Monday, November 30, 2009

Countdown is a must see today with a smack down for Sarah Palin, a guest appearance by Shannyn Moore, and a Special Comment! My cup runneth over!

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"Coming out of the woodwork". Did you hear that?

Isn't that what I have been telling you people? By gosh it is.

Here is Geoffrey Dunn's wonderful post on the John Wooden/John Wooden Legs mistake from Palin's "Book of Lies"..

Now for Keith's Special Comment. Quick somebody tell our President to watch this!

I thought I was the only one who believed this.

I admit that I became quite paranoid during the Bush administration, as I think many Americans did, but I always felt this was probably very close to the truth.

What do you think?

Sarah Palin uses letter from angry 95 year old to lecture President Obama.

As Thanksgiving festivities wind down we contemplate all we have to be thankful for as free Americans! We head into the Christmas season wishing for leadership in Washington that reflects our commitment to the values and ideals that have built the freest and most prosperous and generous nation on earth.

Heading into December and Tuesday’s announcement of our nation’s strategy in Afghanistan, I ask the President to reassure us that the administration is in this War on Terror to win.

Win the "War on Terror"? There is no such thing as a "War on Terror"! You cannot wage a war on an emotion! That is a left over neo-con talking point from the Bush administration.

So, giving her the benefit of the doubt, Caribou Barbie must mean to win the "war" in Afghanistan. But is that any more logical? History teaches us that NOBODY actually wins a war in Afghanistan. It is really only a contest of endurance. A long distance run with no finish line to signal the end. The Soviet Union lasted ten years, but the war may also have figured prominently in the ultimate demise of the Communist government. Is THAT what Sarah Palin hopes will be the future of this nation? The end of our government?

Should America continue to blindly wage George Bush's war until our government meets the same fate as the USSR? Is that the kind of "patriotism" embraced by Palin and her teabaggin' buddies?

And I’ll pass along the following from Harold B. Estes, a 95-year-old member of the Greatest Generation: “I realize you never served in the military and never had to defend your country with your life, but you’re the Commander-in-Chief now, son. Do your job. When your battle-hardened field General asks you for 40,000 more troops to complete the mission, give them to him. But if you’re not in this fight to win, then get out.”

There is a reason that we have a civilian government in control of the military. Soldiers may know how to win battles, but they do not know how to conduct wars. Yes President Obama needs to listen to his generals. As well as his advisers, the Senate, the Congress, and the American people whose children are dying in this "war". He needs to hear them all, and then make the very best decision that he is able to make based on the options still available to him. And even still he will be "damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't". Sarah Palin is too simple minded and full of talking points to understand that complexity. Which is why she can NEVER be allowed near the White House.

Thank you, Mr. President. Please tell us on Tuesday that America is in it to win. (Slogan now available on t-shirts at SarahPAC for $19.99. Also get a copy of "Going Rogue" for an additional $1.50! I added that part.)

- Sarah Palin

PS: You can read Mr. Estes' complete letter here.

As for the 95 year old man whose letter Palin is using as a shield behind which to attack the President, well I think we can determine the prism through which he is viewing this Presidency fairly accurately.

In his letter Mr. Estes attributes the phrase," We're no longer a Christian nation", to the President when in fact that is a misquote taken from Fox News and deceitful direct mailings from various GOP operatives.

He also chides the President for offering a mea culpa to our European allies after the dismissive way they were treated by the Bush administration. Which of course went a very long way toward repairing our reputation around the world, after George Bush made us look like a nation of thugs and bullies. Unsurprisingly Mr. Estes has no criticism for our last president whatsoever.

The letter also has hints of racism ("You mean you don't want us to do what you did when that white cop used force to subdue that black college professor in Massachusetts who was putting up a fight ?"), Glenn Beck retreads (I can't figure out what country you are the president of), and a touch of batshit "birther" blather (Shape up and start acting like an American.If you don't, I'll do what I can to see you get shipped out of that fancy rental on Pennsylvania Avenue). So we have a FOX News junkie, with an "America, love it or leave it" mentality, angry that the "darkie" in the White House is daring to act like he is in charge.

This is actually one of Palin's more intelligent attempts to undermine the authority of our President. She seems to have realized that, after many of us have read her stupid book, most people don't think she can find her ass with a flashlight and a road map. So she finds some old cranky coot and uses his letter to do her dirty work for her. "See I am not the ONLY one who thinks the secret terrorist loving Muslim is doing a crappy job!"

Nice try Sarah Palin ghostwriter, but even if you get a truckload of letters from senior citizens, it will still not give credibility to your argument.

Obama was elected to end the wars, not entrench us further into this endless conflict.

THAT is what the American people REALLY want. In the eminently quotable words of Sarah Palin herself, "We win, you lose". Get used to it.

Update: I have received a number of comments from people saying that this letter is a fake. But according to it is real. I trust those guys to get it right. It is still a bunch of hooey, but it is hooey that came from an actual 95 year old man.

In defense of Mike Huckabee. Updated!

I can't believe I am about to do this.

Mike Huckabee, recent candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination, has been excoriated by the press, and the followers of a certain failed politician, for granting clemency to a man who recently killed four police officers in Seattle, Washington.

And it is bullshit.

Look I don't trust Mike Huckabee as far as I can throw him, and the way he seems to be packing back on those lost pounds, that is getting less far by the day. I don't watch his crappy program on Fox and if he were chosen as the Republican candidate in 2012, I would tear his ass up.

However he is NOT responsible for the deaths of these four police officers. He just isn't!

Here are the facts.

In 1990, Clemmons, then 18, was sentenced in Arkansas to 60 years in prison for burglary and theft of property, according to a news account in Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Newspaper stories describe a series of disturbing incidents involving Clemmons while he was being tried in Arkansas on various charges.

During one trial, Clemmons was shackled in leg irons and seated next to a uniformed officer. The presiding judge ordered the extra security because he felt Clemmons had threatened him, court records show.

Another time, Clemmons hid a hinge in his sock, and was accused of intending to use it as a weapon. Yet another time, Clemmons took a lock from a holding cell, and threw it toward the bailiff. He missed and instead hit Clemmons' mother, who had come to bring him street clothes, according to records and published reports.

On another occasion, Clemmons had reached for a guard's pistol during transport to the courtroom.

When Clemmons received the 60-year sentence, he was already serving 48 years on five felony convictions and facing up to 95 more years on charges of robbery, theft of property and possessing a handgun on school property. Records from Clemmons' sentencing described him as 5-foot-7 and 108 pounds. The crimes were committed when he was 17.

Clemmons served 11 years before being released.

News accounts say Huckabee commuted Clemmons' sentence, citing Clemmons' young age at the time the crimes were committed.

But Clemmons remained on parole -- and soon after landed in trouble again. In March 2001, he was accused of violating his parole by committing aggravated robbery and theft, according to a story in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

He was returned to prison on a parole violation. But in what appears to have been a mistake, Clemmons was not actually served with the arrest warrants until leaving prison three years later. As a result, Clemmons' attorney argued that the charges should be dismissed because too much time had passed. Prosecutors dropped the charges.

The guy committed those initial crimes when he was only 17. He had already served eleven years of a 108 year sentence, which was about to be expanded by another 95 years.

Then Governor Huckabee believed that the young man could be rehabilitated. He was wrong, and the guy committed aggravated robbery and got thrown right back into prison. Mike Huckabee could be blamed for the aggravated robbery and theft, that seems legitimate, but NOT for the murders that occurred after he left prison three years later.

There was no way for Huckabee to predict the future, and he demonstrated compassion and hope that this young man might be able to turn his life around. When our elected leaders stop feeling compassion that is when we should all be worried. (Hear that Sarah Palin?)

I would not support Mike Huckabee for dog catcher, but I also won't saddle him with blame that is not his. Which is unlike some of Palin's supporters who are taking unrestrained glee in this tragedy as you can witness for yourself at Progressive Alaska.

Of course it makes it that much harder to defend Huckabee when he releases a statement like this.

The senseless and savage execution of police officers in Washington State has saddened the nation, and early reports indicate that a person of interest is a repeat offender who once lived in Arkansas and was wanted on outstanding warrants here and Washington State.

The murder of any individual is profound tragedy, but the murder of a police officer is the worst of all murders in that it is an assault on every citizen and the laws we live within.

Should he be found to be responsible for this horrible tragedy, it will be the result of a series of failures in the criminal justice system in both Arkansas and Washington State. He was recommended for and received a commutation of his original sentence from 1990, making him parole eligible and was paroled by the parole board once they determined he met the conditions at that time. He was arrested later for parole violation and taken back to prison to serve his full term, but prosecutors dropped the charges that would have held him.

It appears that he has continued to have a string of criminal and psychotic behavior but was not kept incarcerated by either state. This is a horrible and tragic event and if found and convicted the offender should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Our thoughts and prayers are and should be with the families of those honorable, brave, and heroic police officers.

When you make such a statement, which refuses to accept any responsibility and then points the finger of blame at law enforcement alone, it demonstrates the same kind of broken logic and lack of personal responsibility for which Sarah Palin has become famous. Are ALL Republicans morphing into some version of Caribou Barbie? I shudder at the thought.

Damn! No wonder the Republican party is crumbling apart. Do they have NO heroes left?

Update: Here is Huckabee's appearance on The Factor.

Well that gives us a little more information.

We can still decide, with hindsight, that Huckabee made a mistake, but at least it sounds like he is at least taking SOME responsibility for his decision.

Sorry for exposing you to O'Reilly. I can't stand that guy!

Is NOTHING about this woman true?

Not even the bus.

Sarah Palin even lies to her supporters, and the public, about riding the bus to her book signings. Can you believe that?

This from Joe McGinnins at the Daily Beast.

Last week I was in The Villages, the fantastical Back to the Future-style retirement enclave north of Orlando, when Palin popped out the front door of the bus to greet the thousand or so worshipers gathered outside Barnes & Noble. I thought she sure looked good for someone who had been riding a bus for a week, changing diapers—as she said—all the way. Publicist Andreadis, by contrast, had the worn and harried look of someone who had been earning an honest living by riding a bus for a week.

It seems now that Palin hasn’t been on the bus, except for short hops between local airports and hotels and book-signing sites. She’s apparently been aboard UJT750, the Gulfstream American twin-jet that she first boarded at Westchester County airport shortly after noon on November 18, bound for Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the first stop on her tour.

Often Palin makes the claim that she is different. That she would not engage in "politics as usual". But of course that is a lie.

In fact she represents the very worst kind of politician. The one that will say absolutely anything to garner support. She has become a living, breathing parody of the serious politician. Who needs Tina Fey, when Sarah herself is doing shtick?

She lied through her job as mayor. Lied through her job as governor. Lied to the Republican party. Lied to the American people. Lied through Twitter, Facebook, and now an actual autobiography (Written, of course, by somebody else). It seems that the one thing Sarah Palin will not quit at is lying!

Is this really what her followers believe America has been looking for? Do they truly believe that pretending to be someone special is the same as being someone special?

It reminds me of that old joke, "How do you know Sarah Palin is lying? You can see her lips move." Not so damn funny when it's true, now is it?

(Click the title to read the rest of Joe's great article.)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

How about a little humor to top off the day?

Moore up North from Saturday November 28. Great Show!

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Is this the official Christian message to the country? "If you don't give us back our holiday we will make you sorry!"

AFA (American Family Association) is calling for a limited two-month boycott of Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic, the three stores owned by San Francisco-based Gap Inc., over the company’s censorship of the word "Christmas."

The boycott is part of our ongoing campaign to encourage businesses, communities and individuals to put Christ back in Christmas. The boycott runs from November 1 through Christmas Day.

For years, Gap has refused to use the word Christmas in its television commercials, newspaper ads and in-store promotions, despite tens of thousands of consumer requests to recognize Christmas and in spite of repeated requests from AFA to do the same.

The commercial that has apparently pushed these religious terrorists over the edge, and inspired them to take the Gap hostage, is this one.

You know I kind of like it. It seems like a harmless call for people of ALL faiths to enjoy the holiday season and spend a little money at the Gap. But they dared to put Christmas in the same category as Kwanzaa, Hannukah, and the Winter Solstice celebration, and to many Christians that is heresy.

The goal of the boycott is twofold, to define Christmas as a Christian holiday, and to elevate it above the other "pagan" holidays. Remember Christians do not join you, YOU join them.

Of course anybody with an inquisitive nature, and the power of Google at their finger tips, can find out relatively quickly that Christmas is NOT originally a Christian holiday at all. In fact the celebration predates Christianity by thousands of years, and many times throughout history Christians have been forbidden to celebrate it. Even today there are some who are repulsed by the very idea. (Christmas is a thoroughly pagan holiday -- in its origin, in its trappings, and in all its traditions.)

So here is my question. If Christians really want this holiday to be embraced as solely a Christian celebration, then shouldn't they do their best to emulate the teachings of Jesus? I mean if the goal is to persuade people that the birth of this great man is worth celebrating, then should his followers not be living examples of that greatness?

Instead of trying to force people, through boycotts and condemnation, to accept your argument. Why not simply stop arguing and open you arms in an invitation to show them how you celebrate the holiday?

The very idea of demanding that people submit to your will seems very un-Christ-like to me. Is it possible that the reason Christianity is losing influence in this country is because of these ham handed techniques? Is that why factions led by Sarah Palin and her followers have resorted to forming armies to force people to bend to their will? Don't believe me? Then take a moment to read this.

Ms. Palin has had long associations with religious leaders who practice a particularly assertive and urgent brand of Pentecostalism known as “spiritual warfare.” Its adherents believe that demonic forces can colonize specific geographic areas and individuals, and that “spiritual warriors” must “battle” them to assert God’s control, using prayer and evangelism. The movement’s fixation on demons, its aggressiveness and its leaders’ claims to exalted spiritual authority have troubled even some Pentecostal Christians.

From my experience with the Gospels I am hard pressed to believe that the Jesus described within its pages would embrace the idea of "spiritual warriors".

Didn't Jesus in Matthew 26:52 say "Put your sword back in its place, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword"? Does his philosophy sound like the one embraced by these people who claim to follow him today?

If religions want to stay relevant in this changing world they need to stop building walls to separate them from the world, and instead build roads that lead to the open exchange of ideas. Attempts to dominate the world should be the purview of mad men and megalomaniacs, not religious leaders and spiritual advisers.

Sarah Palin to give a speech that she does not want YOU to hear.

Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska who last year contested for the office of US Vice-President, undoubtedly enjoys a lot of media attention at every point in her life. Media has commented on her political as well as personal life and now it appears that she is justly upset with the onslaught aimed at her and wants to prohibit the media from covering her events further. According to the reports, Sarah Palin’s speech on December 2, in the College of the Ozarks, will not get any kind of media coverage.

Elizabeth Andrews, the director of public relations of this school in one of her statements declared that the terms of the contract were mutually agreed upon by Mrs. Palin and the school authorities. Therefore, media rights to telecast this event would be curbed. She said, though media representatives will not be allowed to carry any equipment for audio and video recording at the event, they will be provided tickets to remain present in the program. It has also been reported that Sarah Palin will sign copies of ‘Going Rogue’ but it has not yet been confirmed whether any media representatives will be allowed to cover that event either.

It may confuse people as to why Palin would even bother to give a speech if she did not want very many people to hear it. But I know why.

It is because of this speech.

(You can see part two here. If you can stomach it. If you cannot stand to watch it you can simply read AKMuckraker's brilliant transcript here.)

It was after the media got a hold of THIS bizarre, wandering, spiteful speech filled with word salad and stolen bits of a speech given by Newt Gingrich, that Sarah Palin decided that she had had enough. The next speech in which the media was invited, and only given 55 minutes to attend, was her resignation speech.

Sarah Palin was so upset and frustrated that the media (and bloggers, yes I was there too) had found so much wrong with her speech that she was simply terrified at what might happen in the future.

So she quit. She essentially said take this job and shove, I ain't working here no more. (That one is for you dad.)

And then Sarah Palin turned to Twitter. And so did we. As it turned out Palin was just as ridiculously bizarre on Twitter as she was in person. So ridiculous in fact that it inspired the Tonight Show to have William Shatner read them as rambling beatnik poetry. So somebody hid her Blackberries from her. (She owes that person her eternal gratitude by the way.)

And then came Facebook. Only this time she had a ghostwriter to help her. Though it really did not help that much. Sure the sentences were punctuated properly, and somebody introduced a little concept called footnotes, but crazy Palin ideas are still crazy, even with all of the comma's in the right places.

Next came Sarah Palin's "Book of Lies".

A book so full of fabrications that if they were removed the book would only be about 70 pages long.

And, as all of you know, the media has been having a field day with this latest attempt by Sarah Palin to communicate with the masses.

It has become so bad that Palin will not even allow a film crew in to record her talking to her fans while autographing their books. Paranoid much?

Look I have some advice for Sarah.

Hi Sarah. Remember me? Of course you do, you even once wrote down my license plate number. (Yet you never call.)

If you REALLY want people to stop making fun of you, or pointing out that you are crazy, you need to do one simple thing. Shut up and sit down.

Yes, yes, yes I know that is the one thing you hate to be told (well that and the fact that Levi has a book deal), but let's face it as long as you keep talking, people will keep listening. And as long as we can still hear you, we can still tell that you are batshit crazy.

You have money. You have a brand new compound. You have your cosmetic surgery. Why not simply move on to what is we all know will be your ultimate destination. Selling cheap jewelry on QVC. And spare yourself all of the embarrassment of standing up in front of people and trying to make some kind of sense. We all know you can't do that, so why even try?

So you have a nice day Ms. Palin. And remember, your worst enemy is that person staring back at you in the mirror. Isn't it time you just fired her stupid ass?

Let's start this Sunday with some footage of Dennis Zaki's visit with the Alaska Coast Guard.

Alaska Arctic Awareness Flight by the US Coast Guard from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sarah Palin inspires women to believe that if they have a working uterus they can be successful politicians. Well I guess that leaves me out.

Patricia Sullivan, a mother of four who is running in the Republican primary to take on Democratic Rep. Alan Grayson in Florida's 8th Congressional District, says Palin's authenticity and rejection of Washington elitism inspired her to launch her own political run.

"She is real America," Sullivan said in an interview Wednesday with "She's brought more recognition to the fact that moms can do it all."

Sarah Palin hired somebody to do her job for her when she was mayor, virtually destroyed the Republican party when she ran as VP, and quit her job as governor. How has THAT "brought more recognition to the fact that moms can do it all"? She never actually did ANY, much less ALL!

Lisbeth "Liz" Carter of Atlanta is planning a run for the Republican nomination to battle Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson in Georgia's 4th Congressional District. She said Palin possesses a quality that many career politicians lack: common sense. (Have these people heard her speak?)

"Her views are simple and basic," (Okay I can't argue with THAT!) said Carter, a 40-year-old mother and CEO of a small consulting group that assists private companies in executive recruitment. "She's a leader who inspired people to step up and say we've had enough. (NOW I can start arguing.)

Denel Wardell, who is running for a state senator seat in Lauderdale County, Ala., told that Palin's views inspired her to seek office.

"My first obligation is to the people who elect me, not to the party I'm running on. And Sarah Palin made her first obligation the American public (WTF?)," said Wardell, who has recently worked as a tea party organizer.

"She's not manufactured. She's one of us," she said.

Wow, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Look I am totally in favor of women running for office. I don't believe for an instant that they cannot do the job just because they are women. However I also don't believe that they can do the job JUST BECAUSE they are women. ESPECIALLY if they are women who are inspired by Sarah Palin!

Sarah is not an appropriate role model for female politicians. She is exactly what they SHOULD NOT be!

She lied about every facet of her life and career.

She used her children to garner sympathy and to deflect criticism.

She dressed like a slutty librarian to attract the male vote.

She refused to take responsibility for a SINGLE mistake.

And she published a poison pen version of her diary in order to make money of of her notoriety.

How is THAT somebody that civic minded female politicians should choose as their role model?

Sarah Palin has single-handedly set the cause of women's rights back almost fifty years. She has shown female politicians to be spiteful, illogical, and unprepared for their office. If I were a female thinking of running for office I would make sure to point out my differences with Sarah Palin as often as possible.

After all, don't we think ONE Sarah Palin in the world is more than enough?

Moore up North will be on in one hour. Got your popcorn and adult beverage?

Ethan Berkowitz, Steve Heimel, and Rick Steiner. Now THAT is a panel!

There is also going to be an appearance by somebody else whose name escapes me right now.

Jeep, nah. Battleship, nah. Howitzer, nope that's not it. Oh well it will come to me.

Anyhow tune in at 4:00, on KYES channel 5.

I will embed the videos when they become available.

Just got back from the movies.

Since I made such a big deal about choosing the movie for today, I felt I should follow up with a small report.

As it turned out I let the sixteen year old pick the movie.

He chose 2012. Oh boy.

Let me give you a brief synopsis of the film.

Car careens through traffic as the streets open up under main characters and buildings repeatedly fall in their path.

Airplane careens through sky as the ground opens up under the main characters and buildings fall in its path. (Apparently pilot is unaware plane can fly higher than ground level.)

Yosemite National Park, explodes into ball of flame, burns the hell out of Smokey the Bear, (Okay I added that part), the ground opens up under the main characters., as fireballs fall in their path.

President almost gets killed by earthquake. President almost gets killed by volcano. President finally gets killed by water. Can you say "anti-climatic"?

Oh yeah there was dialogue. Let's see.

"Run!" "Look out!" "Oh my God!" "Watch out!" Repeated over and over throughout the movie.

A little humor, a little romance, several thousand close calls, a whole lot of destruction, and then an ending that may have been meant to deliver some sort of uplifting message but was so corny that it is not worth mentioning.

I was not very impressed.

You know what it needed don't you?

A ninja.

I am just saying.

Alaska ballot initiative will argue that "single-cell embryos" be recognized as legal persons.

Kurka's effort is part of a nationwide push to put "personhood" initiatives on state ballots. The movement focuses on writings by Justice Harry Blackmun in the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that established abortion rights nationally. Blackmun indicated that a fetus would be protected if its personhood were established.

"So, basically, what we're doing here is if we say that we recognize the unborn as persons, then a woman's right to choose or a right to privacy doesn't matter (just like) she doesn't have a right to kill her child after it's born," Kurka said.

The ballot measure he's sponsored seeks to put in law that "all human beings, from the beginning of their biological development as human organisms, including the single-cell embryo ... shall be recognized as legal persons in the state of Alaska."

Here we go again. This 22 year old kid, Christopher Kurka (A Mike Huckabee supporter in the last election), is introducing an initiative that will inflame the passions of the church going sheeple who receive their information about reproduction from the pulpit instead of the science book. And they will, of course, turn out en masse to defend the rights of a potentially Christian microorganism.

The idea of a single cell being considered a human being would be laughable if it were not so potentially destructive to the rights of women. Look EVERY SINGLE CELL IN YOUR BODY is a potential human being.

Tetraploid blastocysts are produced by jamming mouse zygotes together so that they join to create cells that have twice the DNA of normal cells. The pre-implantation embryos composed of tetraploid cells and iPSCs can develop to term after being transferred into the womb of a surrogate mother. In other words, mouse skin cells can be transformed into mouse embryos. There is no reason to believe that this would not also work for human skin cells.

This development has prompted a biologist and a bioethicist to take on the argument that the "natural potentiality" of human embryos to develop themselves means that they must be accorded the full moral respect we give to adult human beings.

In other words, with a little manipulation it is possible that a skin cell, scraped off of your forearm, could potentially be an exact duplicate of you. A loving thinking human being, unrecognizable, in a room full of people, as being different in any way.

So would skin cells be afforded the same protection under this initiative? I highly doubt it as these people are not much for scientific quandaries. They can only entertain emotionally charged, intellectually starved arguments that inflame the passions of those who choose to belief over the opportunity to think.

The problem is that piles of scientific research pale in comparison to one chubby, smiling American baby. And oh yes, the "American" part is very important to this group.

These same paragons of morality do not lose a second of sleep over the slaughter of Iraqi or Afghanistan children in their beds by American forces. We are supposedly attacked by nineteen men from Saudi Arabia and we invade two different countries and slaughter hundred of thousands, if not millions of innocent people, and these moral relativists do not bat an eye. But dare to threaten the "potential" life of a single American cell and they take to the streets in droves.

Does THAT make sense to anybody?

Look I get it. I love babies. I really do. Even babies that are not from this country.

But this is not an issue of babies. This is an issue of choice. And as much as I love babies I do not have the right to tell a woman that because she CAN have a baby she MUST have a baby. I am not so arrogant.

Like everybody else I wish that there were NO abortions, and I believe that with more education and access to contraceptives we can greatly reduce the number in this country. But let's not forget that the SAME people who demand that single cells be awarded human rights, are the SAME people who argue against sex education being taught in the school. And SOME of these people have taken their crusade in a very dangerous direction indeed.

So I hope that when this intuitive makes it onto the ballot that those who truly respect "human rights", and do not want to see them stripped away from Alaskan women, will turn out and vote to keep religious intolerance away from their reproductive organs.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Palin would like to interview Katic Couric to see "if she has learned anything yet about Alaska".

Never stops lying.

The prompter NEVER went down during her speech.

And did Palin really ad-lib the "hockey mom/pit bull" line or did she steal it from fellow evangelist, and Rapture believer, John Hagee? After all we have learned about Sarah Palin, what do you think?

I Am betting that the one thing that Katie Couric has learned about Alaska since interviewing Caribou Barbie is that not ALL of us are as dimwitted as she has demonstrated herself to be.

We have already covered the Palin/Beck ticket and posted his sexist response. However her somewhat blatant threat to start a third party if the Republicans don't do some "internal housecleaning" should make some of her past supporters more than a little pissed off.

So let me get this straight, the Fox News bleached blond is "surprised" that Palin is a "real person", or that she is just as phony as the people on Fox News?

Oh and that changing the diaper story? From what I understand that is almost as unlikely as Palin having written her own book. The only way she would change Trig's diaper is if there is NOBODY else around to do it, and I don't think she is ever alone with him.

A four hour power outage due to heavy snows. You gotta love Alaska!

After a morning of heavy snowfall, forecasters expect scattered snow showers tonight into Saturday morning in Anchorage. Police urged caution on city roads while Chugach Electric Association reports scattered power outages in the Hillside.

I have been going through withdrawals for the last four hours with no computer access, and nothing to do but try to get to the end of Sarah Palin's "Book of Lies".

Yeah because being without electricity was just not irritating enough.

Hundreds of lobbyists removed from Federal Advisory Boards.

We wanted to take this opportunity to announce the next step in the President’s efforts to reduce the influence of special interests in Washington. The White House has informed executive agencies and departments that it is our aspiration that federally-registered lobbyists not be appointed to agency advisory boards and commissions. These appointees to boards and commissions, which are made by agencies and not the President, advise the federal government on a variety of policy areas. Keeping these advisory boards free of individuals who currently are registered federal lobbyists represents a dramatic change in the way business is done in Washington.

The President recognizes that some lobbyists advocate for public interest goals shared by this Administration. Nevertheless, the President made a commitment to the American people to reduce the influence of lobbyists in Washington out of a belief that lobbyists have too often in the past achieved disproportionate impact on government decision makers at the expense of broader voices from the public at large. If we are going to change the way business is done in Washington, we need to make sure we are not simply continuing the practices of the past.

This is HUGE!

Removing these lobbyists, including those that parrot the administrations position, is an incredibly important first step toward pulling the hands of big business off of the steering wheel of our government.

I know that Obama has not delivered on every single promise as of yet, but this is a clear indication that he fully intends to do as much as possible to accomplish that very thing.

So how do you like our president now?

Huffington Post has more here.

The true meaning of Thanksgiving can be found here.

Winter has come again to Alaska, and just like we feared, villages in the rural areas are not faring well at all.

This comes to us from our good friend Ann Strongheart in Ugashik.

Well Thanksgiving is here and I spent last night not only preparing food for Thanksgiving dinner but also calling every household in Nunam Iqua. I called to not only wish them all a Happy Thanksgiving but also to check on everyone and see how they were faring so far this winter.

Unfortunately I did NOT receive good news. I was able to reach 23 out of the 36 household and out of those 23 families that I did talk to 22 were already struggling and requested help again with food to make it through the winter.

The complicating factors are a fall flood which destroyed fishing nets and boats, increased Fish & Game restrictions which cut their subsistence fishing season in half (These idiots have NO idea what the term "subsistence" means!), and a disappointing commercial fishing season which wiped out the yearly income for many of these families.

Now I know that it is the holiday season, and that you will find charities asking for donations just about everywhere you go, but I ask that you give this request special consideration. Because it comes from Ann Strongheart.

You see just this last August Ann lost the love of her life, her husband Segundo Strongheart, leaving her alone with a young daughter and another on the way.

And just a few weeks ago that baby, Glenna Gabriella Kegginacengaq Strongheart, was born.

Yet even with the passing of her beloved husband, and a newborn to care for, Ann has reached out to those in need.

I have again complied a list of the needy families in Nunam Iqua and I am hoping that y’all will be able to help me get food to them. Since I am wintering in Ugashik this year I will not be able to accept food and distribute it like I did last winter. So this is why I will only be doing the adopt a family for the winter food drive this winter.

If you would like to help and can adopt a family for the winter please email me at I will then match you with a family in need at Nunam Iqua and provide you with their name, address, family size and needs.

If Ann, with so many reasons to focus on her needs above the needs of others, can do so much for the people in her community, can we really refuse to help? As I sit here digesting my Thanksgiving dinner and contemplating braving the crowds of "Black Friday", I am all at once painfully aware that there are so many with empty bellies, and families with NO gifts to give their loved ones.

So if you are able, just take a minute to send Ann an e-mail and ask what you can do to relieve her burden. Ann is somebody from whom much has been taken, perhaps we can demonstrate to her that there are others whose hearts are as "strong" as hers.

I am not a religious man, but I swear if there is a heaven, Ann Strongheart should have a special place dedicated just to her. And I have no doubt, that if such place exists that Segundo is standing there patiently awaiting their reunion.

(You can click the title to read all of Ann's heartbreaking post.)

Well it looks like Shannyn Moore spent part of her Thanksgiving with Levi Johnston.

And she scored an interview with Tank Jones for her show "Moore up North" as well.

Sounds very interesting I will make sure to embed the YouTube version as soon as it is available.

Hmm I wonder what they are whispering to her?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Beck rules out Palin/Beck ticket: "I'm sorry. Why am I hearing your voice? We're not in the kitchen!"

It does not sound like even crazy Glenn Beck is batshit enough to consider running with Sarah.

I don't know. I think it might be a hoot.

Palin and her family (sans Todd) participate in Turkey Trot in Tri-City area. I bet you know how this ends.

Cheers erupted along the Columbia River this morning as Sarah Palin and her large family of “Rogue Runners” approached the start line for the annual Turkey Trot.

Both fun run participants and spectators who’d been waiting more than an hour in the bitter cold for a glimpse of the former Republican vice-presidential candidate rushed to snap her picture with cameras and cell phones.

Palin, pushing a double jogger stroller, smiled and shook hands as she moved through the crowd, saying “We’ll be in the back.” There, the former Alaska governor and best-selling author signed baseballs, T-shirts and copies of Going Rogue: An American Life while hugging excited supporters.

Well finally Palin has the WHOLE family surrounding her so that she can have her built in babysitters (along with the baby she LIKES), and a buffer against the constant criticism she attracts. But wait, it looks like Palin does not have the ENTIRE family in tow: Her husband Todd, she added, stayed at home “fixing the roof.”

Well anyway at least Palin is getting some exercise, and doing something that is not all about getting publicity and pimping her new book. Or is it?

However, she didn’t finish the race, opting to leave the course early to avoid more crowds at the end. About 40 minutes into the run, people gathered at the finish line to get more pictures of Palin started to learn that she was gone.

She quit, and left these people waiting for her at the finish line? Oh when, oh when, will these people ever learn?

Traditional Thanksgiving movie weekend! Now what are my choices?

I am a HUGE movie buff and try to get to the movies as often as possible.

Thanksgiving weekend is a must for me.

So I am looking forward to getting a big bucket of movie popcorn, a jug of soda, and putting my brain in neutral. Now all I have to do is pick the visual Prozac.

Hmm let's see what choices do we have?

The Blindside: Sandra Bullock movie about a woman who rescues a homeless teen and sets him on the path to football glory. Heartwarming story, check. Football, check. Sandra Bullock....problem. I stopped enjoying Sandra Bullock movies about eight movies ago. I have only liked her once since, and that was in The Proposal with Ryan Reynolds and Betty White. I checked the cast list on this movie and there is no Ryan Reynolds nor Betty White. I will take a rain check.

Disney's A Christmas Carol in Disney Digital 3D: I LOVE 3D! But this is yet ANOTHER remake of the Christmas Carol, and how many times can we subject ourselves to a director's sad attempt to flog something new out of this overworked Dickens tale? Besides once you have seen the Muppet version, everything else is pretty much downhill from there. You know what might help? A couple of ninjas!

Fantastical Mr. Fox: Stop action movie aimed at children, and their poor brain dead parents, with George Clooney. I like George Clooney. You know in an entirely heterosexual way, focused completely on his work, and not his mesmerizing bedroom eyes. But the look of this movie really turns me off. I have heard good things, but people lie to me all of the time.

I actually made a stop motion movie when I was in elementary school. And after I was finished explaining to the principal that the papier-mache character in my film that was chased by dinosaurs, shot full of arrows by indians, and decapitated by pirates was not "necessarily" him, I sort of swore off stop motion altogether. Pass.

The Road: Heartwarming tale, featuring Viggo Mortensen, of a father trying to get his son to someplace safe, before he ends up as an entree in a cannibal's holiday dinner. Apocalyptic and dark, but no Hobbits. Pass.

The Fourth Kind: Movie based on "true" events in Nome, Alaska that never actually happened. Okay people, I LIVE in Alaska! If we had alien visitors willing to abduct me don't you think I would have hitched a ride out of this damn place? Almost as many lies as a Sarah Palin book, no thanks!

Men Who Stare at Goats: Another George Clooney movie. (Do you think he is stalking me?) The trailer looked pretty funny, but I cannot get over the fact that the title sounds like a cry for help in a Craigslist ad. Not one single ninja either. Pass.

Pirate Radio: I was very excited about seeing this until I realized there was no Johnny Depp. A pirate movie without Johnny Depp? Are they kidding me?

2012: Oh boy another movie where the world comes to an end. You know I could watch people being crushed by falling national monuments all day long, but the title kind of puts me off. I mean in 2012 Sarah Palin may ACTUALLY make a run for the White House. There is NOTHING in this movie more frightening than that! Nothing!

Old Dogs: Two over the hill actors trying to resurrect their careers by adding adorable, scene stealing, children and animals, oh yippee! You know as much as I enjoy watching Seth Green get repeatedly smacked in his boy parts I think I will give this "old dog" a pass. If only they had added a ninja or two.

Twilight Saga: New Moon: You know I considered watching this movie for about a minute, right up until I looked down and REALIZED I HAD A PENIS! Seriously this is NOT a horror movie! This is an angst ridden, Sylvia Plath version of a cross between Interview with a Vampire and The Notebook. Nobody with chest hair should be caught dead in this movie. If you want to see a REAL Werewolf movie then just hold out for The Wolfman, with Benicio Del Toro. Now THAT will be a good werewolf movie!

Ninja Assassin: What? A movie that is ALL ABOUT Ninjas? Well now we are talking! Cartoonish violence, seizure inducing camera work, bad acting, and ANIMATED BLOOD? Could you ask for a better movie?

Well that settles it! I am going to sit down with my artery clogging popcorn, and my sugar laden soft drink, and enjoy me some Ninjas! At least that is what I would do in a perfect world, but....

Actually the truth is I have a child to take with me this weekend, so I will probably end up watching Old Dogs. Sucks to be me sometimes.

However I also have Netflix, so you just know I will probably watch every single one of these from the comfort of my office/entertainment center.

Well, except for Twilight:"Oh my God! That wolf just read my diary!", THAT one I will skip.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well today is the day that Americans celebrate all of the blessing in their life by taking the life of a innocent young turkey, shoving bread crumbs up its ass, and devouring it like a pack of ravenous hyenas. Personally I can hardly wait!

Of course for an Alaskan blogger it just would not be Thanksgiving without our all time favorite Thanksgiving video.

No, not "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving"! This video!

THAT was the version that we all saw on Countdown last November. But did you all know that there are a number of OTHER versions you may NOT have seen?

Here are the "outtakes".

This is the version by the folks at Headzup.

And of course David Letterman had his "Top Ten Sarah Palin Excuses" for the turkey slaughter.

Ahh memories!

Well now you have yourself a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration. And don't you spend one second worrying about Sarah Palin. I think we can safely say that soon she will know exactly how those turkeys at the Triple D Farm felt as she gave her interview last Thanksgiving.

(No I don't mean literally! I am speaking metaphorically. Geez!)

Happy Turkey Day!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The trooper at the center of Sarah Palin's "Troopergate" scandal breaks his silence!

After reading passages from Palin's memoirsGoing Rogue that deal with his marriage and subsequent divorce, a "fed up" Mike Wooten, 37, who still serves as an Alaska State Trooper in Anchorage, called the book "a pack of lies."

According to Wooten, Palin and her father, Chuck Heath Sr., have "interfered with my life--and my children's lives--for at least the last five years. And it is still going on. I'm done with it."

Partially disabled from his military service, Wooten pointed out that neither Todd nor Sarah Palin, or Chuck Heath, served in the armed forces. Wooten said he was particularly "disgusted and incensed" by Palin's "insincere" dedication in Going Rogue to "our men and women in uniform."

Wooten further noted with irony that many of those who have been victimized by Palin during her political career--including former Wasilla police chief Irl Stambaugh; Monegan and himself--were all veterans. "Sarah is only about Sarah," Wooten said. "She doesn't care about the 'men and women in uniform.' It's all about advancing Sarah's career."

What have I been saying? That Palin's book is angering people so bad that they are coming out of the woodwork to call her to task. And damn this is a big one!

I will say it again, the worst thing Sarah has ever done to herself was to write this book. It will be her downfall.

To read the rest of Geoffrey Dunn's revealing post just click the title.

The fabricated world of Sarah Palin's "sons".

Lies. Everywhere you look in this book you find more lies. Lies about her administration, lies about ethics charges, lies about her childhood, and lies about her FAMILY.

And perhaps these lies are the most telling lies of all. The ones that Palin shapes to carefully create the "oh so false" image of the perfect mother. The woman who can have it all. The "Superwoman" if you will. And all of it, every single bit, is a lie.

Take for instance Sarah's version of Track's military enrollment and the reasons behind it.

Eventually, Track's injuries and shoulder surgery made him realize he'd be hanging up the blades. But he was still drawn to the team culture of brotherhood and camaraderie, and a tough environment where he had to push through challenges to meet a goal. He had seen some of his older buddies floundering around right after high school and knew that was not for him. He's like me in that respect. He has an appreciation for the most valuable resource God gives us--time--and time is limited. He doesn't like to waste it.

Track started revisiting Army recruiters he'd first met in the cafeteria at Wasilla High School. Then, the week his first term in college started and with Todd on the Slope, Track and his high school buddy, Johnnie Bates, enlisted in the U.S. Army as infantrymen. On September 11, 2007, they took the oath at the recruiting office in Anchorage as Johnnie's mom, Nicki, and Kris Perry and I looked on, blinking back tears of pride.

These are just kids! I thought. Yet they're doing all they can to protect and serve the greatest country on earth. Are the rest of us doing as much? (P 170)

Just tugs at the old heart strings doesn't it? Or perhaps it simply makes you as nauseous as it makes me. Look I have never met Track, and he could be just as ridiculously patriotic as Sarah paints him. But I know eighteen year olds, and they if they have the connections that Track had through his mother, and a name that helped to open doors all through the state, is seems very unlikely he would throw that all away and join the military in a time of war. Especially a branch of the service that is guaranteed to be on the front lines, and where there is a good chance he may return in a flag draped coffin or maimed for life before he reaches twenty years of age.

That is usually a choice made by somebody without many options. Say somebody who had been caught cutting school bus tires, or stealing vodka from a liquor store.

Kids make mistakes, and I certainly do not want anything but good for Track's future, but sadly for him this is yet another blatant lie in this book which needs to be brought into the light of day. Sarah Palin tries so hard to revise history that she makes it appear much too fantastical to be believed. I hope that Track finishes his tour of duty in perfect health and returns to make a life for himself that will keep him far way from the poisonous influence of his mother. And that may be difficult because unlike our next subject, he is without a doubt Sarah Palin's son.


There was no way I could buy a home pregnancy test in Alaska. The cashiers would know, the people in line would know, and the next thing I'd see would be a headline.

Since nobody knew me in New Orleans, I asked my security guy to drop me off as a Walgreens. Back at the hotel, before my speech, I followed the instructions on the pregnancy test box. Slowly a pink image materialized on the stick.

Holy Geez! (P 171)

I sighed and stared at the ceiling. These are really less-than-ideal circumstances.

And for a split second it hit me: I'm out of town. No one knows I'm pregnant. No one would ever have to know.

It was a fleeting thought, a sudden understanding of why many women feel pressured to make the "problem" go away. Sad, I thought, that our society has elevated things like education and career above the gift of bringing a new life into the world. Yes, the timing of this pregnancy wasn't ideal. But it wasn't the baby's fault.

At that moment, I was thankful for right-to-life groups that affirm the value of the child. That say, yes, every child has value and a purpose and a destiny. (P 172)

So according to Sarah, if NOT for the wonderful Pro-life people she might have decided to abort her baby? The only other thing that comes even close to the number of lies in this book is the number of times she panders to her perceived future constituents. Whether they be conservatives, military families, pro-life supporters, evangelicals, or other special interests she goes WAY out of her way to make special little comments just for them.

On why it took several weeks before she told Todd.

Between my job and his we kept missing each other, so it was a few weeks before we were in he same room and I told him about the baby. (P 173)

She knows she is pregnant and does not tell her husband for "a few weeks"?

She also, out of nowhere, throws in the fact that she had a SECOND miscarriage.

Between Willow and Piper, I had a second miscarriage. (P 174)

This part is especially fascinating because according to Cathy Baldwin Johnson's (CBJ) letter dated November 3, 2008 (The day BEFORE the Presidential election) she stated that "At the time of her most recent pregnancy, Governor Palin had no health risk factors other than her age". My question is "when are two previous miscarriages not considered "risk factors" to a pregnancy?"

At about twelve weeks along, I visited CBJ at her Wasilla family practice.

She looked at me kindly, "Well, you're forty-three, so there's a higher chance of certain abnormalities." Then she showed me some statistics, one of which said about a one-in-eighty chance of having a child with Down syndrome.

"We discussed all of this when you had Piper, and I remember you said abortion wasn't going to be an option (gotta make sure to drive the point home that Sarah is pro-life all the way!), so I just want you to keep in mind that there is some chance everything isn't going to be as easy or perfect as your other pregnancies. (P 174)

This is called "foreshadowing". I learned it in my Freshmen year of high school.

Time to add a new sonogram detail.

Then the technician said. "The baby's neck is a little bit thicker than what we would normally see..."

My first thought was, "Twelve weeks along and you can already measure the baby's neck? Amazing!" Then, a bit more somberly, I remembered that somewhere along the line I had heard that that was a sign of Down syndrome. (P 175)

Do "technicians just blurt these things out? No, they do not. It is the doctor's job to divulge this information and to explain just what it means.

CBJ called me the next day. Combined with my age, she said, the sonogram pictures meant there was now a one-in-twelve chance the baby had Down syndrome.

"There's a doctor in Anchorage I want you to go see, a geneticist," she added. "I'm also offering you an amniocentesis"--the common prenatal test for genetic abnormalities.

I had always flippantly declined the amnio's before, thinking they didn't matter, since I confidently asserted I would never abort anyway. But this time I said yes. This time I wanted information. If there was something wrong, I wanted to be prepared.

She was offered amnio's before? Why? Palin would have been 36 years old with Piper, and only 30 when Willow was born. Why would a woman, known to be ferociously pro-life, be asked about amniocentesis?

Todd was out of town on the day of the appointment, so I visited the geneticist alone--through the back door, under my maiden name.

Have you noticed that Todd always seems to be "out of town" during the most critical episodes in Sarah's life? And why would she sign in with her maiden name? HIPAA protects her from having the doctor discuss anything about her appointment. Surely she is not suggesting that she gave a fake name to a medical professional? Or is she?

Three days later, I was in my Anchorage office when CBJ called. I thought it was strange she would give me the results. I could have sworn that the nurse said she's be calling. I still remember what time it was: 2:22 p.m.

Actually NO the nurse would NEVER have contacted CBJ without Palin's explicit instructions to do so. If she did, she would be summarily fired for ignoring the rules of HIPAA.

"I have the amnio results," she said. "I think you should come to my office in Wasilla. Can you come now?"

"Cathy, I've got so much to do here today. It's okay...whatever it is, it's fine, just go ahead and tell me now."

"Okay," she said softly, "The child will be born with Down syndrome--"

I'm coming to Wasilla,: I interrupted and hung up the phone. (PP 176-177)

Todd finally returned a few days later. He plopped down on the bed, still in his winter coat. I handed him the sonogram pictures, and that's when the dam broke. I could let my guard down.

"It's a boy," I said between tears. "It's definitely a boy."

He looked up at me, and his eyes filled with tears. "See, Sarah? God knows what He's doing! This is great."

I stood beside the bed. I didn't know how to say it any other way but straight. "The baby has Down syndrome." (P178)

A few weeks to find out that his wife is pregnant and now few more extra days to learn that his son has Down's syndrome. Does Todd EVER know what is going on?

Before I knew it, I was seven months along. I hadn't put on a lot of weight and with winter clothes and a few cleverly draped scarves, no one saw my girth or suspected I was pregnant. A blazer was getting tight enough that Willow looked at me one day and said, tactfully, "Geez, Mom, you're porking up!"

Great opportunity to call the family together and tell them you are pregnant. What? Not the right time? Hmm....odd.

"Oh, hush," I said. "Now pass me the Haagen-Dazs. Chocolate with peanut butter."

I hadn't quite finished writing my letter about Trig. But at that point in March we shared the news with family and a few close friends that I was pregnant. (P 191)

Todd and I decided to get the baby announcement out there, so I called a few reporters near my Capitol office, KTUU's Bill McAllister, AP reporter Steve Quinn, and Wesley Loy from the Anchorage Daily News would be there in a minute, they said.

"Guys, I 'm pregnant. I'm having a baby in two months!"

Three mouths fell open, and three pairs of eyes dropped straight to my stomach. I laughed out loud. (P192)

So this is the story. Sarah Palin managed to hide her pregnancy, not only from the people she worked with EVERY day, but even from her own children who must have seen her walk around her house in various stages of undress but never suspected a thing. She has daughter's for Christ's sake! Are you telling ME they never walked into the bathroom while mom was getting dressed or ready for work?

Of course it IS kind of hard to fault them when Sarah still photographed like THIS a week after she announced she was pregnant.

And WHY would she not have told them? Did she fear they could not keep a secret? Odd, because from what I can tell they have been VERY good at keeping secrets!


My pregnancy was going fine, and with five weeks to go, I felt great. But at 4 a.m., a strange sensation low in my belly woke me and I sat straight up in bed.

It can't be, I thought. It's way too early.

Moments later, I shook Todd awake. "Something's going on."

He sat up in bed, instantly alert. "I'm calling CBJ."

"No, don't do that. It's one a.m. in Alaska.

It occurred to me, once and for all. I'm so in love with this child, please God, protect him!" After all of my doubts and fears, I had fallen in love with this precious child. The worst thing in the world would be that I would lose him. God knows what He is doing.

Well if she LOVES this child so desperately then the only possible response to having concerns about a "strange sensation" would be to seek medical attention immediately!

Over my protests (protests?), Todd called CBJ. I told her that I felt fine and absolutely did not want to cancel my speech and disappoint the folks at the conference, including my cohost, Texas Governor Rick Perry. We agreed that I would stay in contact with CBJ through the day, I'd take it easy, give my speech, then catch an earlier flight back to Alaska. I still had plenty of time. (P193)

"Still had plenty of time"? How in the hell does she figure this? She has given birth four times, had two miscarriages, and now she is having a "strange sensation". (Actually according to other reports, by Palin herself, she was "leaking amniotic fluids".) Everything about this situation screams "rush to the hospital"! But what does Palin do?


I reached Todd at the exit, and he eyed me with a grin, "Love this state, but we can't have a fish picker born in Texas." It was a calm, relatively restful flight home.

THAT is pretty much all that Sarah says about this flight. Nothing about cramps, or contractions, or messy fluids dripping on her seat, just a "relatively restful flight". Bullshit.

I confessed to Todd that I may not have handled the whole pregnancy announcement thing right. "He'll be here so soon, I didn't have time to prepare anyone, not even the kids," I said. "I should have given everyone that letter* already. I feel guilty knowing that I'll put them through more shock when he is born."

Many hours and two plane flights later, with Todd and our daughters nearby, I delivered Trig Paxson Van Palin into the world at the Mat-Su regional Medical Center.

Once again NO details.

I was glad God brought him to us early. We were so anxious to meet him. I hadn't known what to expect. I didn't know what he would look like or how I would feel. But when I saw him, my heart was flooded with unspeakable joy. I knew that not only had God made Trig different but He had made him perfect.

Todd beamed. I heard him whisper to CBJ, "Hmmm, he doesn't look Downs." (P 195)

Have to reinforce that meme so that people don't wonder why certain photographs of the baby do not reveal any signs of Down syndrome.

What everybody who read this needs to realize is that the WHOLE THING IS A LIE!

None of it happened! None of it! This version of the birth never took place. Period!

I have still not quite determined WHERE Trig came from, but I am very confident that THIS is not the story of his birth. But I think I am getting closer. Oh and by the way, THIS is not the only baby birth mythology in the Palin family.


At various times in the book Sarah makes reference to a letter that she wrote about Trig. I have taken the time to transcribe it for you below. But beware. It is a WHOLE new level of batshit!


I am blessing you with this surprise baby because I only want the best for you. I've heard your prayers that this baby will be happy and healthy, and I've answered them because I only want the best for you!

I heard your heart when you hinted that another boy would be best for the Palin family, to round it out and complete that starting five line-up. Though another girl would be so nice, you didn't think you could ask for what you really wanted, but I knew, so I gave you a boy.

Then, I put the idea in your hearts that his name should be "Trig," because it is so fitting with two Norse meanings: "True" and "Brave Victory"

Then, finally I let Trig's mom and dad find out before he was born that this little boy will truly be a GIFT. They were told in early tests that Trig may provide more challenges, and more joy, than what they ever may have imagined or ever asked for. At first the news seemed unreal and sad and confusing. But I gave Trig's mom and dad lots of time to think about it because they needed a lot of time to understand that everything will be OK...

This new person in your life can help everyone put things in the perspective and bring [you] together and get everyone focused on what really matters. The baby will expand your world and let you see and feel things you haven't experienced yet. He'll show you what "true, brave victor" really means as those who love him will think less about self and focus less on what the world tells you is "normal" or "perfect"...

Trig will be his daddy's little buddy and he'll wear Carharts while he learns to tinker in the garage. He'll love to be read to, he'll want to play goalie, and he'll steal his mom's heart just like Track, Bristol, Willow, and Piper did. And Trig will be the cuddly, innocent, mischievous, dependent little brother that his siblings have been waiting fact Trig will--in some diagnostic ways--always be the mischievous, dependent little brother, because I created him a bit different than a lot of babies born into this world today.

Every child is created special, with awesome purpose and amazing potential. Children are the most precious and promising ingredient in this mixed-up world you live in down there on earth. Trig is no different, except he has one extra chromosome. Doctors call it "Down syndrome," and Downs kids have challenges, but can bring you much delight and more love than you can ever imagine!

Trig's mom and dad don't want people to focus on the baby's extra chromosome. They're human, so they haven't known how to explain this to people who are so caring and interested in this new little Alaskan...Some will think Trig should not be allowed to be born because they fear a Downs child won't be considered "perfect" in your world...

Many people will express sympathy, but you don't want or need that, because Trig will be a joy. You will have to trust me on this.

I know it will take time to grasp this and come to accept that I only want the best for you, and I only give my best. Remember though: "My ways are not your ways, my thoughts are not your thoughts...for as the heavens are higher than the earth, my ways are higher than yours!"

I wrote that all down for you in the Good Book! Look it up! You claim that you believe in me--now it's time to live out that belief!

Trig can;t wait to meet you. I'm giving you ONLY THE BEST!

Trig's Creator. Your Heavenly Father (PP 185-187)

Damn! That is a butt load of crazy!

I did not change a WORD. That is exactly how that letter appears in Palin's book. And it may give the very best indication of the kind of psychosis that we are dealing with. She speaks as if SHE is God, and then demands that the people who read the letter, dare not question Her choices, because they come from "ways higher than yours".

The very idea that this woman was chosen to share the ticket with John McCain, and that she still entertains the possibility of running in 2012, should send a shiver up the spines of EVERY American.

I will have more of "Going Rogue" for you in the future, but I figured that THIS was the portion that the people who visit here were most interested in reading.

Have fun, I look forward to your comments.

On February fourth through the sixth the vortex of insanity will be in Nashville, Tennessee. Run, hide your children!

The first ever National Tea Party Convention will be held on February 4-6, 2010 at the famous Opryland Hotel Nashville, Tennessee. The event is being organized in part by Tea Party Nation.

TPN announced today (Nov. 24) that U.S. Rep. Michele Bachman "just confirmed" that she will be one of the Breakfast speakers at the convention. Bachman is just one of the luminaries who will attend this landmark event. Sarah Palin has already agreed to be the Special Keynote Speaker for the convention, which will feature other well known speakers, workshops, seminars, information centers, and organizational tools for leaders to take back to their respective local Tea Party organizations.

There is not enough Prozac on the planet to get me through speeches by both Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman on the same day without my skull popping open and my brain making a mad dash for the exit.

The tickets to attend this psychosis inducing convention are going for a whopping $549. I wonder if that includes the price of the safety corks that cover the tips of the forks.

We don't want those poor teabaggers to put out an eye, now do we?

Wednesday morning chuckles as Robin Williams has a field day with Sarah Palin on Letterman.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here is the video of Levi Johnston at Sherry's sentencing that I promised you.

This was filmed by Dennis Zaki.

Damn I guess Sherry will not make it out in time for Thanksgiving after all.

Well at least Levi has somebody who honestly wants him to spend the holidays with them. Still, it has to kind of break your heart seeing him without his family like that.

Keith Olbermann discusses the inspiration behind Sarah Palin's odd statements about Israel. Here is a hint. It is not her affection for the Jews.

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Those of us following Palin closely are all too aware of her belief in the Rapture, and that she beliefs wholeheartedly that Alaska is to be a "refuge state" for those who will flee the chaos of the "End Times".

There are lots of reasons to be very concerned about Sarah Palin and her influence over the "sheeple", but this is one of the most frightening.

Census worker committed suicide say Kentucky police.

A Kentucky census worker found naked, bound with duct tape and hanging from a tree with “fed” scrawled on his chest killed himself but staged his death to make it look like a homicide, authorities said Tuesday.

Bill Sparkman, 51, was found Sept. 12 with a rope around his neck near a cemetery in a heavily wooded area of the Daniel Boone National Forest in southeastern Kentucky. Authorities said his wrists were loosely bound, his glasses were taped to his head and he was gagged.

Kentucky State Police Capt. Lisa Rudzinski said an analysis found that “fed” was written “from the bottom up.” He was touching the ground, and to survive “all Mr. Sparkman had to do at any time was stand up,” she said.

I have to offer a mea culpa here.

When the census worker was found dead in Kentucky with the word "FED" scrawled on his chest I was quite convinced it COULD NOT be a suicide and even suggested that his murder might be the result of the crazy talk from Michelle Bachman and Glenn Beck.

Part of my certainty was due to an interview from a guy who had visited the scene of the crime.

But I was wrong. I jumped to a conclusion based on insufficient evidence, and I was incorrect.

And even though I was joined in my incorrect assumption by the, VERY cautious and careful, Rachel Maddow I still must take responsibility for my mistake.

I am sorry. I will endeavor to always get my facts straight before making an assumption in the future.

(And NO this does NOT relate to my "Splitsville" story or my "babygate" investigation. I am quite confident in those investigations and have first hand and verifiable information to put my mind at ease. Nice try though.)

Sarah Palin in her own words with Greta Van Susteren.

Though I NEVER watch Fox News, I did watch this yesterday and was amazed. As much as it may turn your stomach, if you watch this entire interview you will have seen Sarah Palin completely unguarded. She feels safe with Greta and does not hesitate to let her insanity come out to play.

Part Two: Palin gets pissed at our President.

Part Three: Sarah demonstrates jawdropping ignorance concerning foreign affairs.

Part Four: Back on the bus with Palin, where she takes the opportunity to lie about why she quit.

Unbelievable. And this is an interview with an ardent supporter. Did you notice that Sarah accidentally admitted she is running in 2012? I did.

The word salad evident in this interview is overwhelming. Sarah has absolutely no idea what she is talking about, and, as evidenced by yesterdays video of her supporters, some people are anxious to embrace it as "being real".

This is EXACTLY how George Bush got elected, and without vigilance it could happen again.

Oh my God, they have cloned her! Scariest picture you will see all day.

I have always wondered if I would know when I lost my mind. I guess I got my answer.