL!!!
12:24 PM
Did you read the article from NY Times, "Mitt's Gray Areas"? If you did, Tell me what you think.
What is Sarah's secret to keeping so thin?
ReplyDeleteHow did Bristol lose the weight?
No, really, I'm asking? Is it really just RedBull? That can't be healthy.
DeleteYou get the Darwin award for today :)
go google Faces of Meth.
You will see Todd, Sarah, Bristol & Willow there.
Sarah's just rotting from the inside-out.
DeleteThat's what happens to a person who spends her every waking moment being hateful, greedy, and dishonest towards others. She had it coming and yes, Sarah definitely looks like shit.
Over the weekend, I heard from one of her former PAC supporters say about Sarah, "Besides being a crook, she ain't nothing but an old bag of bones anymore!"
Anonymous2:46 PM
Delete"Besides being a crook, she ain't nothing but an old bag of bones anymore!"
LMAO! Best quote of Baldy the Junkie I've heard yet!
Read it and weep...Baldy! LOL!!!
The rumors are SP is on diet pills and has been for a very long time. Many of the OTC diet pills contain drugs that have been banned by the FDA due to being found dangerous to health. They have even found them at higher doses than prescribed when they were legal. They sell them on the Internet and in places like AZ they are very easy to get due to close proximity to MX.
DeleteHave you heard any details about Track and Britta and the baby? Why did he go back into active duty?
ReplyDeleteNope. Very tight lipped over there about Britta and the baby.
DeleteWhy did Bristol name her son Tripp? Was it really after her father's, er, employee?
ReplyDeleteAnd also, how does the vanity license plate fit? (TRIPP, seen on Bristol's vehicle? ordered by Todd in 3-2008?).
DeleteDoes the Quitter get a from her half term Does the quitter queen get a pension or any orther forms of compensation from Alaska or Wasilla?
ReplyDeleteI discovered this blog a few months ago and I love it and not just for the Palin posts either. The only downside is c4p I kinda got addicted to it and I'm in the process of weaning off it, I live in a blue state and ALL my friends and relatives are democrats, I find c4p a horryfingly fascinating peek in the conservative religious right mindset, does anyone know why the nickname? I've also been reading posts from years ago trying to catch up and so far haven't found the source. Many Thanks in advance :)
ReplyDeleteThe nickname c4p comes from the name of the website ***C***onservatives***4***P***alin.
DeleteIts other nickname is Sea of Pee. That's from the photo that used to be on the website's banner. It was Palin looking out over Alaska and Washington DC. The coloring made it look like a large yellowish lake.
DeleteNicknamed c4p
aka Cee of Pee (read it as: Sea of Pee hee hee)
GinaM climbs through the window and reports back with the goings-on over there to much fannment and favement over here :)
What nickname?
The Urinal?
The Hospital?
The Urination?
Thank you for your answers! What I meant is why they call it sea-o-pee here, I suppose it's self explanatory (c for p) I was just curious if Gryphen or a commenter here came up with the nicknm it's really funny and aprop. Thank you all again and have a great afternoon! :)
DeleteJust be sure you're up-to-date with all of your immunizations do you don't catch the "Stupid", and you should be fine.
DeleteTo be honest though, I don't go over and read the comments at C4P if I'm home alone at night without turning ALL of the lights on here in the house! Cuz that's some scary shit over there at the Pee Pond!
Hammer and a Feather2:06 PM
DeleteHeHe...I'm gearing up for another visit to the Asylum...they're pretty much calmed down from the kerfuffle of Exxodus getting "transferred" to another facility (Palin4America blog)..but now it looks like they are getting themselves into another sweaty lather over Meh Rmoney's new spokesperson who talked "bad" about Baldy in 08! Yes...you read that correctly....08!
How I love those nutjobs! They can make me smile and laugh as much as watching Beefy and Wallow reading their lines BADLY on the unwatchable "Beefy Palins: Life's a Travesty"! LOL!!
ummm also, too pee-pond..
DeleteUncle G --
ReplyDeleteHave you seen the news about Mitt's fundraising weekend in the Hamptons? (Said in my best Thurston Howell, III "Long Island lockjaw" accent.)
I say, Lovey, do try the canapes!
Robo posted for early tomorrow.
DeleteThanks for doing the Q & A today.
ReplyDeleteAfter the Supreme Court ACA decision at the end of June, I saw lots of tea baggers promising that they were rallying BIG TIME on the 4th of July. When I heard that, I was thinking that they would have a hard time getting anyone interested anymore(ADD runs deep with the stupid in that crowd) and on the 4th of July I didn't see anything anywhere on any blog or news site about protest rallies by the tea baggers. Not a single one. Were there any in Alaska that you are aware of?
There might have been some small gatherings but nothing that got any real attention.
DeleteIf they rallied down in DC on the Fourth of July, they might have exploded into flames or just flat out evaporated. Our horrible heat wave didn't let up till today.
DeleteM from Md
>does anyone know why the nickname?
ReplyDeleteC4P = Conservatives for Palin.
But we call it the Pee Pond.
c for p (pee)
DeleteIt will be interesting to see how Palin reacts or acts when she's not the center of attention at the Republicans' convention. It will pain her I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I am not sure if it was on your blog or not, but I remember seeing a picture of Bristol in her Arizona home that was supposedly taken after her appearance on DWTS that showed her extremely pregnant. I am talking about close to full term pregnant.
ReplyDeleteMy memory of it was that it was a picture taken in the foyer where she was kind of in the background and her image was slightly out of focus.
I saw it 1 time real quick and I didn't have time to read the comments concerning it and when I finally got around to revisiting that particular topic I couldn't find it anywhere and it has been bugging me ever since.
If you are familiar with the picture I am referring to, was it ever confirmed that the very pregnant person in the picture was actually Bristol and/or if the picture was real?
If you or anyone else remembers this picture and could provide a link to it, I would be forever grateful.
Burning questions here: what model is your elliptical?
ReplyDeleteAnd do you like it? (Is it sturdy enough to not rock/creak?)
It looks like a Pro-Form CSE model. I can't read the model number.
ReplyDeleteWhat you should do is hook your computer up to your gym equipment so that the only way your computer works is when you are working out. heh