Tuesday, September 23, 2014

True to form Louisiana's "kissing Congressman" drags his wife into the spotlight to help cover for his infidelities.

Oh look how blessed these two are. He for having a wife who will lower herself to provide cover for his sexual peccadilloes and her for having a husband who thinks so little of her that he cheated on her with a staffer and then used her in this way.

You know I think I disagree somewhat with Mrs."Kissing Congressman" here.

A man's character is not based on on how many times he gets back up and stands again, it's based on making mistakes and learning from them, NOT demanding that the press leave him alone while he considers his strategy, and then trotting his wife out front and center to hide behind her skirts, and of course the camouflage provided by invoking his and her Christian faith.

While I don't necessarily think that a politician should lose their seat for cheating on their wives, I certainly do think they should lose their seat for engaging in this kind of blatant manipulation and pandering.

You know I think that this may be one of the most despicable things that a male politician asks of his wife.

"Honey, I got caught with my tongue down another woman's throat and I need you to play the part of the supportive, loving wife in order to help me keep my job."



  1. I have to say I was surprised when Jenny Sanford refused to stand next to her whack job of an ex-husband. I've always believed that If you are a politician who cheats---your ass needs to stand alone as you (probably) pulled your pants down by yourself. Even if your spouse decides to stay with you, they shouldn't have to be a party to covering for you.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Jennifer Sullivan Sanford is heiress and former investment banker.

      She has far more money than Mark ... did not need his cheating ass for anything.

    2. Sad isn't it, Anon 1:00? Many times it all comes down to money, power or lack thereof. Mark Sanford is a cheap bastard anyway (he prides himself on it).

  2. Just what would cheating, hypocritical politicians do without a good Christian wife and the forgiveness of their lord? Sheesh.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      And he is so gross

  3. Just what would cheating, hypocritical politicians do without a good Christian wife and the forgiveness of their lord? Sheesh.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

      They're "blessed", isn't that just AWESOME!!!!!!!

  4. There's a poll at www.nola.com in the politics section about this video. Most of the poll voters are turning thumbs down and the comments are none too good either.

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    I would gag if I had to see that smarmy face every day. And how fucking brainwashed is that little wife? Scarily so. Stepford Wife.

    1. vegaslib1:13 PM

      Can she really be this lacking in self esteem? I wonder if they didn't make some sort of deal that if he gets elected, she gets a big chunk of money. I hope she turns around and stabs him in the back the same way he did her. But alas, stupid is the way of life for the repubs.

  6. Anonymous1:21 PM

    The wife sounds like a character out of a Coen Brothers movie.

  7. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Typical Republican. He and his wife deserve each other. I just hope they don’t procreate.

    OT, but this is hysterical, and the comments are priceless:


    1. That was a thing of beauty! Thanks for the link!

    2. 1:33 I know we'r off topic, but one of my favortie postins was in response to her "Don't you know who I am".....She washed her name off her hand and can't remember it.

  8. How did this toad get TWO people to kiss him? Smarm at it's best.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Money and power.

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    What's a nice girl like that doing with a fucklump like him. Sometimes I just don't get it. I guess The Stepford Wives are alive and well and living in crazy ass Louisiana.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      That "nice girl" has sold her soul for %$$$$, why do any of us even think anything else"

    2. That's what I get for commenting before reading other comments. We're on the same page, 1:57 PM.

  10. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Never underestimate the power of deception that a bunch of white Christian males can exert against little wifey if the pastor and his minions drop by for coffee.

    "Now honey, we have prayed and laid hands on Mr Fuckup Philanderer here, and he's repented, and it's your duty to support him goin' forward and such, cuz it's gawd's work he's doin', and we can't lose a seat in Congress"

  11. PalinsHoax2:45 PM

    Wow, now that couple is the Palins' kind of people.

    The Ol' Man-Faced Half-Term Quitter is married to a High-Pitched Pip-Squeaked Pimp and stands by him in desperation of appearing happily married.

    Guess the Ol' Snarly One is losing both her eyesight and her memory when she has to ask:

    1. Have you seen Tawwwwd?
    2. Do you know who I am?

  12. Anonymous3:25 PM

    As someone posted above, these 2 deserve each other.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:30 PM

      My MIL has a saying, "There's a lid for every pot" I hope she comes away with at least a piece of jewelry or something else she can pawn the next time he gets caught.

  13. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Typeical La politician wife, they are expected to overlook everything f4om kissing to catching your husband in diapers with prostitutes in your childrens playroom.

  14. Does she look like a Stepford Wife to you in that opening screen shot above? She does to me.

  15. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Oh look how blessed these two are. He for having a wife who will lower herself to provide cover for his sexual peccadilloes and her for having a husband who thinks so little of her that he cheated on her

    For a second I thought you were talking about

    "Don't You Know Who I Am"

  16. Anita Winecooler5:27 PM

    She's so sweet, she'd give diabetes diabetes. I'm sick and tired of these "tammy wynette" Stand by Your Man RWNJ'S, who stoically stand next to their repentent, new and improved, freshly jerry curled husband and show compassion, forgiveness and lack of any backbone or self esteem,

    Wanna work on your marriage? Do it in private, but don't paint him as a one time philanderer with lipstick on his dipstick. The public sees right through that bullshit.

  17. Anita Winecooler5:35 PM

    Best part is..... the press secretary probably KNEW what was going down when that "interview" took place. Great Link!!!!

  18. Anonymous2:25 AM

    "While I don't necessarily think that a politician should lose their seat for cheating on their wives, I certainly do think they should lose their seat for engaging in this kind of blatant manipulation and pandering."

    But you do think that a woman who covers for and stands by her cheating husband should be elected President in the next election.

    1. Always amusing when some commenter tells Gryphen or another one of us what our innermost thoughts are. It's not even in the form of a polite question. Another example of the RWNJ tendency toward "magical thinking"?

      BTW, there ARE two or three candidates who might even govern better than the person you're suggesting -- ALL of them infinitely better for the country than the lame candidates the Repubs offer up seemingly like "flavors of the month".

  19. 'But you do think that a woman who covers for and stands by her cheating husband should be elected President in the next election."
    Why not? She is not the one guilty of cheating. Her husband's affairs put her and her most intimate, personal, private life square in the national spotlight.

    The same hypocritical weasels that blast her for "covering for and standing by her cheating husband" are the same people who would blast her for leaving and divorcing him, for *not* standing by him, for not submitting to him, for not forgiving him, for not respecting the sanctity of marriage, and for not realizing that she failed the poor dear man by emasculating him what with her career, education, and ability to form her own opinions instead of being a good christianist wife.

    Sorry, but republicans have elected too many morally bankrupt people to trot that out as a reason not to vote for Hillary. After they clean their own house they can clutch their pearls and fall on their fainting couches over Hillary doing much what any spouse in such a publicly humiliating and devastating spot would do.

    I will evaluate her based on her political stances, views, and record, and whether she or whatever candidate the republicans put up will be better for, or at least cause the least harm to, this country.


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