Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The video that Andrew Breitbart promised would destroy President Obama is here. Update!

Yep that's damning footage of our President back in 1991 defending a "gasp" BLACK professor who was protesting the lack of diversity among the professors at Harvard. I think this is the part when the Liberals are supposed to start quaking in fear.

Here is what Buzzfeed had to say about the video:  

It was perhaps Barack Obama's most intense immersion in the charged campus racial politics of the late 1980s and early 1990s: As President of the Harvard Law Review in the spring of his final year there, 1991, he aligned himself with Professor Derrick Bell's dramatic protest for diversity on the faculty of Harvard Law School. 

Bell was the first black tenured professor at the school, and a pioneer of "critical race theory," which insisted, controversially, on reading issues of race and power into legal scholarship. His protest that spring was occasioned by Harvard's denial of tenure to a black woman professor, Regina Austin, at a time when only three of the law school's professors were black and only five women. He told Harvard he would take a leave of absence — a kind of academic strike — "until a woman of color is offered and accepted a tenured position on this faculty," and he launched a hunger strike to dramatize his point. 

Obama was a major figure on campus, the first black president of the Law Review. Some friends, in a prescient joke, just referred to him as "the first black president." He had a reputation as a conciliatory figure, not a confrontational one like Bell. "

"How Obama would react to Derrick Bell's protest was a matter of some interest," New Yorker editor David Remnick wrote in his exploration of Obama and race, The Bridge.

Well that's it! After the public gets a load of our President, back when he was a thirty year old President of the Harvard Law Review, speaking eloquently in defense of a respected member of the Harvard faculty his political career is over!

Seriously, is that it?

Well not entirely according to New York Magazine:

Big Government now says that the Buzzfeed video is the same video, but it was "selectively edited." There's more to come! "Over the course of the day," promises the feisty right-wing site dedicated to exposing truths that desperate liberals must hide from America," will be releasing additional footage that has been hidden by Obama's allies in the mainstream media and academia."

Let me get this straight, Andrew Breitbart's online yellow journalism site Big Government is accusing Buzzfeed of "selective editing?"

Isn't that like Sarah Palin accusing somebody of using sex to get ahead in life?

Well if this is anything like Breitbart's other exposes it will consist of a heavily edited piece of video that in NO WAY relates to the original content.

But have no fear Buzzfeed claims to have licensed the video, in its entirety, from the WGBH Boston television station's Media Library.   I am assuming if there were anything TOO explosive in the archive they would have already beaten Big Government to the punch. After all, an exclusive is an exclusive.

For more on Barry Obama's black radical activities you can go here. However if you are a Right Wing nutjob licking your chops in the hopes of controversy, you are going to be sorely disappointed.

Update: Frontline has more of the story, and more video, here.

Update 2: Hannity just did his big reveal of the unedited tape, which includes the footage not shown in the Buzzfeed video of Obama "gasp" HUGGING the  professor.

Apparently proving that Obama is gay for black college professors. Oh the horror!

Okay seriously, this is a joke right?


  1. Anonymous4:27 PM

    We know all too well of "selectively editing" a video, just ask Shirley Sherrod. What a despicable character Andrew Breithart was. He was a master propagandist, nothing more. And isn't it prophetic that Barack Obama was called "The first black President" way back then.

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      How interesting that Breitbart will no longer be able to lie about, manipulate, or alter videotapes. Doubly interesting that he died unaware and unprepared for the fact that no liars or deceivers will be admitted into heaven. [That's New Testament teaching, righties: Rev. 21:8 and 21:27]

      The level of pettiness, madness, and downright silliness represented by this 'attempt' of Big Government merely proves the validity of Steve Schmidt's most recent comments.

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      How ironic as well that this video disproves the righties' long-standing claims that Obama was a nobody at Harvard, and that he was not president of the Harvard Law Review.

    3. Irishgirl3:07 AM

      That was my first thought before I swooned.

    4. Anonymous3:23 AM

      It's on record that our president was president of the Harvard Law Review. So no one can say otherwise.

  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Breitbart: Wrong from beyond the grave.

  3. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Rove: Palins Endorsement 'Not Worth Snot' For Gingrich

    1. lostinmn5:01 PM

      That was seriously funny - coming from Rove is no surprise, Fox picking it up and reporting it is telling more than the comment itself. Things getting a little shaky at FN Sara? Hiding up in a closet with some Twinkies and carbonated wine coolers?

      Where are your troll daughters? They should be weighing in soon enough. I'm sure there's some link they can make her to what a jerk Levi is and what a great family you've got.

    2. Anonymous5:27 PM

      I bet Karl Rove knows of the faked pregnancy and other dirty secrets of Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      This is very funny. Not worth snot. Love it.

    4. Anonymous5:53 PM

      That is funny! Doesn't mean snot!?!? LMAO !!

      Will Sarah respond! Or won't she!? Karl Rove basically is saying that Sarah Palin IA completely irrelevant. Come on Sarah, prove him wrong!

    5. Anonymous8:01 PM

      I'm waiting for Sarah to come out and take Karl Rove on for saying her endorsement wasn't worth "snot." How about C4P? How will they handle Karl Rove dismissing their Queen?

      Hey Sarah, Karl Rove isn't that into you!

    6. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Why does Palin have to be incorporated into every thread and conversation? You guys are obsessed with that shrew.

    7. Anonymous5:54 AM


      nobody is forcing you to read here.

  4. Anonymous4:36 PM

    yeh this video is OLD it aired on PBS frontline!!!!

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      PBS Frontline is doing a story on Murdoch Scandals on 27th. PBS works with CBC in Canada on many stories as Lowell Bergman used to work there.

      Like watching what they do as they still do 'investigative' -- not the usual network crap that 'scims' a story and tells nothing we didn't already know.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Yeah, what the heck?
      I've seen this video of Obama before when he was campaigning.

  5. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Keith Boykin's article is the best part of this post. Someone should tweet or email that to Hannity before he tries to spin our President as a radical back in 1990.

    Thanks Gryphen for that link.

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    pbs has the complete story of the video, and also the parts that haven't been shown. Personally I think Breitbart planned to photoshop the face of Marx on every other person in the crowd..

  7. OT: Big Ed Schultz had Ricard Wolfe on his show talking about a possible Sarah Palin push at the convention. Wolf said that Sarah "brings nothing to the campaign." No delegates, no support, nothing. Oh Snap! He said something along the lines of Carl Rove's snot having a better chance at the convention than Sarah. The disgust with Sarah is complete on MSNBC at least.

    1. Anonymous3:27 AM

      Please, this thread is not about Palin. Stop it already. Stop the Sarah obsession.

    2. Anonymous5:56 AM


      nobody is forcing you to read here.

    3. Anonymous6:01 AM

      Anon - This person said it was off topic so there is no reason to point out that this wasn't about SP.

      If you don't like hearing about SP you are definitely on the wrong website.

  8. lostinmn4:48 PM

    So this is going to be Obama's ACORN moment? Isn't this about four years too late? And what did he actually do? Oh, we wait for Breitbart's goons to edit a video? Are they sure they want to do that to a sitting President? I mean, are they really sure they want to smear a sitting President? With false video? Do they really want to fuck with a sitting President? Do they have any clue what might be the result? It could be another FN reporter moment. POTUS will take the shot and they better be ready for him to fire back - and really douchebags - you really want to fuck with a sitting President? It's one thing to go after a little known junior Senator from IL but a sitting President? Are you really sure this isn't going to blow up in your face? Ah hell - "bring it" - I doubt he's quaking in his boots or is busy writing his resignation letter so he can fly off in disgrace on Chopper 1 like Nixon. Imbeciles. All of them. What the hell happened to the party of Eisenhower?

    Fucking numbnuts. This is what happened when you let the AFP and the Sara Palins of the world hijack your party.

  9. Anonymous4:50 PM

    OT: Saw Sarah on the Ed Show. Wow! Karl Rove was harsh. Said endorsements don't mean snot in response to Sarah's voting for "the cheerful one". I guess he doesn't like Palin too much. If the Republican convention is brokered and if Sarah were made the candidate to go up against Obama (please God, please God, make Sarah the candidate!) it would be so entertaining to see that last nail in her coffin. I wonder if the journalists would finally vet her and put the fake birth to rest? Probably not, that would mean that real journalists would have to do some work even though it would be one stop "shopping" if they came to IM. Gryphen's done all the heavy lifting. The woman is an idiot. She looks old. She needs more surgery and more botox. The neck is all wrinkly.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      Hehehe! It's like Karl Rove is calling Sarah Palin a "snot" it!

  10. Yeah I read at the Asylum that Sean Insannity is suppose to talk about this on his show tonight! I haven't been back to check in because I'm still trying to recover from my last visit there!

    This footage I saw on a PBS special they did on President Obama last year or as usual...the idiots are a day late and a sidewalk short!

    H/T to the late "Beerfart"

    1. *shaking from laughing so hard*

      Just got off the express crazy train and still a little disoriented! Saw another hilarious comment from "Crazies4Palin" and needed my homies here at IM to see it too!

      blueniner 13 minutes ago

      Liberal Commie dirtbag David Axelrot is going to be on Bill Mahers show Friday night, what a lovefest that will be. I remember there is a picture of Sarah Palin and Axelrot from last years NBC afterparty in DC where Sarah made a big spalsh, and all her enemas wanted a picture taken with her, I saved alot of those photos and saw them the other day that was some night.

      *SNICKER....SNORT...BURP...EMANATES a delicate FART*

      Comeon ya'll...."enemas"??? "enemas"....and NOBODY in that insane asylum corrected that fool!


    2. Anonymous9:05 PM

      OMG! Gina, that "enemas" has to be a joke? No?
      Or they are THAT STOOPID????

    3. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Well, if the enema fits...why bother removing it!

      : )

  11. Anonymous4:54 PM

    What's the big outrage. It's not like he slept with a white teenage college basketball player as a 23 year old sports reporter and then 20 years later fired all the white people in his office following his election.

    Now that would be disturbing to say the least.

    Hypocrisy, thy name is Bagger.

  12. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Saw the video on Andrea Mitchell's show today. I was blown away to hear him the same as he is today. Brilliant -- to see the crowd around listening. He was as articulate then as he is today!!

    When I read IM's title of the blog and saw the three words - Video, Obama and Breitbastard -- Oops, meant Breitbart - in the title -- the first thing came to mind was how heavily edited it would be as it brought back to mind all the ACORN videos he fucked with and the Shirley Sherrod video to tampered -- oh I'll say it again -- video he fucked with to screw her - together with all the spewed bullshit.

    There is nothing that hateful piece of shit would do that was truthful. It was a game for him and he cared not for the carnage he left behind. I'm not one that tends to think of 'taking people out' but if the situation had arose -- can't say it would have bothered me to do it.

    Burn in hell Breitbastard -- and hell's too fucking good for you.

  13. Anonymous4:58 PM

    O/T Sarah Palin's ‘Game Change’ war ramps up

    Despite months of both protesting against it — and swearing that they would not even see it — the Palin camp has relented and watched HBO’s “Game Change,” which focuses on Sen. John McCain’s decision in 2008 to pick Sarah Palin as his running mate and the subsequent fallout. The book is based on the 2010 book of the same name by journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann.

    A statement posted on the website of Palin’s SuperPAC — SarahPAC — reads: “Despite HBO’s best efforts, we have all seen the movie, Game Change. We stand by everything we previously said on the record. The movie is at best ‘historical fiction’ - historical only in that Sarah Palin was nominated and campaigned for the office of Vice President. The movie is a series of scenes where the dialogue, locations and participants are invented or rendered unrecognizable for dramatic effect. HBO and its surrogates continue to argue that they spoke to 25 sources. None of them are on the record nor is their level of ‘involvement’ in the campaign disclosed.’ Not one source is on the record in either the book or in the movie and it is clear why. The authors of the book never even traveled on the campaign with Governor Palin. We call on HBO to add the fiction disclaimer.”

    The decision to view the movie helps, in part, the Palin camp’s efforts to discredit the film; many of the films defenders have used, as part of their defense, the fact that their critics haven’t even seen a film that she’s so busy criticizing.

    Palin herself, however, can still claim plausible deniability: The statement posted on her PAC’s website is signed by Palin aides Tim Crawford, Jason Recher, Randy Schueneman, Meg Stapleton, Tom Van Flien, Doug McMarlin and Andy Davis.

    Not, you’ll notice, Sarah Palin.

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      They are obviously idiots...too many out there that have proven what is in the movie is accurate. Plus, many in Alaska know the 'real' Palin....she has always put herself out there to be someone she isn't! It's coming to life nationally FINALLY! The people watching this movie across the nation will set records!!!!

    2. of course so she cant be asked specific questions.

      look..dont be so sure palin is really upset over this film.
      it helps her with her loonies and no one else really cares except that they will probably never support her but by this point that question had already been settled.

    3. Anonymous7:01 PM

      One look at her tells the story no matter WHAT her minions say. I swear I've never seen ANYONE so pathetic as Queen Esther. Aged WAY beyond her years and no amount of plastic surgery/botox can hide the ugly that EXUDES. No one wants you, Sarah. Cry me a river.

    4. Anonymous7:05 PM

      How did they watch it? A pirate copy?

    5. Anonymous9:07 PM

      If anyone showed a video of Baldy say like in 2006 vs Now you would see how bad she has deteriorated compared to POTUS who is the same and better!!!

    6. Anonymous9:51 PM

      “Despite HBO’s best efforts, we have all seen the movie, Game Change."

      Despite HBO's best efforts? Are they implying that HBO didn't want them to see the movie? Didn't HBO invite them to screen it and comment?

    7. Anonymous6:20 AM

      They made their position clear the movie is fiction, nothing is true. These few seem to perceive Palin as all good editing amd deleting flaws, defects, lying about things there is ni reasin to lie.

      Palun needed people around her that see her all good, distortions, and others as all bad.

      Stapleton and the others made a dysfunctional toxic political family. No matter, the publuc has had three years to see Palin as she is and spewing word salad.

  14. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Andrew Breitbart is still most sincerely dead.

    May his unethical, dishonest and lying tactics now also die with him.

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      I think Bannon Baldys "unDEFEATED" vid has taken over at least in film editing.

  15. Anonymous5:10 PM

    If you're desperate to win at any cost and you don't have any evidence that serves your purpose, you make things up. Breitbart was very good at that and that is why Sarah Palin thought he was wonderful and those of us with working brains thought he was evil.

    I've seen the tapes of President Obama that are in question (anyone can see them ... try YouTube and PBS)and they show him as the intelligent, thoughtful, diplomatic, insightful person he was then and is today.

    Desperation is not pretty, though it is kinda fun to watch.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Does anyone have a video of Great-Granny-To-Be LuLu anywhere near a college? Serving in a campus leadership position? Or even graduating? THAT would be newsworthy.

  16. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Ben Smith of Buzzfeed was on Andrea Mitchell's show this afternoon with the video.

  17. Anonymous5:14 PM

    OT. Richard Wolfe was funny speaking about Palin on the Ed show re: her CNN comments. He said she seemed happy in her delusion.

    1. He sure was entertaining - Palin brings nothing to the table except the wrong type of publicity

  18. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Link to 2008 story on PBS "The Story Behind the Obama Law School Speech Video"

    " In 2008, as a part of our quadrennial election special The Choice 2008, FRONTLINE ran the same footage of the speech as a part of an exploration of Obama’s time at Harvard Law School, where he graduated in 1991. It’s been online at our site and on YouTube since then. You can see that part of the film below."

  19. angela5:19 PM

    Is this it? I've seen this before. Idiots.

  20. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This made me love our president even more!!! It's the same articulate, guy he is now--showing leadership and standing up for justice!

  21. Sally in MI5:27 PM

    Andrew just offered proof to the GOP that Obama was at Harvard, was President of the Law Review, and spoke without a teleprompter! Way to go just helped the President. Karma's a beetch.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      I just LOVE this fact. Thanks, Breitbart! Footage of our President at Harvard. Love it. Now what do you have to say about that, Trump?

  22. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Looks like Breitbart wasted his final months on nothing.

    What a load of nothing.

    Kind of like that tape they were supposed to have of Michelle in 2008........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  23. Anonymous5:37 PM

    OMG - Hannity is REALLY reaching with this "big" release of Briebart's video. What a freaking joke Hannity is!

    Hannity Debuts Breitbart Obama College Video: Media Hid Video Of Obama Hugging Professor

    The video the late Andrew Breitbart promised of President Obama was delivered in snippets this morning– first by Buzzfeed, then by Breitbart’s Big sites– but on tonight’s Hannity, editor-in-chief of Joel Pollak and contributor Ben Shapiro released the full tape– one held by Professor Charles Ogletree but released in a presentation after the 2008 election, where the professor is clearly heard saying he hid it during the election.

    Sean Hannity began the segment showing the videos released this morning and explaining the context, before showing Ogletree admitting to intentionally editing and then covering up the shot of President Obama hugging Professor Derrick Bell. “I hid this during the 2008 campaign– I don’t care if they find it now!” Ogletree tells the audience to laughter, as he plays the clip.

    Pollak and Shapiro then began to explain the context of the clip itself, and who Bell is and why it matters. Describing him as the “Jeremiah Wright of academia,” Pollak explained he had radical and controversial beliefs that eventually cost him his job, including penning the sci-fi thriller Space Traders, where “white Americans would sell off black Americans to aliens to pay the national debt.”

    For Hannity, the takeaway was that “President Obama always gravitates towards the most radical people,” to which both agree, but Shapiro expands that “Ogletree’s cover-up was very real,” and if Andrew Breitbart‘s legacy was anything, it was that “we weren’t going to decide what was a story.” He noted that the video was open to the media in 2008, but declined as a story.

    The Hannity exclusive via Fox News below:

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      "For Hannity, the takeaway was that “President Obama always gravitates towards the most radical people,”

      This deep insight for one of the media's major Palin enablers? Palin and the AIP? Palin and the dominionist NAR? Palin and the Prayer Warriors? Palin and Joe Miller?

      Sean, Dude, WTF? Over.

    2. Anonymous2:53 AM

      Sean Hannity, pfft, the man is as cowardly as they come. Some of us are still waiting for Hannity to make good on his word that he would prove that water boarding is not torture by allowing himself to be water boarded on air.

      Sarah Palin is skating on thin ice. Karl Rove is baiting her again, if she takes the bait this time around, I believe things are going to get really ugly for the grifter.

    3. Anonymous4:45 AM

      Apparently black people automatically qualify as radicals in Sean's pea sized brain. Like 30 year old Barack Obama was hanging out with NWA back in the 90's at the inception of gangsta rap. But they easily forget that he was raised by his white mother and grandparents.

    4. Anonymous5:43 AM

      I watched the Hannity segment. I wasn't going to, but I did. Earlier in the day I had watched the full PBS video of the event. Hannity was mostly trying to make it seem sinister by claiming that the professor was some kind of dangerous radical. So it is basically the same guilt by association / race based thing they were going for in the 2008 campaign.

      The other thing Fox did to the video was freeze frame it at the start on a portion of the video where Obama is mid sentence with his eyes closed and his mouth scrunched up. They were trying to make him look dangerous and sinister. Halfway through the video they cut back to this freeze frame, trying to reinforce the idea of the angry black man. It was a fairly clunky edit, but then I guess if your receptive to it it might have had an effect on you.

      -Nick G

  24. Anonymous5:52 PM

    well... you know... Breitbarf was hoped it would destroy the president after he had finished editing it. Now we will never see his master piece. As Mancoulter said he left with the best music still unplayed.

    RIS (Rest In Shit)

  25. OMG, our president is seriously cute, and at 30, he was drop dead gorgeous.

    In a more serious note, it is too bad that Breitbart died before this stuff came back to hit him in the face just like the Shirley Sherrod smear did. I hope that she can still sue his estate, if he has any.

  26. did anyone believe the fraud breitdead really was telling the truth about Obama and this so called video?

    but what it does point out again!! is how right wing the media really is.

    why is this supposed to be in breitdeads words "the end of Obamas reelection", and no one can get anyone in the media to expose the palin birth hoax??
    no one in the media is interested in todd palins prostitution involvement either.

    so its important people to always respond to these things in a way that sheds light on the way the MSM is all about pushing right wing republican nonsense.

    1. Jeanabella4:07 AM

      a retired dentist who has done well financially and has a great family and I happen to know through my business, emailed me and others a few weeks ago.
      The email was a warning to watch Fox news the following Sunday night to see the big expose of Obama!
      After Sunday came & went, I emailed him back and asked him not to notify me of Fox updates because, first, Fox is an "entertainment" outlet not news, & second, there is a study showing people who watch Fox news know less than people who don't watch tv at all.
      He came back with "What study???Who said that? I get all my news from Fox because I want both sides of the issue! There's a war on religion etc...(what?)
      anyway, it was pretty sad. So, being that I like his family lots more than I like him, and my husband said it's better to stay friendly and agree to disagree, I simply gave the old fool some links to the study and to the Presidents accomplishments and a few more important links for him to peruse.

      The loud right wing media has control of 80% of what's heard out there. This is a major problem for the people of USA and the world.

      There is a real effort to stop Fox and any outfit that won't commit to real reporting as a real news source. Canada wouldn't give Fox a license because of their "entertainment" bs.
      still waiting for his next email.

  27. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Palin ramps up 'Game Change' war

    Despite months of both protesting against it — and swearing that they would not even see it — the Palin camp has relented and watched HBO’s “Game Change,” which focuses on Sen. John McCain’s decision in 2008 to pick Sarah Palin as his running mate and the subsequent fallout. The book is based on the 2010 book of the same name by journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann.

    A statement posted on the website of Palin’s SuperPAC — SarahPAC — reads: “Despite HBO’s best efforts, we have all seen the movie, Game Change. We stand by everything we previously said on the record. The movie is at best ‘historical fiction’ - historical only in that Sarah Palin was nominated and campaigned for the office of Vice President. The movie is a series of scenes where the dialogue, locations and participants are invented or rendered unrecognizable for dramatic effect. HBO and its surrogates continue to argue that they spoke to 25 sources. None of them are on the record nor is their level of ‘involvement’ in the campaign disclosed.’ Not one source is on the record in either the book or in the movie and it is clear why. The authors of the book never even traveled on the campaign with Governor Palin. We call on HBO to add the fiction disclaimer.”

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      SarahPAC exists to separate angry white people from their money so what the fuck do you expect them to say, it's all true, she's a whackjob diva that handed the election to Obama?

    2. imnofred6:48 PM

      For someone who has said that she's "not concerned" about the movie, she sure is making a big deal about it.

    3. Anonymous8:16 PM

      What an idiot! Sarah Palin, we know so much crud about you - accept it!

    4. Anonymous8:21 PM

      If it's all a pack of lies, sue them! You should have also sued the authors of the book, "Game Change," on which the movie is based. You do know that to prove that these are all lies, you will have to produce proof in court-- there is a process called "discovery." I don't think that Sarah Palin will consent to appearing under oath or allowing discovery to take place. She held those stupid emails for 3 years-- the ones that showed that all she cared about was her public image instead of governing the State of Alaska. Yes, please sue. It'll be one great trial, and the sequel to the movie.

  28. OMG, our president, while being the cutest president ever, was drop dead handsome when he was thirty.

    Seriously, this is what Breitbard. had. It is too bad he croaked before this came back to bite him in the butt like the Shirley Sherrod case did. I hope she can still sue his estate, if he has one.

    1. Anonymous2:37 AM

      I agree. The man is smart, good looking, and has a killer smile.

      But, I thought the video was going to show a much younger Barack Obama blowing coke off of a oil drum, or caught on camera saying that he would be wearing his tightest and best fitting khakis to an important meeting.

      All I know is that some where Donald Trump must be flipping out. "No one remembers this guy (President Obama) from college.."

  29. I was a registered member of the Peace and Freedom Party in California (a seriously long time ago) and voted for Black Panthers, Huey Newton and Eldridge Cleaver for President and Vice President.

    Yes, the 60's, and yes, I remember them (and the 70's)...good times!

    President Obama is a million light years beyond those radical candidates from the "good old days".

    Those idiot right wingers don't have a clue.

  30. Anonymous6:26 PM

    O/T Sarah Palin Doesn't Help Newt Gingrich in Alaska

    Sarah Palin's latest blunder is admitting she voted for Newt Gingrich in the Alaska caucus. He finished last with only 1,865 votes (14.1 percent).

    By contrast, Rick Santorum, a candidate she once praised before she started playing political footsie with Gingrich, came in second to Mitt Romney, racking up 3,860 votes (29.2 percent) to 4,285 votes (32.4 percent) for Romney. Even Ron Paul, with 3,175 votes (24 percent) did better than Gingrich.

    It is uncertain why Palin gave a half-hearted thumbs up to Gingrich before the South Carolina primary as her evangelical Christian background and political philosophy are closer to Santorum. Palin told Fox News' Sean Hannity.

    The aim of her endorsement was to deny Romney an early clinch of the nomination. She did not officially endorse Gingrich or campaign for him, so when he did win, she got none of the credit.

    Gingrich's candidacy was buoyant then, but by Super Tuesday, the only thing keeping Gingrich afloat was the cash from billionaire Sheldon Adeslson. Palin has failed as a political kingmaker because of her bad political instincts. In a December appearance on Hannity, she said if conservative voters "want ideological consistency, then they are going to start paying attention to say, Rick Santorum."

    They did, but not thanks to Palin.

    Santorum has emerged as the strongest conservative alternative to Romney. If Gingrich had dropped out, Santorum could have beaten Romney in Michigan and Ohio. But Gingrich plugs on, fulfilling Palin's wish to "keep things going."

    Palin does not put the interests of her party first. If she had backed Santorum, it might have given him the edge to knock out Romney, whom many social conservatives despise. It also might have opened an opportunity for a "white knight" candidate to enter the race. Since that could never have been Palin, she probably feels she'll make sure it's nobody.

    Instead, she helped set up a race in which Santorum and Romney grind away at each other, weakening the future nominee and dampening the GOP's prospects come November.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      I don't think that Sarah Palin has the power or the smarts implied here.

  31. Anonymous6:27 PM

    That's hilarious--what a scoop. NOT. I wonder if Breitbart had a tumor or something and that's why he made such bad decisions in the month before his death, like the screaming fit at OWS and thinking this old vid was a big deal.

    It's the GOP's month to attack law school students! First Fluke and now the President when he was in law school.

  32. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Remember when CNN was going air footage of Palin addressing the secessionist AIP and the McCain campaign freaked out and threatened to sue?

    Yeah, good times.

  33. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Roger Ailes pays Hannity is a joke.

  34. Ratfish6:56 PM

    Breitbart's organization accusing someone of "selective editing?" That's like Palin accusing someone of _____________________.

    What a bunch of pathetic losers.

  35. Anonymous7:14 PM

    What a brilliant man we have as President. Where were all of those TELEPROMPTERS that the RIGHTWING
    has no video footage of her giving Speeches at College. She probably doesn't even have Transcripts.
    With an I.Q. of 83, how does she qualify for any Political office? Sarah Palin is a Phony.

    1. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Because that's all that they have. Obama is a good speaker, while Sarah trips all over her tongue. We have seen film of Sarah delivering a speech, and she can't stick to the script, even with her head bowed over her papers. For a journalism major, she cannot speak in simple sentences. Her fellow Republicans are also terrible speakers. Romney puts his foot in his mouth. Newt lies, and Santorum's only issues are moral issues. He has nothing else. In fact, the only time that Romney and Santorum speak well is when they read from teleprompters and stick to the speech.

    2. I Betcha she can't even produce a sheepskin much less a Birth Certificate!

  36. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Watch out, Sarah Palin, Karl Rove is coming after you. Pay off your information hoarders to keep quiet. Rove has all of the info that he needs to bring you and Todd down hard. Time to shut up and go stealth. You have gotten on the Good Old Boys' last

  37. Anonymous7:39 PM

    OT, but hilarious article from Wonkette.

    Colbert also made fun of her CNN interview.

  38. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Ed talks about Palin's delusion...

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      That was comedy gold . . .and nothin' but the truth!

      Hey Sar~ how's that "gamey~changey~thingy" workin' out fer ya?


  39. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Let' face it, Palin will do whatever she can to take down anyone... as she assumes the only truely worthy person is herself. After all, she WAS called by God. Right? Hahahaha

  40. Anonymous7:59 PM

    It's all about the payoffs, payoffs... the Palins are likely broke after all of the $ they have to pay out for monthly "shut up: fees.

  41. Andrew Breitbart was a HACK. Glad he's gone.

    1. As Mark Twain once said, “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”

  42. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Oh the horror of the president back in his college days hugging a black man! I don't think I will ever recover the horror of this.

    Jesus H on a popsicle stick! wtf are these wankers going on about now? I couldn't even click on the 2nd segment of Sean Insanity, the 1st was enough to make me go "wtf"

    If this is the best they got to throw at the President they truly are in desperate mode now.

  43. Anonymous8:19 PM

    O/T But I wanted to recommend Andrew Halco's latest post: The GOP's June Cleaver fantasy

  44. Anonymous8:42 PM

    The President's real crime is being a highly educated intellectual. They just hate that about him. And to be standing with another black intellectual in this tape...

    The rednecks' heads are spinning. %*#k them.

    But yes, if this was the explosive material, man that's pathetic - as usual. They are grasping at straws at this point.

  45. Anonymous8:52 PM

    CNN Web is making absolutely no mention of this tonight. While their judgement in these matters means little to me, I know the way they think (featuring Sarah Palin's obnoxious comments on Super Tuesday, for ex). It's interesting this isn't even on the radar.

    And honestly, why should it be? So what? He believed in diversity then, and still does. Big deal.

    Trying to make an issue of this event may backfire and show these racist assholes for what they truly are.

  46. Anonymous8:56 PM

    What's next? Barak Obama has children with a black woman?

    1. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Oh the humanity!

  47. Anonymous8:58 PM

    From the sea of pee:

    1776er: A picture is worth a thousand words. That Bretbart video spoke a million words about the real Barack Hussein Obama and who he is today. It kind of reminds me of the 9/11 videos of the planes going into those towers. You can't explain your feelings about what you see adequately.
    But you know you are looking at evil. You know you are looking at something real bad.

    This guy Obama is real bad. He is a fake. He is a Marxist. He means America and Americans no good.

    This film, like the 9/11 tapes should be shown over and over and over. So we don't forget. So we don't forget what they want to accomplish and the lengths they will go to achieve their objectives.


    Amazingly pathetic.

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Barak Obama supporting racial diversity in 1991 at Harvard is the same as terrorists flying a plane into the world trade center. He's real bad, REAL BAD, I tell you!

      Wow, these people are idiots.

    2. Anonymous10:46 PM

      What do you expect from the sea of retards? Those people over there is just as mentally unstable as the psycho from Wasilla. LOL!

    3. Anonymous4:15 AM

      The Pee'ers are peeing on themselves. Just the thought -- more Black People!!!

      They're running and hiding!!!
      Be afraid - Be very afraid!!

      ROFL ;)

    4. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Actually, it's posts like that one that make me convinced that C4P is actually overrun with satirists yanking the last few true C4P'er's chains. Because seriously, nobody is THAT far over the bend that they see "Evil" in that video and compare it to 9-11 footage.

      Nice one 1776er, but I think you're giving way the game, there. ;))

  48. Saw the video tonight on Lawrence O'Donnell's program.

    First, the voice, just as he sounds now. Then, the camera pans over to BHO, so youthful, so well-spoken, so intelligent. I got a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.

    Sometimes I feel such love for this man.

  49. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Oh, Sean, Sean, so eager to find some hidden 'sin' in President Obama's past. Poor Sean looked like a fool tonight, trying to find any kind of scandalous clue in that video. He's a man on a mission, looking to point the finger, and gloat and smirk at those he trashes nightly on his meaningless show.

    A meaningless petty, angry little man, on his hateful meaningless little show, finding fault with his meaningless little quibble. What a legacy.

  50. Ratfish9:34 PM

    3 days to Game Change!!!

    Can't wait to see why Palin has her panties in a huge wet wad.

  51. Big Government now says that the Buzzfeed video is the same video, but it was "selectively edited."

    Yes. The part where Obama flings off his button-down shirt and reveals a dashiki worn beneath it, and waves a machete and goes all Mau May on their asses has been clipped out.

    Seriously - is this hilarious or what?

    1. Anonymous4:19 AM

      Yea -- selectively edited in that it's 1 minutes and whatever seconds of an 11 minute video on the PBS site.

      What fucking buffoons.

      Obama and his 'race to the top' education proposal.

      FAUX -- 'race to the bottom' of the cable station.

      The race of the mouthpieces to see who's the biggest buffoon!

  52. Anonymous9:53 PM

    The only thing that I'm concerned about this is that since there is really nothing on the tape that is damaging to President Obama, the Breitbart "heirs" will probably spend their time trying to slander the character and the memory of Professor Derrick Bell, who died in 2011, in order to make some kind of horrible point.

    1. Anonymous1:19 AM

      I think that is what Hannity is planning on doing by what I heard on his show tonight. I only watched to see "egg on his face". But, if I heard right, he said he'll be looking in Prof Bell in the coming days. Hannity is a pathetic person like Palin-who got where he got on luck, not brains.

    2. Anonymous4:22 AM

      It would just further expose them as the small-minded morons they've always been.

  53. Anonymous11:18 PM

    And here I thought Breitbart died from an overdose of heroin when all along it was stupidity that killed him.What an asshole.

  54. Anonymous1:48 AM

    This will further outrage the right wingers for no other reason than this is a culture of intellectuals that is so completely alien to them that they fear it.

  55. Anonymous2:16 AM

    "The love you feel, you take it with you" (h/t to Ghost). However, stupidity never dies, and just like Jason Voorhees, it reaches out from beyond the grave. Andrew Breitbart, this is your legacy.

  56. Irishgirl3:06 AM

    I am even more in love with your president.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Me too. And I was so proud to vote for him on the Democratic primary ballot here in Michigan! And I look forward to voting for him in November!

  57. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Perhaps Breitbart's decision to air this video had something to do with his being "offed." The Rethugs knew it would help, not hurt "O."

    Rethugs are not afraid to eat or kill their own to advance their agenda.

  58. This is an hilarious spoof of the Brietbart conspiracy:

  59. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Interesting that the timing of this nonsense is just days before "Game Change." Do you think some people are trying to change the subject? Most of us, although not those in Sarah-Palin-world, know Breitbart for what he was, a fraud.

    1. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Blahahahahahaha No. I absolutely do not believe that anyone gives enough of a shit about Palin or HBO to try and roll out a media distraction on her behalf.

  60. Anonymous4:28 AM

    OMG! What a controversy! If you watch this video and walk away with a negative view of the president, that only means you had a negative view of him to begin with. And I would question your sanity! For real! To me, this video is all more the reason to love and respect Barack Obama. It confirms his character we know today, the fact that he was fighting for people then and he continues to do so today. Fuck the GOP! Their time in the sun is over and they are going down!

    Let's stay together!!!!! OBAMA 2012!!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      What I think is most hilarious about this feeble attempt at some kind of attack on Obama, is that really all it does is remind everyone that he's well educated and was always a leader.

      Which, I suppose, in the eyes of the kind of "intellect" that watches Hannity, might seem like a negative thing somehow.

      I'm still convinced that the GOP plan for 2012 is to crap themselves and look so idiotic that the rest of us become overconfident and feel like we don't have to make any effort to get out the vote...

  61. Anonymous6:17 AM

    obama is not gay
    he's bisexual

    1. AnonymousMar 8, 2012 07:17 AM

      Uh...I think you ended up in the wrong place, slug (no slur on slugs)!

      "Conservatives4Palin" is thataway!

      You're welcome.

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      You only wish, Todd.

    3. ROFLMAO (Seriously!)

  62. Randall6:23 AM

    Breitbart, Hannity, Limbaugh, Palin, et. al.
    are among the most despicable people on the planet.

    They believe the end justify the means to the point where they gleefully embrace the means - and thus, pervert the end.

    1. They know they are lying to their constituents, the few fools that they have. The real stupid, retarded fans.

      Polls show their brand isn't working. But it doesn't matter to these clowns, the believe they are fighting for their god.

  63. These loathsome people of big were trying to continue the lies, schemes, doctoring, of documents, film or print.

    Once again these snakes were trying to ruin another good cause or person. Sickening. Pathetic. Should be criminal.

    "Stop ruining people. Stop ruining people." hahaha "Go home, go home!"


  64. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Sean Hannity has found the smoking hug.

    Roger Ailes hires idiots.

  65. Anonymous12:09 PM

    It's pitiful that a man could live his life being so evil, and so full of venom and rage, as Breitbart. Then he drops dead on the street.

  66. Anonymous3:01 PM

    The implication is that Professor Bell was some kind of violent radical racist. Professor Bell was a HERO who dedicated his life to desegregating the United States. From his job as the only black lawyer in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division in the 1950’s, to his work alongside Thurgood Marshall bringing hundreds of desegregation actions in Mississippi, right up to his leaving Harvard, Professor Bell lived what he preached. That his life’s work was radical or provocative says more about how far we have left to go. If its radical to be appalled that Harvard Law School had no women law professors and only five black male law professors among hundreds of professors, then the world could use a lot more radicals. And to tarnish his reputation as simply anti-white is false and totally and intentionally missing the point. I hope to see President Obama speak about Professor Bell, in prime time, on all networks, if for no other reason than this was an American hero that more people should know about and take inspiration from.


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