Lies. Everywhere you look in this book you find more lies. Lies about her administration, lies about ethics charges, lies about her childhood, and lies about her FAMILY.
And perhaps these lies are the most telling lies of all. The ones that Palin shapes to carefully create the "oh so false" image of the perfect mother. The woman who can have it all. The "Superwoman" if you will. And all of it, every single bit, is a lie.
Take for instance Sarah's version of Track's military enrollment and the reasons behind it.
Eventually, Track's injuries and shoulder surgery made him realize he'd be hanging up the blades. But he was still drawn to the team culture of brotherhood and camaraderie, and a tough environment where he had to push through challenges to meet a goal. He had seen some of his older buddies floundering around right after high school and knew that was not for him. He's like me in that respect. He has an appreciation for the most valuable resource God gives us--time--and time is limited. He doesn't like to waste it.Track started revisiting Army recruiters he'd first met in the cafeteria at Wasilla High School. Then, the week his first term in college started and with Todd on the Slope, Track and his high school buddy, Johnnie Bates, enlisted in the U.S. Army as infantrymen. On September 11, 2007, they took the oath at the recruiting office in Anchorage as Johnnie's mom, Nicki, and Kris Perry and I looked on, blinking back tears of pride.These are just kids! I thought. Yet they're doing all they can to protect and serve the greatest country on earth. Are the rest of us doing as much? (P 170)
Just tugs at the old heart strings doesn't it? Or perhaps it simply makes you as nauseous as it makes me. Look I have never met Track, and he could be just as ridiculously patriotic as Sarah paints him. But I know eighteen year olds, and they if they have the connections that Track had through his mother, and a name that helped to open doors all through the state, is seems very unlikely he would throw that all away and join the military in a time of war. Especially a branch of the service that is guaranteed to be on the front lines, and where there is a good chance he may return in a flag draped coffin or maimed for life before he reaches twenty years of age.
That is usually a choice made by somebody without
many options. Say somebody who had been caught
cutting school bus tires, or
stealing vodka from a liquor store.
Kids make mistakes, and I certainly do not want anything but good for Track's future, but sadly for him this is yet another blatant lie in this book which needs to be brought into the light of day. Sarah Palin tries so hard to revise history that she makes it appear much too fantastical to be believed. I hope that Track finishes his tour of duty in perfect health and returns to make a life for himself that will keep him far way from the poisonous influence of his mother. And that may be difficult because unlike our next subject, he is without a doubt Sarah Palin's son.
THE VERY SPECIAL MYTHOLOGY OF TRIG PAXSON VAN PALIN.There was no way I could buy a home pregnancy test in Alaska. The cashiers would know, the people in line would know, and the next thing I'd see would be a headline.Since nobody knew me in New Orleans, I asked my security guy to drop me off as a Walgreens. Back at the hotel, before my speech, I followed the instructions on the pregnancy test box. Slowly a pink image materialized on the stick.Holy Geez! (P 171)
I sighed and stared at the ceiling. These are really less-than-ideal circumstances.And for a split second it hit me: I'm out of town. No one knows I'm pregnant. No one would ever have to know.It was a fleeting thought, a sudden understanding of why many women feel pressured to make the "problem" go away. Sad, I thought, that our society has elevated things like education and career above the gift of bringing a new life into the world. Yes, the timing of this pregnancy wasn't ideal. But it wasn't the baby's fault.At that moment, I was thankful for right-to-life groups that affirm the value of the child. That say, yes, every child has value and a purpose and a destiny. (P 172)
So according to Sarah, if NOT for the wonderful Pro-life people she might have decided to abort her baby? The only other thing that comes even close to the number of lies in this book is the number of times she panders to her perceived future constituents. Whether they be conservatives, military families, pro-life supporters, evangelicals, or other special interests she goes WAY out of her way to make special little comments just for them.
On why it took several weeks before she told Todd.
Between my job and his we kept missing each other, so it was a few weeks before we were in he same room and I told him about the baby. (P 173)
She knows she is pregnant and does not tell her husband for "a few weeks"?
She also, out of nowhere, throws in the fact that she had a SECOND miscarriage.Between Willow and Piper, I had a second miscarriage. (P 174)
This part is especially fascinating because according to Cathy Baldwin Johnson's (CBJ)
letter dated November 3, 2008 (The day BEFORE the Presidential election) she stated that "At the time of her most recent pregnancy, Governor Palin had no health risk factors other than her age". My question is "when are two previous miscarriages not considered "risk factors" to a pregnancy?"
At about twelve weeks along, I visited CBJ at her Wasilla family practice.She looked at me kindly, "Well, you're forty-three, so there's a higher chance of certain abnormalities." Then she showed me some statistics, one of which said about a one-in-eighty chance of having a child with Down syndrome."We discussed all of this when you had Piper, and I remember you said abortion wasn't going to be an option (gotta make sure to drive the point home that Sarah is pro-life all the way!)
, so I just want you to keep in mind that there is some chance everything isn't going to be as easy or perfect as your other pregnancies. (P 174)
This is called "foreshadowing". I learned it in my Freshmen year of high school.
Time to add a new sonogram detail.
Then the technician said. "The baby's neck is a little bit thicker than what we would normally see..."My first thought was, "Twelve weeks along and you can already measure the baby's neck? Amazing!" Then, a bit more somberly, I remembered that somewhere along the line I had heard that that was a sign of Down syndrome. (P 175)
Do "technicians just blurt these things out? No, they do not. It is the doctor's job to divulge this information and to explain just what it means.
CBJ called me the next day. Combined with my age, she said, the sonogram pictures meant there was now a one-in-twelve chance the baby had Down syndrome."There's a doctor in Anchorage I want you to go see, a geneticist," she added. "I'm also offering you an amniocentesis"--the common prenatal test for genetic abnormalities.I had always flippantly declined the amnio's before, thinking they didn't matter, since I confidently asserted I would never abort anyway. But this time I said yes. This time I wanted information. If there was something wrong, I wanted to be prepared.She was offered amnio's before? Why? Palin would have been 36 years old with Piper, and only 30 when Willow was born. Why would a woman, known to be ferociously pro-life, be asked about amniocentesis?
Todd was out of town on the day of the appointment, so I visited the geneticist alone--through the back door, under my maiden name. Have you noticed that Todd always seems to be "out of town" during the most critical episodes in Sarah's life? And why would she sign in with her maiden name?
HIPAA protects her from having the doctor discuss anything about her appointment. Surely she is not suggesting that she gave a fake name to a medical professional? Or is she?
Three days later, I was in my Anchorage office when CBJ called. I thought it was strange she would give me the results. I could have sworn that the nurse said she's be calling. I still remember what time it was: 2:22 p.m.Actually NO the nurse would NEVER have contacted CBJ without Palin's explicit instructions to do so. If she did, she would be summarily fired for ignoring the rules of HIPAA.
"I have the amnio results," she said. "I think you should come to my office in Wasilla. Can you come now?" "Cathy, I've got so much to do here today. It's okay...whatever it is, it's fine, just go ahead and tell me now.""Okay," she said softly, "The child will be born with Down syndrome--"I'm coming to Wasilla,: I interrupted and hung up the phone. (PP 176-177)
Todd finally returned a few days later. He plopped down on the bed, still in his winter coat. I handed him the sonogram pictures, and that's when the dam broke. I could let my guard down."It's a boy," I said between tears. "It's definitely a boy."He looked up at me, and his eyes filled with tears. "See, Sarah? God knows what He's doing! This is great."I stood beside the bed. I didn't know how to say it any other way but straight. "The baby has Down syndrome." (P178)
A few weeks to find out that his wife is pregnant and now few more extra days to learn that his son has Down's syndrome. Does Todd EVER know what is going on?
Before I knew it, I was seven months along. I hadn't put on a lot of weight and with winter clothes and a few cleverly draped scarves, no one saw my girth or suspected I was pregnant. A blazer was getting tight enough that Willow looked at me one day and said, tactfully, "Geez, Mom, you're porking up!"Great opportunity to call the family together and tell them you are pregnant. What? Not the right time? Hmm....odd.
"Oh, hush," I said. "Now pass me the Haagen-Dazs. Chocolate with peanut butter."I hadn't quite finished writing my letter about Trig. But at that point in March we shared the news with family and a few close friends that I was pregnant. (P 191)
Todd and I decided to get the baby announcement out there, so I called a few reporters near my Capitol office, KTUU's Bill McAllister, AP reporter Steve Quinn, and Wesley Loy from the Anchorage Daily News would be there in a minute, they said."Guys, I 'm pregnant. I'm having a baby in two months!"Three mouths fell open, and three pairs of eyes dropped straight to my stomach. I laughed out loud. (P192)
So this is the story. Sarah Palin managed to hide her pregnancy, not only from the people she worked with EVERY day, but even from her own children who must have seen her walk around her house in various stages of undress but never suspected a thing. She has daughter's for Christ's sake! Are you telling ME they never walked into the bathroom while mom was getting dressed or ready for work?
Of course it IS kind of hard to fault them when Sarah still photographed like THIS a week after she announced she was pregnant.

And WHY would she not have told them? Did she fear they could not keep a secret? Odd, because from what I can tell they have been VERY good at keeping secrets!
My pregnancy was going fine, and with five weeks to go, I felt great. But at 4 a.m., a strange sensation low in my belly woke me and I sat straight up in bed.
It can't be, I thought. It's way too early.
Moments later, I shook Todd awake. "Something's going on."
He sat up in bed, instantly alert. "I'm calling CBJ."
"No, don't do that. It's one a.m. in Alaska.
It occurred to me, once and for all. I'm so in love with this child, please God, protect him!" After all of my doubts and fears, I had fallen in love with this precious child. The worst thing in the world would be that I would lose him. God knows what He is doing.
Well if she LOVES this child so desperately then the only possible response to having concerns about a "strange sensation" would be to seek medical attention immediately!
Over my protests (protests?), Todd called CBJ. I told her that I felt fine and absolutely did not want to cancel my speech and disappoint the folks at the conference, including my cohost, Texas Governor Rick Perry. We agreed that I would stay in contact with CBJ through the day, I'd take it easy, give my speech, then catch an earlier flight back to Alaska. I still had plenty of time. (P193)
"Still had plenty of time"? How in the hell does she figure this? She has given birth four times, had two miscarriages, and now she is having a "strange sensation". (Actually according to other reports, by Palin herself, she was "leaking amniotic fluids".) Everything about this situation screams "rush to the hospital"! But what does Palin do?
I reached Todd at the exit, and he eyed me with a grin, "Love this state, but we can't have a fish picker born in Texas." It was a calm, relatively restful flight home.
THAT is pretty much all that Sarah says about this flight. Nothing about cramps, or contractions, or messy fluids dripping on her seat, just a "relatively restful flight". Bullshit.
I confessed to Todd that I may not have handled the whole pregnancy announcement thing right. "He'll be here so soon, I didn't have time to prepare anyone, not even the kids," I said. "I should have given everyone that letter* already. I feel guilty knowing that I'll put them through more shock when he is born."
Many hours and two plane flights later, with Todd and our daughters nearby, I delivered Trig Paxson Van Palin into the world at the Mat-Su regional Medical Center.
Once again NO details.
I was glad God brought him to us early. We were so anxious to meet him. I hadn't known what to expect. I didn't know what he would look like or how I would feel. But when I saw him, my heart was flooded with unspeakable joy. I knew that not only had God made Trig different but He had made him perfect.
Todd beamed. I heard him whisper to CBJ, "Hmmm, he doesn't look Downs." (P 195)
Have to reinforce that meme so that people don't wonder why certain photographs of the baby do not reveal any signs of Down syndrome.
What everybody who read this needs to realize is that the WHOLE THING IS A LIE!
None of it happened! None of it! This version of the birth never took place. Period!
I have still not quite determined WHERE Trig came from, but I am very confident that THIS is not the story of his birth. But I think I am getting closer. Oh and by the way, THIS is not the only baby birth mythology in the Palin family.
At various times in the book Sarah makes reference to a letter that she wrote about Trig. I have taken the time to transcribe it for you below. But beware. It is a WHOLE new level of batshit!
I am blessing you with this surprise baby because I only want the best for you. I've heard your prayers that this baby will be happy and healthy, and I've answered them because I only want the best for you!
I heard your heart when you hinted that another boy would be best for the Palin family, to round it out and complete that starting five line-up. Though another girl would be so nice, you didn't think you could ask for what you really wanted, but I knew, so I gave you a boy.
Then, I put the idea in your hearts that his name should be "Trig," because it is so fitting with two Norse meanings: "True" and "Brave Victory"
Then, finally I let Trig's mom and dad find out before he was born that this little boy will truly be a GIFT. They were told in early tests that Trig may provide more challenges, and more joy, than what they ever may have imagined or ever asked for. At first the news seemed unreal and sad and confusing. But I gave Trig's mom and dad lots of time to think about it because they needed a lot of time to understand that everything will be OK...
This new person in your life can help everyone put things in the perspective and bring [you] together and get everyone focused on what really matters. The baby will expand your world and let you see and feel things you haven't experienced yet. He'll show you what "true, brave victor" really means as those who love him will think less about self and focus less on what the world tells you is "normal" or "perfect"...
Trig will be his daddy's little buddy and he'll wear Carharts while he learns to tinker in the garage. He'll love to be read to, he'll want to play goalie, and he'll steal his mom's heart just like Track, Bristol, Willow, and Piper did. And Trig will be the cuddly, innocent, mischievous, dependent little brother that his siblings have been waiting for...in fact Trig will--in some diagnostic ways--always be the mischievous, dependent little brother, because I created him a bit different than a lot of babies born into this world today.
Every child is created special, with awesome purpose and amazing potential. Children are the most precious and promising ingredient in this mixed-up world you live in down there on earth. Trig is no different, except he has one extra chromosome. Doctors call it "Down syndrome," and Downs kids have challenges, but can bring you much delight and more love than you can ever imagine!
Trig's mom and dad don't want people to focus on the baby's extra chromosome. They're human, so they haven't known how to explain this to people who are so caring and interested in this new little Alaskan...Some will think Trig should not be allowed to be born because they fear a Downs child won't be considered "perfect" in your world...
Many people will express sympathy, but you don't want or need that, because Trig will be a joy. You will have to trust me on this.
I know it will take time to grasp this and come to accept that I only want the best for you, and I only give my best. Remember though: "My ways are not your ways, my thoughts are not your thoughts...for as the heavens are higher than the earth, my ways are higher than yours!"
I wrote that all down for you in the Good Book! Look it up! You claim that you believe in me--now it's time to live out that belief!
Trig can;t wait to meet you. I'm giving you ONLY THE BEST!
Trig's Creator. Your Heavenly Father (PP 185-187)
Damn! That is a butt load of crazy!
I did not change a WORD. That is exactly how that letter appears in Palin's book. And it may give the very best indication of the kind of psychosis that we are dealing with. She speaks as if SHE is God, and then demands that the people who read the letter, dare not question Her choices, because they come from "ways higher than yours".
The very idea that this woman was chosen to share the ticket with John McCain, and that she still entertains the possibility of running in 2012, should send a shiver up the spines of EVERY American.
I will have more of "Going Rogue" for you in the future, but I figured that THIS was the portion that the people who visit here were most interested in reading.
Have fun, I look forward to your comments.